AP Spanish Literature Poetry Analysis Terms Flashcards
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14710619894 | vocales | vowels | 0 | |
14710619895 | diptongo | diphthong, the combination of a strong vowel (a, o, e) with a weak vowel (i, u) | 1 | |
14710619896 | sinéresis | two strong vowels in the same syllable | 2 | |
14710619897 | sinalefa | blending two successive vowels into one syllable | 3 | |
14710619898 | llana | describes words in which the stressed syllable is the second to last | 4 | |
14710619899 | aguda | describes words in which the stressed syllable is the last | 5 | |
14710619900 | esdrújulas | describes words in which the stressed syllable is the third to last | 6 | |
14710619901 | tetrasílabo | four syllables per line | 7 | |
14710619902 | hexasílabo | six syllables per line | 8 | |
14710619903 | heptasílabo | seven syllables per line | 9 | |
14710619904 | octosílabo | eight syllables per line | 10 | |
14710619905 | eneasílabo | nine syllables per line | 11 | |
14710619906 | decasílabo | ten syllables per line | 12 | |
14710619907 | endecasílabo | eleven syllables per line | 13 | |
14710619908 | dodecasílabo | twelve syllables per line | 14 | |
14710619909 | alejandrino | fourteen syllables per line | 15 | |
14710619910 | hipérbole | hyperbole, exaggeration | 16 | |
14710619911 | prosopopeya | personification, giving human characteristics to non-human objects | 17 | |
14710619912 | aliteración | alliteration, repetition of the same sound or group of sounds | 18 | |
14710619913 | anáfora | anaphora, repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of two or more verses or sentences | 19 | |
14710619914 | antítesis | antithesis, expression of contradictory ideas in similar phrases | 20 | |
14710619915 | apóstrofe | apostrophe, a passage addressing a person or thing as if it could respond | 21 | |
14710619916 | arte mayor | verses with more than eight syllables | 22 | |
14710619917 | arte menor | verses with eight syllables or less | 23 | |
14710619918 | asíndeton | asyndeton, omission of a conjunction between parts of a sentence | 24 | |
14710619919 | cesura | caesura, a pause in the middle of a line | 25 | |
14710619920 | encabalgamiento | enjambment, continuation of a thought from one verse to the next | 26 | |
14710619921 | épica | epic poetry, poetry in an elevated style describing a historic or legendary hero | 27 | |
14710619922 | epíteto | epithet, addition of adjectives that are not necessary, but emphasize a certain characteristic of a thing | 28 | |
14710619923 | estribillo | refrain, line or lines that are repeated throughout a poem | 29 | |
14710619924 | estrofa | stanza | 30 | |
14710619925 | estructura | structure, the framework of a literary work | 31 | |
14710619926 | hipérbaton | hyperbaton, alteration to the typical order of words in a sentence | 32 | |
14710619927 | imagen | image, literal or figurative representation of an object or sensory experience, mental image | 33 | |
14710619928 | metáfora | metaphor, a comparison between objects in which one object is typically symbolic of another | 34 | |
14710619929 | metonimia | metonymy, substitution of a word for the idea meant | 35 | |
14710619930 | onomatopeya | onomatopoeia, use of words to imitate a sound | 36 | |
14710619931 | paradoja | paradox, union of apparently irreconcilable ideas | 37 | |
14710619932 | pareado | couplet, stanza of two lines | 38 | |
14710619933 | rima asonante | assonance, type of rhyme in which only the vowels rhyme | 39 | |
14710619934 | rima consonante | consonance, rhyme in which the last sounds rhyme | 40 | |
14710619935 | simbolo | symbol, use of a concrete object to represent an abstract idea | 41 | |
14710619936 | símil | simile, comparison between two objects using like or as | 42 | |
14710619937 | sinécdoque | synecdoche, substituting the name of an object for another related object, typically used to give an object a more general name | 43 | |
14710619938 | soneto | sonnet, poetic composition of fourteen lines | 44 | |
14710619939 | tema | theme | 45 | |
14710619940 | polisíndeton | polysyndeton, repetion of conjunctions | 46 | |
14710619941 | pregunta retórica | rhetorical question, question asked only for effect, not intended to be answered | 47 | |
14710619942 | ritmo | rhythm, the cadence of a verse determined by the distribution of accented syllables | 48 | |
14710619943 | romance | romance, Spanish ballad, poetic composition in eight syllable verses with assonance and paired verses | 49 | |
14710619944 | serventesio | quatrain, stanza with eight verses of eight or more syllables with a rhyme scheme of ABAB | 50 | |
14710619945 | perífrasis | periphrasis, indirect phrasing | 51 | |
14710619946 | anacronismo | anachronism, use of an object in a time period in which it does not belong | 52 |