AP Language Vocabulary Review Flashcards
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13978118174 | aberration | a state or condition markedly different from the norm | 0 | |
13978119035 | abhor | to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply | 1 | |
13978120894 | acquiesce | (v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit | 2 | |
13978120895 | advocate | to speak in favor of | 3 | |
13978122408 | alacrity | brisk and cheerful readiness | 4 | |
13978155620 | arcane | known or understood by only a few | 5 | |
13978156952 | benevolent | kindly, charitable | 6 | |
13978156953 | candor | honesty, frankness | 7 | |
13978161168 | capricious | impulsive and unpredictable | 8 | |
13978163276 | debase | (v.) to lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate | 9 | |
13978164288 | deference | humble submission and respect | 10 | |
13978165835 | deleterious | harmful, injurious | 11 | |
13978168090 | devotion | Complete dedication to a cause or person | 12 | |
13978169895 | diffident | shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved | 13 | |
13978171112 | ebullient | (adj.) overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling | 14 | |
13978172308 | eloquent | persuasive and moving, especially in speech | 15 | |
13978172309 | enmity | (n.) hatred, ill-will | 16 | |
13978179660 | erudite | (adj.) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | 17 | |
13978181891 | esoteric | (adj.) intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret | 18 | |
13978181892 | esteemed | highly respected | 19 | |
13978185539 | evanescent | (adj.) vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy | 20 | |
13978187594 | fastidious | very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail | 21 | |
13978189072 | fervent | (adj.) very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot | 22 | |
13978190368 | garrulous | excessively talkative | 23 | |
13978192212 | gratuitous | (adj.) freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted | 24 | |
13978192213 | harangue | a long, strongly expressed speech or lecture | 25 | |
13978193385 | iconoclast | one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions | 26 | |
13978194712 | ideologist | person occupied with ideas; philosopher, visionary, abstractionist | 27 | |
13978198210 | imminent | about to happen | 28 | |
13978201404 | impetus | a moving force, impulse, stimulus | 29 | |
13978203341 | indefatigable | persisting tirelessly | 30 | |
13978206370 | inimical | hostile, unfriendly | 31 | |
13978206371 | intrepid | very brave, fearless, unshakable | 32 | |
13978207920 | jejune | (adj.) lacking in nutritive value; lacking in interest or substance; immature, juvenile | 33 | |
13978207921 | lucid | easy to understand, clear; rational, sane | 34 | |
13978209679 | maudlin | excessively sentimental | 35 | |
13978209680 | maverick | one who is independent and resists adherence to a group | 36 | |
13978211383 | misanthrope | (n.) a person who hates or despises people | 37 | |
13978213073 | modicum | a small amount | 38 | |
13978213074 | multifaceted | having many aspects | 39 | |
13978217526 | myriad | (adj.) in very great numbers; (n.) a very great number | 40 | |
13978217527 | obdurate | stubborn; unyielding | 41 | |
13978218910 | obfuscate | deliberately make something difficult to understand | 42 | |
13978221854 | obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please | 43 | |
13978221856 | palliate | to make less serious; ease | 44 | |
13978222868 | panacea | a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems | 45 | |
13978224378 | paradigm | a model; an example | 46 | |
13978224379 | paramount | chief in importance, above all others | 47 | |
13978225970 | paucity | (n.) an inadequate quantity, scarcity, dearth | 48 | |
13978226487 | permanence | the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely. | 49 |