Citations for Periodicals
Basic Periodical Entry
Author's name. "Title of the article." Journal title volume/issue number (year of publication):
inclusive page numbers.
Trumpener, Katie. "Memories Carved in Granite: Great War Memorials and Everyday Life."
PMLA 115 (2000): 1096-103.
Article in a journal with more than one series
Daniels, John. "Indian Population of North America in 1492." William and Mary Quarterly 3rd
ser. 49 (1992): 298-320.
Newspaper article
Author's name. "Title of article." Name of newspaper date printed, edition.: page number+
Chang, Kenneth. "The Melting (Freezing) of Antarctica." New York Times 2 Apr. 2002, late
ed.: F1+.
Gopnik, Blake. "Art and Design Bringing Fresh Ideas to the Table." Washington Post 21 Apr.
2002: G1.
Magazine article Mehta, Pratap Bhanu. "Exploding Myths." New Republic 6 June 1998: 17-19. Review
Reviewer's name. "Title of review." Rev. of Title of thing being reviewed, by author's name.
name of periodical that the review is found in date printed: page number.
Kauffmann, Stanley. "Toward the Shadows." Rev. of Iris, dir. Richard Eyre. New Republic 11
Feb. 2002: 26-27.
Gergen, David. "A Question of Values." Editorial. US News and World Report 11 Feb. 2002:
Letter to the editor
Mehlman, Jeffrey. Letter. Partisan Review 69 (2002): 320.
Safer, Morley. Letter. New York Times 31 Oct. 1993, late ed.: F1.