AP Literature Vocab Set 6 Flashcards
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11499405000 | juxtaposition | poetic and rhetorical device in which normally unassociated ideas, words, or phrases are placed next to one another, creating an effect of surprise and wit | 0 | |
11499420112 | lampoon | a biting satire that makes its subject appear ludicrous | 1 | |
11499424059 | legend | a widely told tale about the past, one that may have a foundation in fact | 2 | |
11499428318 | limerick | a type of poem that consists of two lines of rhymed anapestic trimeter, two lines of rhymed anapestic dimeter, and an additional line of anapestic trimeter, the last word of which is the same as, or rhymes with, the last word of the first line | 3 | |
11499435917 | line | unit of poetic verse; when writing verse in prose, use a / to indicate when lines change | 4 | |
11499443407 | literary license | deviating from normal rules or methods in order to achieve a certain effect | 5 | |
11499448666 | litotes | a type of meiosis (understatement) in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary | 6 | |
11499462537 | local color | the descriptions of the setting, people, and dialect of a particular region to place special emphasis on a setting or region | 7 | |
11499474303 | loose/cumulative sentence | a sentence in which the main clause comes first, followed by further dependent grammatical units | 8 | |
11499490300 | lyric poem | a poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker | 9 | |
11499500646 | masculine rhyme | single rhyme; last syllable only rhymes | 10 | |
11499505713 | mask | a character with a distinct identity created by an author to achieve a particular effect or to deliver a particular message which reflects the author's viewpoint | 11 | |
11499517624 | melodrama | a play based upon a dramatic plot and developed sensationally | 12 | |
11499524495 | metaphor | a figure of speech wherein a comparison is made between two unlike quantities without the use of "like" or "as" | 13 | |
11499533093 | metaphysical | of, from, or relating to forces of being outside the natural world | 14 | |
11499543700 | metaphysical poetry | poetry that is characterized by the use of conceits, condensed metaphorical language, unusual comparisons between medicine, love, death, and religion, and complex imagery | 15 | |
11499562326 | meter | the rhythmical pattern of a poem; classified according both to its pattern and the number of feet to the line | 16 | |
11499584401 | metonymy | substituting a word naming an object for another word closely associated with it | 17 | |
11499591855 | microcosm | a small "world" that stands for the larger one | 18 | |
11499597118 | mixed metaphor | a metaphor whose elements are either incongruent or contradictory by the use of incompatible identifications | 19 | |
11499611432 | monologue | a written or oral composition presenting the discourse of one speaker only | 20 | |
11499617135 | montage | a series of images that appear one after the other | 21 | |
11499622168 | mood | an atmosphere created by a writer's diction and the details included | 22 | |
11499627758 | motif | a recurring image, word, phrase, action, idea, object, or situation used throughout a work (or in several works by one author), unifying the work by tying the current situation to previous ones, or new ideas to the theme | 23 | |
11499636230 | myth | a fictional tale, originally with religious significance, that explains heroes, gods, nature, and/or natural phenomenon | 24 | |
11499664008 | sectarian | narrowly confined to a particular group | 25 | |
11499667705 | peregrination | travel by walking | 26 | |
11499671964 | accoutrement | an accessory item of dress or equipment | 27 | |
11499678489 | contrive | to plan cleverly; to devise | 28 | |
11499682979 | hubris | overbearing pride; arrogance | 29 | |
11499688642 | platitude | an obvious remark; a cliche | 30 | |
11499692662 | venerate | to respect or revere | 31 | |
11499697085 | scullion | a servant for menial tasks | 32 | |
11499701272 | quotidian | everyday; commonplace | 33 | |
11499705319 | prognosticate | to predict | 34 | |
11499708613 | antediluvian | extremely old; antiquated | 35 | |
11499708614 | stringent | restrictive; imposing demanding standards | 36 | |
11499713921 | haughty | condescendingly proud; arrogant | 37 | |
11499720840 | sanctimonious | showing false piety or righteousness | 38 | |
11499726493 | imbroglio | a difficult and embarrassing situation | 39 |