AP or Regular?
Every year around scheduling time students ask each other this question: AP or Regular? Here is a pro/con list of taking AP’s to help you during the scheduling process:
• Advanced Placement Courses allow time for intellectual discussions.
• The curriculum is designed to challenge you rather than just the basics.
• It is taught at an accelerated pace.
• Weighted on a 5.0 scale rather than the 4.0 scales.
• If successful in the class than college credit may be available (depends on the college)
• University’s are focusing even more on they type of challenging classes you are taking as part of the admissions process.
• Work load may be overwhelming
• The accelerated pace may not be for those who like to be taught in detail
• Tests are much more challenging in AP
• On top of other standardized tests, AP in May test are mandatory. (Provided by college board)
So if you think that Advanced Placement is for you, talk to you counselor to set everything up.
One to three AP classes are enough for a year.
And remember not to overload your schedule with AP’s, only take AP classes because you are interested and excel in that subject.