Chapter 05 - Art of Ancient Greece
AP Art History
"For we are lovers of the beautiful, yet with simplicity, and we cultivate the mind without loss of manliness...We are the school of Greece" Pericles, fifth century BCE
- Whereas the Egyptians lived their lives according to their obsession with the afterlife, the Greeks represent the first major civilization that lived their lives based upon the concept of humanism.
- The Greek humanist view was what led them to create a democracy and what encouraged their unparalled contributions to the fields of art, literature, and science.
HISTORY: Two major groups, the Dorians (from mainland Greece) and the Ionians (from the Aegean Island groups), were the earliest people to create strong kinship groups based upon language and common beliefs.Divided geographically, the early Greeks created small, independent city-states. Throught the years, an intense military, political and commercial rivalry will evolve between the city-states.
- Geometric Period: ca. 900-700 B.C.E.
- Orientalizing Period: ca. 725-600 B.C.E.
- Archaic Period: ca. 625-480 B.C.E.
- Early Classical Period: ca. 480-450 B.C.E.
- High Classical Period: ca. 450-400 B.C.E.
- Late Classical Period: ca. 400-330 B.C.E.
- Hellenistic Period: ca. 330-31 B.C.E.
Geometric Period
Vase Painting-Very typical of this period were large funerary vases designed to hold votive offferings. Decoration consisted primarily of abstract forms arranged in registers that surrounded the vase. Artists emphasized flat patterns and outline shapes that represented human forms in various poses of anquish. that repeated themselves around the vase.
- Dipylon Vase Dipylon Master, from Dipylon Cemetary (fig. 5-5), c750 BCE
- Attic Geometric Krater, from Dipylon Cemetary, (fig. 5-2, Gardner's), c740 BCE
- Hero and Centaur, (fig. 5-7), c750 BCE
Vase Painting-Patterns used to decorate vases were larger and more open than geometric styles. Figures were real and imaginary in animal and human form. This pattern of design reflects a strong influence of motifs from the Near east, Asia Minor, and Egypt.
- Wine Pitcher, from Rhodes (fig. 5-10), c650-625 BCE
Statuary-There are very few examples of statuary from this time period. Lady of Auxerre, is the best example with its triangular flat-topped head with stylized strands of hair, that compliment the triangular pattern used for the facial shape.(Gardner's)
- Lady of Auxerre, c650-625 BCE
The Archaic Period
Architecture-A greater sense of permanency will characterize the architecture of the Archaic period. Temples were no longer built of mud brick, but were constructed of stone and marble. Architects experimented with different elevations of order, the Doric and the Ionic especially. Standard Doric elevation (seen in the Temple of Hera I) included fluted columns that rested directly upon the stylobate, and a three-part entablature.
- Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy (fig.5-11), c550 BCE
- Temple of Artemis, Korkyra, (fig. 5-14) c600-580 BCE
- Siphnian Treasury, reconstruction (fig. 5-16), c530-525 BCE
Statuary-With few exceptions, most archaic statuary was usually lifesize or larger, painted, and shared a facial expression known as the "archaic smile."Female statues are identified as kore, and young male statues as kouros.
- Dying Warrior, Temple of Aphaia, Aegina (fig. 5-19), c480 BCE
- Kouros (Standing Youth) (fig. 5-20), c600 BCE
- Moschophorus (Calf Bearer), (fig. 5-25), c560 BCE
- Kroisos, (fig. 5-21), c525 BCE
- Kore, (fig. 5-22), 570-560 BCE
- Kore, from Peplos, (fig. 5-23), c530 BCE
- Kore, from Chios, (fig. 5-24), c520 BCE
Vase Painting-The main area for the production of vases during the Archaic Period was Athens. Artist adopted the Corinthian technique of vase decorating called black-figure.Inaddition red-figure technique was also used as a method of decoration.
- Exekias, The Suicide of Ajax, Black-figure amphora, (fig. 5-29), c540 BCE
- Exekias, Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game, Black-figure amphora, c540-530 BCE
- Andokides Painter, Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game, Bilingual amphora, c525-520 BCE
Early Classical Period
In the early fifth century BCE, the Greek city-states united to successfully stop a Persian invasion. However, the final defeat of the Persians did not come unitl after the destruction of many cities, including Athens.
Architecture and Architectural Sculpture-Examples from this period represent a time of transition. Temples become more compact, columns become more widely spaced with a smoother transition from the vertical shaft to the horizontal elements of the architrave. The overall effect is more refined and is best illustrated in the design of Temple of Hera II. Architectural sculpture shares this new refinement. Pediment statuary becomes lifesize and displays a variety of movement and action.
- Temple of Hera II, Paestum, c460 BCE
- Apollo with Battling Lapiths and Centaurs, Temple of Zeus, Olympia, (fig. 5-34), c470-456 BCE
- Athena, Herakles, and Atlas, Temple of Zeus, c470-456 BCE
Freestanding Sculpture
Early classical statuary represents a complete break with the rigid, unnatural Egyptian inspired poses used by archaic sculptors in their kouroi. There is a new concern to render the human form in natural poses that illustrate how a human actually stands.Gardner's
- Kritios Boy (fig. 5-36), c480 BCE
- Charioteer (fig. 5-37), c470 BCE
- Young Warrior (Riace Warrior), (fig. 5-38), c450-450 BCE
High Classical Period
It was Pericles, who ruled Athens 462-429 BCE, that encouraged Athenians to rebuild the Acropolis that had been destroyed by the Persians in 480 BCE. This monumental undertaking was highlighted by the construction of the Parthenon. Completed in 438 BCE, construction was directed by Pheidias, who spared no expense at the project.
- Kallikrates and IktinosThe Parthenon (figs. 5-42 ), c447-438 BCE
- KallikratesTemple of Athena Nike (fig. 5-52), c425 BCE
- MnesiklesPropylaia,(figs.5-49), c437-432 BCE
- MnesiklesErechtheion (figs.5-50), c430's-405 BCE
- MnesiklesPorch of the Maidens (Caryatid Porch), Erechtheion (figs.5-51), c421-405 BCE
Architectural Sculpture
- Three Seated Goddesses, East pediment of Parthenon, (fig. 5-44), 438-432 BCE
- Lapith Fighting Centaur, Metope relief, Doric frieze, south end Parthenon, (fig. 5-45), 438-432 BCE
- Horsemen, detail from Procession, Ionic frieze, north side, Parthenon, (fig. 5-47), 438-432 BCE
Sculptors from the High classical Period believed that rue beauty was only found in perfect form. Sculptors such as Myron and Polykleitosbelieved that true beauty existed inperfect proportions, in harmonious numerical ratios.Polykleitos wrote about his ideas in his treatise called the Canon.
- Myron Diskobolos, c450 BCE
- Polykleitos Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), (fig. 5-54), c450-440 BCE
- Nike (Victory) adjusting Her Sandal, Temple of Athena Nike, (fig. 5-53), 410-407 BCE
Late Classical Period
For one year after Athens was defeated by Sparta, the Athenian people were subjected to the tyrranical rule of Kritias. In 403 BCE, Athens revolted against Sparta and democracy was restored. Athens never regained her empire status, but the arts did continue to flourish. The artists of the fourth century BCE experimented with new subjects and new artistic styles, that turned away from the rigid conventions of the High Classical period.
Architecture and Architectural Sculpture
- Theodoros of Phokaia Tholos, Sanctuary of Athena, Delphi, (fig. 5-59), c400 BCE
- Polykleitos the Younger Theater, (fig. 5-75), 350 BCE
- Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos, (fig. 5-64), c350 BCE
- Praxiteles, Hermes and Infant Dionysos, (fig. 5-63) 300-250 BCE
- Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The Scraper), (fig. 5-66) c330 BCE
Hellenistic Period
- Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, (fig. 5-80), c166-156 BCE
- Epigonos Dying Gaul, (fig 5-92), 230-220 BCE
- Athena Attacking the Giants, Altar of Zeus, (fig. 5-81), c166-156 BCE
- Nike of Samothrace, (fig. 5-82), c190 BCE
- Hagesandros, Polydoros, amd Athanadoros, Laocoon and His Sons (fig. 5-83), early first century AD