Just because I can, and this place needs a little pepping up. You can post anything in here. No topic, just say anything. What's on your mind whatever. It can relate to other posts or not.
Yeah....it's like.....magic.
These are the Forum Rules,
February 11, 2008 - 21:25.
Hehe, lol. I have a love-hate relationship with them. They're actually what I'm trying to do for a career for the rest of my life, so I guss I kinda like them!
Let's just say that this weekend was a little hard on me, and now that I've (sort of) made up the sleep I missed out on and had my chocolate, life is looking up again. Except, of coutse, for the fact that my college decided against canceling classes, even though over 500 other schools did today, major highways were shut down, and the fact that Ohio drivers really don't seem to understand how to drive in snow! Lol.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
February 11, 2008 - 22:08.
xenahorse-What school do you go to? I've been looking into colleges with equestrian programs.
...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...
February 11, 2008 - 23:15.
haha thats funny xena. its cool though, my school only gives MLK jr. day off with xmas spring and summer. nothing else. at all.
and with riding, its cool how you want to do that, reminds me of cross country. i had a love hate relationship with that. i loved it, but it physically hurt on a daily basis. lol. =P
oh and shadow, i didnt know. why dont you like horses?
Straight Edge --
For Life
February 12, 2008 - 09:20.
I'm just not a fan.
Don't really know why. My best friend is obsessed with them and I tell her how I don't like them whenever she gets all "<3 ponies ^_^" on me.
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February 12, 2008 - 19:26.
Haha, it's also a well-known fact that Shadow's a grouch in general! lol, you have no idea how hard I laughed when I saw that you wrote <3 ponies ^_^!
Drummer, I can understand the whole self-hurting aspect. It happens to me daily, mostly when I get in arguments with thousand-pound animals...
Meg, I go to a place in Ohio called Lake Erie College. If you want more info on it, feel free to PM me.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
March 6, 2008 - 00:10.
So guys...
How y'all doin?
These are the Forum Rules,
March 6, 2008 - 11:27.
im ok got parent problems...different story for a different time... and guys why do you like younger girls?
March 6, 2008 - 19:57.
Hmm...most guys I know like older girls....
Sigh, my spring break has been a real downer. And my ipod died.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
March 6, 2008 - 22:06.
I don't like younger girls, I just like girls that I can have an intelligent conversation with. Girls that spend more time on their homework than they spend on their makeup on a friday night. It also helps if they can tolerate my morbidly blunt sense of humor and dry wit.
Fun Story: I was sitting in a car with a girl once, just ya know, cuddling or whatever you kids call it. And she's all like "what are you thinking about?" I said "Some jazz song." Wasn't really the best answer....we never went out again :D But my level of caring is so close to nil it didn't matter to me.
So girls have to be able to tolerate the fact that I'm a jazz major, and that means that no matter what situation I'm in, I've probably got a tune running through my head, or I'm thinking through chord changes or something.
Oh Xena that sucks. I'm still using an old old old iPod Mini 4gig from when I was in 10th grade. She has served me well. But I really need an upgrade, as I have 42 gigs of music.
I have spring break in two weeks, I really need the time off. I want to practice so much more than I have been at school. I've only been getting in like an hour and a half each day. I'd rather it be closer to 4 hours :(.
These are the Forum Rules,
March 6, 2008 - 22:14.
Also Xena, I don't know if I asked before, but I'm in need of your AIM screen name. I hope I haven't asked before.
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