Diverse Interpretations
Early Modern Period
- Diverse Interpretations
- Debates about the timing and extent of European predominance in the world economy
- European desire for world dominance
- Technological superiority
- Why some European city-states and not others?
- “great man theory” – visionary thinking of a few extraordinary people
- Prince Henry the Navigator and Sir Isaac Newton
- Or…did these people influence very few others
- Culture – life on earth had value of its own – life was getting better – no longer just think of afterlife
- Political theory – European monarchs needed money from new colonies/new trade networks
- Finance wars and add to their power
- Comparison of world economic system of this period to world economic network of previous period
- Changed how?
- Impact of trade on world’s civilizations
- Role of economic considerations in influencing other world interactions
- Debates about the timing and extent of European predominance in the world economy
- Comparing Imperial System – European monarchy vs. land-based Asian Empire
- Methods of government
- Most common government
- single ruler with absolute and/or divine power
- nobility as counselors
- civil service
- Asian Empires
- Japan
- European feudalism was decentralized
- feudal aristocracy owed allegiance to monarch but ruled own territories
- later monarch would need to reign in powerful nobles to build single nation
- Japan feudalism became centralized
- European feudalism was decentralized
- Japan
- Most common government
- Methods of government
US History [1]
Subject X2:
US History [1]