AP Literature 7 Flashcards
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11515328863 | Accent | In poetry, the stressed portion of a word. | 0 | |
11515328864 | Aphorism | A brief, cleverly worded statement that makes a wise observation about life. | 1 | |
11515328865 | Anticlimax | Occurs when an action produces far smaller results than one had been led to expect. | 2 | |
11515328866 | Bombast | Pretentious, exaggeratedly learned language. | 3 | |
11515328867 | Cacophony | In poetry, using deliberately harsh, awkward sounds. | 4 | |
11515328868 | Cadence | the beat or rhythm of poetry in a general sense | 5 | |
11515328869 | Canto | The name for a section division in a long work of poetry. | 6 | |
11515328870 | Colloquialism | A word or phrase used in everyday conversational English that isn't a part of accepted "school-book" English. | 7 | |
11515972483 | Connotation | Everything other than the literal meaning that a word suggests or implies | 8 | |
11515972484 | Foil | a secondary character whose purpose is to highlight the characteristics of a main character, usually by contrast | 9 | |
11515972485 | Foot | The basic rhythm ethic unit of a line of poetry, formed by a combination of two or three syllables, either stressed or unstressed | 10 | |
11515972486 | Hubris | The excessive pride or ambition that leads to the main character's downfall | 11 | |
11515972487 | Lampoon | A satire | 12 | |
11515972488 | Melodrama | a form of overly-dramatic theater in which the hero is very, very good, the villain mean and rotten, and the heroine oh-so-pure. | 13 | |
11515972489 | Oxymoron | A phrase composed of opposites; a contradiction. | 14 | |
11515972490 | Parallelism | repeated syntactical similarities used for effect | 15 | |
11515972491 | Refrain | A line or set of lines repeated several times over the course of a poem. | 16 | |
11515972492 | Rhapsody | an intensely passionate verse or section of verse, usually of love or praise | 17 | |
11515972493 | Summary | A simple retelling of what you've just read. | 18 | |
11515972494 | Utopia | An idealized place. Imaginary communities in which people are able to live in happiness, prosperity, and peace. | 19 |