notes chapter 9
European History [1]
Chapter 9 notes -Black Death -all over Europe 1348-1350 -2/5ths of population dead -Hundred Years War - 1337-1453 -schism in church -1378-1417 -1409 election of 3 popes by 3 different colleges of cardinals -Turks march through Constantinople -1453 Black Death -Europe over populated and malnourished -1315-1317 crop failures in greatest famine of the middle ages -decades of problems weakened Europe leading to bubonic plague Rats or fleas on rats from ships from black sea carried plague -unknown cure -pessimism/obsession with death or dying -different reactions -attempt to find cure -sexual promiscuity -seclusion -flagellants -beat themselves for divine intervention -scared people -may have spread disease with dirty bleeding bodies