1910-1919 - The Progressive Era
Date | Event |
January 1, 1910 |
Ballinger-Pinchot controversy; Pinchot writes letter to Senator Dolliver |
March 1, 1910 |
bipartisan uprising against "Uncle Joe" Cannon |
March 17, 1910 |
Norris proposes Rules Committee in which the Speaker is excluded |
January 1, 1911 |
House passes direct election amendment by 296-11 margin |
January 1, 1911 |
National Progressive Republican League founded |
February 2, 1911 |
La Follette speaks at Publishers Association and is reported to have a breakdown; support switches to Roosevelt |
January 1, 1912 |
Presedential Elections: Popular Vote Electoral VoteTheodore Roosevelt (Progressive) 41.9 435 |
May 1, 1912 |
William Borah (ID) guides direct election measure to enactment |
August 5, 1912 |
Progressive Party convention n Chicago |
October 1, 1912 |
Roosevelt criticizes treaties by Taft as suit brought against dissolution of U.S. Steel |
October 14, 1912 |
insane man attempts to assassinate Roosevelt in Milwaukee |
January 1, 1913 |
Underwood tariff passes in House |
April 3, 1913 |
Wilson appears before special session of congress calling for elimnation of tariffs |
January 1, 1914 |
Federal Trade Commission Act and Clayton Antitrust Act approved by Senate |
January 29, 1914 |
Maryland's Blair Lee becomes first directly elected senator |
April 1, 1914 |
onset of the world war,Senate's attention shifted to foreign policy |
January 1, 1915 | |
January 1, 1916 |
Presedential Elections: Popular Vote Electoral VoteWoodrow Wilson (Democratic) 49.4 277 |
March 2, 1917 |
Progressives hold filibuster of arming ships on noninterventionist policies |
March 5, 1917 |
cloture' measure (Rule 22) passes at Wilson's demand |
January 1, 1918 |
Wilson calls for establishment of Democratic congress to see the victory |
January 1, 1918 |
Truman Newberry defeats Henry Ford in Michigan Senate race |
January 1, 1918 |
Wilson sets forth "Fourteen Points" to Congress |
May 16, 1918 |
Sedition Act proposed to punish anyone who spoke out against the government |
August 1, 1918 |
H. Cabot Lodge becomes Senate's floor leader and senior member |
March 1, 1919 |
Lodge presents resolution signed by 29 senators urging the separation of the treaty from the League of Nations covenant |
July 10, 1919 |
peace treaty sent to Senate; voted down amendments |
October 22, 1919 |
Wilson suffers a stroke,and returns to capital from peace campaign |
November 29, 1919 |
Newberry indicted on charges of conspiracy |