Adjustment Dynamics
adjusting - over time, equilibrium shifts back to natural level of output
- increase in real money stock (M)
- no M component in AS (no shift in short run)
- increase in M >> shifts AD to the right
- must go back to natural level of output >> AS shifts up until intersection at Yn again
- by equation Y = Y(M/P, G, T), increase in M results in a proportional increase in P of equal magnitude (over time, Y would be constant)
- neutrality of money - changing nominal money only affects change in price level
- in medium run, output and interest rate stays constant
- cannot sustain changes in output (only temporary)
- shock - changes to the economy in short run
- propagation mechanism - how economy shifts after a shock (mostly in recovering the natural order of things)
- M/P = Y L(i)
- to keep Y, i constant, P proportionally increases by whatever amount M increases
- decrease in deficit (less G)
- AS curve not shifting in short run
- less G >> AD relation shifts to the left
- AS curve shifts down in medium run to restore Yn
- unlike w/ M, changes in G affect the interest rate
- taking Yn = C(Yn-T) + I(Yn,i) + G:
- in medium run, Y stays constant
- so change in G must be balanced by change in interest i (the only thing left that can change)
- unlike money market, has no P component to take away need for change in interest
- w/ G decrease, I (investment) must increase >> interest decreases
Economics [1]
Subject X2:
Economics [1]