Chapter 34 - Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War
The over-arching theme of chapter 34 is that dictatorships overseas forced FDR to stray from American issues and look outside of the U.S. FDR wanted peace, but events slowly drew the U.S. closer and then into WWII.
- When it became evident that both Japan and Germany were marching toward militarism, FDR (and Europe) made it clear they wanted peace. This effectively gave the dictators a “go-ahead” sign.
- Events showed war as inevitable. Japan attacked China. Spain became a dictatorship, and Italy and Germany did as well.
- After watching Hitler go on the move, he finally broke a pledge to not attack Poland. England and France went to war. The U.S. still wanted to stay out.
- As the situation overseas deteriorated, the U.S. began to support England and France more openly with words and supplies. Finally, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, the U.S. entered WWII.
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US History [1]