Figurative Devices
Sound devices - used to emphasize certain sounds in writing
- alliteration - the repetition of initial consonant sounds
- assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds in neighboring words
- consonance - repetition of middle or final consonant sounds in neighboring words
- meter - regular pattern of stressed and ustressed syllables; gives poems a pattern
- free verse - poetry with no fixed pattern of meter or rhyme
- blank verse - poetry written in iambic pentameter
Figurative devices - expresses truth beyond the literal level
- simile - direct comparison between unlike things using "like" or "as"
- metaphor - comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as"
- personification - a figure os peech that describes an animal, an inanimate object, an idea, or a force of nature as if it were alive or had human traits or feelings
- hyperbole - an extreme exaggeration
- imagery - use of details to appeal to the senses
- metonymy - figure of speech using a term closely associated with another in its place
- synecdoche - figure of speech using a word referring to a part of something as a substitute for the word representing the whole
English [1]
Subject X2:
English [1]