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AP World History Exam Flashcards

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4714904298Hittitesancient Anatolian empire around 1600 BC, known for their early use of iron0
4714904299Kushancient African Nubian kingdom situated south of Ancient Egypt1
4714904300Neo-Assyiran EmpireIron Age Mesopotamian empire, in existence between 911 and 612 BC2
4714904301Diasporaa scattered population - if capitalized, it refers to the expulsion of Jews from Judea3
4714904302Minoan civilizationBronze Age civilization that arose on the island of Crete / Greece4
4714904303Mycenaean civilizationthe first advanced civilization in mainland Greece (later than Minoans)5
4714904304Srivijayacity-state in Sumatra, Indonesia - important center for the expansion of Buddhism (8th to the 12th century)6
4714904305Gupta Empireancient Indian empire, from approx. 320 to 550 CE - Golden Age of India7
4714904306Mauryan Empirelarge ancient Indian empire, from 322-185 BCE8
4714904307Mahayana Buddhismmain branch of Buddhism, seeking complete enlightenment9
4714904308Theravada Buddhismbranch of Buddhism based on the Pāli Canon, a collection of the oldest recorded Buddhist texts - dominant in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand10
4714904309Zoroastrianismmonotheistic Religion in Ancient Persia11
4714904310satrapprovincial governor in the ancient Persian empire12
4714904311polisGreek city state13
4714904312hopliteheavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece14
4714904313oligarchya small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution15
4714904314equitesa class of citizens who originally formed the cavalry of the Roman army and at a later period were a wealthy class of great political importance16
4714904315Third Century Crisis(AD) period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed (invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression)17
4714904316CharlemagneChristian emperor, crowned in 800 CE, unified central Europe after migration period18
4714904317three-field systemcrop rotation system in feudal Europe19
4714904318HadithIslam - collection of teachings of Mohammed20
4714904319Umayyad Caliphatethe second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Muhammad21
4714904320Abbasid Caliphatethe third of the Islamic caliphates to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad22
4714904321stirrupgives greater stability to a rider, very significant invention in the history of warfare, prior to gunpowder23
4714904322Bantu Migrationseries of migrations of the Bantu people from the Congo area to present day Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania (Bantu languages)24
4714904323Tang Dynastyimperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907 - major influence on Korea and Japan, gun-powder was invented25
4714904324Jurchen/Jin Empirenon-Chinese people living in the northeast of China, conquered northern China and founded the Jin dynasty (1115-1234)26
4714904325Koryodynasty that ruled the Korean peninsula as the Koryŏ kingdom from 935 to 139227
4714904326Timuralso known as Tamerlane, was a Turco-Mongol conqueror and the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia28
4714904327Ibn KhaldunArab Muslim historiographer and historian, regarded to be among the founding fathers of modern sociology, historiography, demography, and economics29
4714904328Nasir al-Din TusiPersian polymath (writer, architect, astronomer, biologist, chemist, mathematician, philosopher, ...)30
4714904329Yonglethe third emperor of the Ming dynasty in China, initiated the construction of Zheng He's treasure fleet in 140331
4714904330Kangxifourth emperor of the Qing dynasty, longest reigning emperor (61 years), blocked Tsarist Russia on the Amur River and expanded the empire in the northwest32
4714904331Kamikaze(in World War II) a Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target33
4714904332Ashikaga Shogunatedynasty originating from one of the plethora of Japanese daimyo which governed Japan from 1338 to 157334
4714904333Tokugawa Shogunatealso known as Edo, last feudal Japanese military government which existed between 1603 and 186735
4714904334Delhi Sultanatevarious Muslim dynasties that ruled in India (1210-1526)36
4714904335Great Zimbabwecapital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country's Late Iron Age (11th - 15th century CE)37
4714904336janissarieselite infantry units that formed the Ottoman Sultan's household troops and bodyguards38
4714904337Suleiman the Magnificentlongest-reigning Great Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, from 1520 to his death in 1566 - was called the "Law Giver" due to many reforms, formed an alliance with France39
4714904338devshirmealso known as the blood tax, practice by which the Ottoman Empire took boys, sons of their Christian subjects, converted them to Islam and trained them for the military or civil service, notably into the Janissaries40
4714904339Safavidsone of the most significant ruling dynasties of Persia, often considered the beginning of modern Persian history (gunpowder empire)41
4714904340Cossacksgroup of predominantly East Slavic-speaking people who became known as members of democratic, self-governing, semi-military communities, predominantly located in Russia and in Ukraine42
4714904341Hanseatic Leaguecommercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns - dominated Baltic maritime trade (c. 1400-180043
4714904342Olmecsfirst major civilization in Mexico dating roughly from as early as 1500 BCE to about 400 BCE, known for the colossal head sculptures44
4714904343Chavinprehistoric culture in Peru45
4714904344verticality (economics)relating to or involving all stages from production to sale:46
4714904345Wari / Tiwanakupolitical formation that emerged around AD 600 in the central highlands of Peru and lasted for about 500 years, to 1100 AD47
4714904346mit'amandatory public service in the society of the Inca Empire - it was modified and intensified by the Spanish colonial government, creating the encomienda system48
4714904347ayllutraditional form of a community in the Andes, especially among Quechuas and Aymaras49
4714904348Mochecivilization that flourished in northern Peru from about 100 AD to 800 AD - more like city states rather than an empire50
4714904349chinampastype of Mesoamerican agriculture which used small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of Mexico51
4714904350caravelsmall, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th-17th centuries52
4714904351Atahualpalast Inca king emperor, overthrown by Spanish conquistador Pizzaro53
4714904352Moctezumalast Aztec emperor, overthown by Spanish conquistador Cortès54
4714904353Jesuitsmembers of a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in 1534 to do missionary work55
4714904354Edict of Nantesgranted in 1598 the Calvinist Protestants of France (Huguenots) substantial rights56
4714904355King Louis XIV"le Roi-Soleil", his reign was characterized by a magnificent court, the expansion of French influence, and the establishment of overseas colonies57
4714904356Nicholas CopernicusRenaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe58
4714904357Council of Indiesmost important administrative organ of the Spanish Empire for the Americas and Asia59
4714904358Bartolome de las Casas16th-century Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar - the first officially appointed "Protector of the Indians"60
4714904359Potosione of the highest cities in the world (13,420 ft) - for centuries, it was the location of the Spanish colonial mint61
4714904360encomiendathe system, instituted in 1503, under which a Spanish soldier or colonist was granted a tract of land or a village together with its Indian inhabitants62
4714904361mitaforced-labor draft imposed by the Spaniards on the indigenous inhabitants of Peru63
4714904362Rebellion of Tupac Amaru IIuprising of native and mestizo peasants against the Bourbon reforms in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru64
4714904363indentured servanta person who is bound to work for another for a specified period of time, esp. such a person who came to America during the colonial period.65
4714904364Iroquois Confederacyalliance of five, later six, American Indian tribes—the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora—located in modern-day New York state66
4714904365plantocracya population of planters regarded as the dominant class, especially in the West Indies67
4714904366manumissionthe act of a slave owner freeing his or her slaves68
4714904367Great CircuitTrade Route from Europe to Africa, Africa to Americas, Americas to Europe69
4714904368Toussaint L'OuvertureLeader in the Haitian revolution70
4714904369Agricultural Revolution (modern era)an increase in agricultural productivity in Great Britain which helped drive the Industrial Revolution71
4714904370Adam Smitheconomist and author of "The Wealth of Nations", which many consider the single most important economic work in history72
4714904371Thomas Malthus18th-century British philosopher and economist famous for his ideas about population growth73
4714904372Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgopeace treaty between the USA and the Mexican Republic, signed in 184874
4714904373ZulusPeople in Southeast Africa - fought war with Boers75
4714904374Tanzimatseries of reforms in the Ottoman Empire that brought the culture, education, religion and society more in line with Europe and the United States and western ways76
4714904375Victorian Age19th century England during reign of Queen Victoria77
4714904376separate spheresideology that defines and prescribes separate spheres for women and men - emerged as a distinct ideology during the Industrial Revolution, although the basic idea is much older78
4714904377Otto von Bismark19th century Germany chancellor79
4714904378Battle of OmdurmanBritish army defeated the Sudanese army in 1898 - demonstration of the superiority of a modern European army over a vastly larger force armed with older weapons80
4714904379AfrikanersSouth Africans of Dutch decent81
4714904380Boer War (South African War)Wars between the Boers an the English in South Africa82
4714904381Asantenation and ethnic group native to Ashanti in modern-day Ghana83
4714904382Emilio AguinaldoFilipino revolutionary, politician, and a military leader who is officially recognized as the First President of the Philippines (1899-1901)84
4714904383Queen Liliuokalanilast monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii85
4714904384Balfour DeclarationConfirming support from the British government for the establishment in Palestine of a "national home" for the Jewish people86
4714904385Guomindang / KuomintangChinese National Party87
4714904386Kemal AtaturkTurkish revolutionary and the first President of Turkey, credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey (1919)88
4714904387Munich Conferencesettlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia89
4714904388Haile SelassieEthiopia's regent from 1916 to 197490
4714904389African National Congressruling party of post-apartheid South Africa on the national level since 1994, including the election of Nelson Mandela as president from 1994-199991
4714904390Indian National Congressone of two major political parties in India (the other being the Bharatiya Janata Party) - founded in 1885 during the British Raj92
4714904391Jawaharlal Nehrufirst Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence93

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