31. The United States since 1974
I. The New Right and the Resurgence of Conservatism – response to counterculture of 1960s
A. Most concerned about social issues – not economics
1. Denounced homosexuality, pornography, abortion, feminism, affirmative action
2. Wanted prayer and tougher penalties on criminals
3. Milliken v. Bradley – says you don’t have to bus kids across lines, whites move to suburbs
II. Ford and Rockefeller – Ford seen as dumb, pardoning Nixon seen as “buddy deal”
A. Tries to continue Détente at Helsinki Accords – finalized boundaries of East – gave freedoms
III. Jimmy Carter
A. Double-digit inflation – more than 10% per year – oil prices from OPEC killed them
1. High lending rate – 20% - don’t want to be repaid with cheap money
2. Calls to improve energy conservation
3. Eventually escapes to Camp David where he meets with advisors, then chastises Americans
B. Iranian Hostage Crisis – hostages taken because US aided in revolution – putting Shah in power
1. Nightly news show Iranians burning US flags – failed economic sanctions and commando escape attempt
C. Camp David Accords – Israel and Egypt agree to withdraw to pre-1967 territory to avoid conflict
IV. Ronald Reagan – former actor, California governor, helps wealthy, return to good old days – US pride
A. Reaganomics – trickle-down – supply-side economics – help out wealthy, economy improves for all
1. Huge tax cuts for wealthy, gov’t has huge budget deficits pay for weapons/economy – but OK
B. Defense buildup – method of bankrupting Soviet Union – can’t keep up with us, eventually kills them
1. Money taken from school lunches for huge weapons programs – military industrial complex
C. Disarmament Treaties – “Star Wars” – Strategic Defense Initiative – blowing up nukes in space
1. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” – glasnost “openness”, “perestroika” restructuring
a. INF treaty – bans all intermediate missiles in Europe
D. Iran-Contra – America sells weapons to Iranians covertly and gives money to Contra rebels Nicaragua
1. Violates congressional ban on sending weapons to Contras – President ignores
2. Daily TV congressional hearings show President probably knew but everyone pleads 5th
V. Society – two nations – affluence and inequality – poverty rates highest among minorities
A. Feminist revolution – Working moms, athletics, anti-sexual discrimination cases – still “glass ceiling”
1. Sandra Day O’Connor First Justice, women leaders of companies
2. Women authors
B. African-Americans – Clarence Thomas Judge
C. New immigration – Asia/Mexico – urban coastal cities and Southwest (Mexicans) dominated
1. Concentration of Mexicans unprecedented
2. Ethnic pride – some people anti-American and/or hold their groups as most important
D. Urban problems – minorities centralized, money not put into rebuilding, drugs, welfare, poor schools
1. Pollution, traffic – endangering species