Fungi Groups
major fungi groups - Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Basidiomycota, Asomycota
- Chytridiomycota - aquatic fungi w/ flagella
- proves that fungi/animals first originated from water
- Zygomycota - includes bread molds, Glomales (helps terrestrial plants)
- no septa until they form sporangia/gametangia
- zygosporangium - area where haploid nuclei fuse, has a thick coat to help fungus survive in bad conditions
- Basidiomycota - includes mushrooms, toadstools, rusts, smuts
- basidium - club-shaped reproductive structure
- meiosis occurs immediately after diploid cell forms
- primary mycelium - made of monokaryotic hyphae
- secondary mycelium - made of dikaryotic hyphae
- basidiocarps - mushroom tops, consists of only secondary mycelium
- Ascomycota - contains 75% of known fungi
- bread yeasts, truffles, common molds
- ascus - saclike reproductive structure
- meiosis occurs immediately after diploid cell forms
- 8 haploid ascospores form from diploid cell
- ascus can burst >> spreads spores out very far
- asexual reproduction in conidia
lichens - symbiosis between fungus and photosynthetic organism
- photosynthetic organism found between the filaments in the fungus
- fungus sometimes feeds off photosynthetic host (but usually mutualism)
- fungus penetrates cell wall, not cell membrane
- able to survive in harshest environments
- pollution decrease >> lichen increase
Mycorrhizae - symbiosis between fungus and plant roots
- fungus helps plants absorb nutrients from the soil
- plants supply fungus w/ carbon
- arbuscular mycorrhizae - hyphae penetrate outer cells of plant root
- forms coils, swelling
- formed w/ earliest terrestrial plants
- epiparasite - non-photosynthetic plant that feeds off of mycorrhizae
- ectomycorrhizae - hyphae surrounds root, doesn’t penetrate
- less common than arbuscular mycorrhizae
- found w/ forest trees, orchids
endophytes - fungi that live inside plants
- parasitism or commensalisms
- could produce toxins to protect plant from herbivores
parasitic fungi - difficult to treat due to close relationship w/ animals
- Candida - causes oral/vaginal infections
- chytridiomycosis - parasitic symbiosis between fungus and frogs
- Fusarium - produces vomitoxin on spoiled foods >> brain damage
- aflatoxins - carcinogenic compound produced by fungus growing on corn, peanuts, cotton seed
Biology [1]
Subject X2:
Biology [1]