mines thnx giving bc it not only involves a lot of food, it also is the only holiday to celebrate the subjugation of the native american people. oh sure its played off as a time to thank them, but srsly we realy screwed them over and now all they get is a none gift holiday.not to say i dont like natives but i think its ironic that we celebrate the help they gave us when in the end we just cept on stabbing them in the back.
Yeah, true. Somethis should be said for all the trueness in your pessimism. But TG has evolved into something more than a gift holiday, now.
Dunno what's my favorite holiday; Christmas has become so comercialized it has begain to loose all of its charm to me...and Spring Break just depresses me...probably Winter Solstice, then. The shortest day of the year, etc.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
xenahorse wrote:probably Winter Solstice, then. The shortest day of the year, etc.
Not to mentions it's sometimes on my birthday :rolleyes: . But I'm not really sure what mine is....
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
Hmm. I love the Christmas spirt, but I hate how people are so fake during Christmas. I mean, people put on such a fake smile and act so nice just because it's Christmas and they still stab you in the back. But out of all the holiday's, I'd have to say that this one is my faviorte major one.
I like Christmas becuase then I get to see all of my family, even if I don't like some of them. But I also like Halloween(kiddish I know but still). This last Halloween was FREEZING in Oregon, but a bunch of my guy friends still dressed up as chicks and went running around the nieghborhood to get candy. So yeah i like Halloween cause you get to watch people who should know better make fools of themselves.
bubblez wrote:I like Christmas becuase then I get to see all of my family, even if I don't like some of them. But I also like Halloween(kiddish I know but still). This last Halloween was FREEZING in Oregon, but a bunch of my guy friends still dressed up as chicks and went running around the nieghborhood to get candy. So yeah i like Halloween cause you get to watch people who should know better make fools of themselves.
Which is always fun! lol I almost dressed up as a cheerleader this year but went with Neo instead, lol.
I MENT to dress up as Leia Organa (Star Wars!) this year 'cause I got the hair...but I never got the dress togeather.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
xenahorse wrote:I MENT to dress up as Leia Organa (Star Wars!) this year 'cause I got the hair...but I never got the dress togeather.
I love Easter. One can celebrate the ressurection of Jesus Christ. =)
Matthew Hubbard
[email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
[CENTER][B][=RoyalBlue]Response of a APUSH student to reading a FRE question asking to explain the effects of the French and Indian War on political, ide
christmas jesus christ can't be resurected if he was never born plus its the longest holiday during the school year
bananasortacos wrote:christmas jesus christ can't be resurected if he was never born plus its the longest holiday during the school year
YEA IT IS! A MONTH OFF! I love college! lol