A really important thing in high school is staying fit. It didn't come to my personal realization until junior year. Exercising, eating right, and most definitely sleeping right, is important. Pulling allnighters and constantly grubbing junk food and caffeine isn't the best of ideas. Its important that you don't forget to stay fit and maintain a good body while still feeling great and doing well
in school.
So as many of you who use this website, you guys know AP exams and AP classes can be really difficult and the chapters go on for ever. They can get so long that it may take you more than several hours to read a chapter, hence the infamous all nighters. How do you stay up? The simplest answer, COFFEE!! To the contrary, coffee may keep you up for several hours but drinking too much of it is gonna negatively affect your body and you are going to end up crashing during the test. It is so imperative that you get sleep. Not naps between studying, but legitimate amount of sleep, at least a solid 5-8 hours. Instead of grabbing that doughnut in the morning from the bakery, try to eat something healthy like a cereal bars. They may take a while to kick in, but i promise, you'll definitely feel better and score better on your exam.
When you have a chance, instead of sitting around in front of the television, go out for a walk, and keep that body in shape. Play a sport you enjoy. One of my closest friends plays three sports and still maintains a great GPA. How? The sports allow for his body to feel better and overall allow him to be more alert when doing the hardest of math problems. Another classmate of mine, is state champion, and yet, works her hardest and is able to rank top 10 in the school. What do these people have in common? Staying fit.
Feel better, work harder, eat healthy, be the best.