cytology - study of cellular structure/function
- uses light microscopy, electron microscopy, cell chemistry
prokaryotes - no nucleus or organelles
- organelles - structures of macromolecules w/ special functions
- cytoplasm - liquid inside the plasma membrane
- cell wall - surrounds the membrane, covered by a gelatinous capsule
- appendages - flagella/pili; used for mov't and attachment
- ribosomes - used for protein synthesis
- mesosomes - internal extensions of membrane
- chromatin bodies - DNA concentrations
Cyanobacteria - largest prokaryotes
- aka blue-green algae
- thylakoids - green pigments for chloroplasts
- mucilaginous sheath - surrounds cyanobacteria
eukaryotes - contain nuclei and organelles
- chloroplasts - where photosynthesis takes place; chlorophyll pigment gives it its green color
- mitochondria - where aerobic respiration takes place; folds inward to form critae (where respiration enzymes are located)
- protoplast - collective name for all material/organelles within the membrane
plant cells
- cellulose - carboyhydrate material in plant cell walls
- central vacuole - contains mostly water, held together by cauolar membrane; takes up 90% of cell
- nucleolus - dense, dark spot in the nucleus
- cytoplasmic streaming (cyclosis) - mov't of chloroplasts due to cytoplasm
- primary cell wall - outer part of cell wall
- middle lamella - substance holding adjacent cell walls together
- plasmodesmata - cytoplasmic strands penetrating the cell walls; links the protoplasms of adjacent cells
plastids - organelles where food is made
- mitochondria/chloroplasts are examples
- amyloplasts - plastids that store starch; stains darkly w/ iodine
animal cells
- epithelial cells - from inner surface of mouth
- have mitochondria in place of chloroplasts
protists - kingdom of eukaryotic, single-celled organisms
- amoeba - irregularly shaped protist
- move w/ amoeboid mov't, using pseudopodia (temporary cell protrusions)
- surrounds food particles to digest
- contractile vacuole - gathers, expels water/waste
- paramecium
- gullet - where food enters
- micro/macronucleus
- cilia - hair-like appendages, used for mov't
Biology [1]
Subject X2:
Biology [1]