Units of Measurement
SI units - set of 7 basic units from which all other units are derived
- kilogram (kg) - measures mass (amount of material in an object)
- meter (m) - length
- second (sa) - time
- Kelvin (K) - temperature, where 0° is absolute zero; 273.15 more than Celsius
- mole (mol) - amount of a substance
- ampere (A) - electric current
- candela (cd) - luminosity
prefixes of metric system
- Giga (G) - 109
- Mega (M) - 106
- Kilo (k) - 103
- Deci (d) - 10-1
- Centi (c) - 10-2
- Milli (m) - 10-3
- Micro (µa) - 10-6
- Nano (n) - 10-9
- Pico (p) - 10-12
- Femto (f) - 10-15
derived SI units - uses a combination of SI units
- volume - measured by cubic meter or liter (equal to cubic decimeter)
- density - amount of mass per unit volume; mass/volume
Chemistry [1]
Subject X2:
Chemistry [1]