beginning of the united states government; time period from Washington to Madison's presidency
37295111 | The two first major political parties | The Jeffersonians and the Federalists | |
37295112 | First President and Vice President of the U.S. | George Washington and John Adams | |
37295113 | Hamilton's Report on the Public Credit | (1) reimbursement of government securities (2) federal government would assume state debts | |
37295114 | Hamilton's 2nd report | proposal of a national bank in order to keep the value of paper money and promote financial stability | |
37295115 | event that gave birth to political parties | war in europe; caused increase in foreign affair interests, gave birth to Federalists and Republicans | |
37295116 | Edmund Genet | French minister; used American ships to seize British ships in the name of France during the war between Britain and France. Washington responded with the Proclaimation of Neutrality | |
37295117 | Jay's Treaty | negotiations with Britain in response to British seizure of American ships; context: (1) British would leave America, (2) Americans could trade in the W. Indies, (3) Brits could search ships; no compensation for seized ships, no neutral rights | |
37295118 | Treaty of Greenville | caused the Indians to surrender their land in the Ohio Valley to the U.S. | |
37295119 | Pickney's Treaty | treaty w/ Spain: Miss. R. is opened, South boundary on the 31st parallel, promise to stay out of Indian affairs | |
37295120 | Battle of the Fallen Timbers | Gen. Wayne crushes the Indians; makes them sign treaty of Greenville | |
37295121 | Whiskey Rebellion | response to Hamilton's tax on whiskey; W. Penn. farmers are upset (expensive to send grain over land, so they make profit off whiskey); Washington & U.S. Army put down rebellion, but Washington pardons wrongdoers (symbolizes sympathetic government) | |
37295122 | Washington's Farwell Address (October 19, 1796) | Washington's address of resignation; warnings: avoid political parties, avoid tangling alliances | |
37295123 | Second President and Vice President | Adams and Jefferson | |
37295124 | XYZ Affairs | when American negotiators are stopped by 3 French agents who demanded $250,000 and a multi-million dollar loan before they would let negotiators even speak to Talleyrand | |
37295125 | Quasi War | Undeclared war between France and the U.S. that was fought entirely on sea; French seized American ships | |
37295126 | Alien and Sedition Acts | Alien Acts: (1) deport/detain aliens, (2) could expel aliens at will, (3) 14 years to become a citizen ;;; Sedition Act: punished critics of the government (fine, prison) **politcal repression** | |
37295127 | Virginia Resolutions | Written by Madison: states should be buffers b/w the government and people, states have power to overrun fed. law "Interposition" | |
37295128 | Kentucky Resolutions | Jefferson's resolves: "Nullification": states can nullify unconstitutional acts | |
37295129 | Convention of Mortefontains (Treaty of 1800) | formally ends Quasi War | |
37295130 | 3rd President and Vice President | Jefferson & Aaron Burr | |
37295131 | 12th Amendment | electoral college must cast separate votes for president and vice president | |
37295132 | Midnight Judges | the judges appointed by the Judiciary Act of 1801 that were all Federalists; Adams appointed these men in hopes of keeping the Federalists' influence in the judiciary branch of government; last effort of Adams | |
37295133 | Significance of Election of 1800 | "Peaceful Revolution"; peaceful transfer of power in the government from the Federalists to the Republicans | |
37295134 | Jefferson's goals | (1) reduce size & cost of fed. govn't, taxes, army, navy, & West Point, (2) repeal the bad Federalist legislature, (3) neutrality | |
37295135 | Toussaint L'Overture | lead revolt in Haiti causing Napoleon to give up dreams of N. American empire and sell the Lousiana Territory | |
37295136 | Louisiana Purchase | results, The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size. | |
37295137 | Barbary Pirates | Plundering pirates from Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis ; President Thomas Jefferson's refusal to pay them tribute to protect American ships sparked an undeclared naval war; U.S. won war, symbolized strength | |
37295138 | Marbury vs. Madison | a case that set the precedent that the Supreme Court could rule a law passed by Congress as unconstitutional. | |
37295139 | Fletcher v. Peck | due to yazoo land cases; state law, upholds sanctity of contracts | |
37295140 | Samuel Chase | An extremely unpopular and arrogant Supreme Court judge. In revenge for Marbury v. Madison, Jefferson tried to get him impeached; Senate asquitted charges; set precedence that impeachment was not to be used as a weapon to reshape courts | |
37295141 | Tertium Quids | Republican extremist faction | |
37295142 | Essex Junto | group of extreme Federalists; proposed amendments to the Constitution at the Hartford Convention, | |
37295143 | Aaron Burr | crazy vice president; attempted to first seccede the N.E. states, and then he S.Western states, killed Hamilton | |
37295144 | 1807 & 1808 (concerning slaves) | 1807= no slave imports; 1808= slave trade is ended | |
37295145 | Orders in Council | issued by Britain; "paper blockades": said U.S. can't trade without British permission; would seize ships | |
37295146 | Berlin & Milan Decrees | issued by France in response to Orders of Council: no trade w/ Mainland if following British law; would seize ships | |
37295147 | The Leopard vs. the Chesapeake | British ship, Leopard, stops the U.S. ship, Chesapeake, and demands to search them; when U.S. refuses, the Leopard opens fire | |
37295148 | Jefferson's Embargo | no trade with any foreign country in order to avoid war/ protect merchant ships; embargo is strongly opposed and eventually repealed | |
37295149 | Non-Intercourse Act | U.S. can trade with all foreign countries EXCEPT Britain and France; G.B. fakes acceptance, takes advantage, seizes ships | |
37295150 | Macon's Bill #2 | can trade with ALL, but if either France or Britain except neutrality, then trade with the other will halt until they are forced to accept neutrality of U.S. as well; France takes advantage through lies, seizes ships | |
37295151 | War Hawks | Anti-British Congressmen, hate brits because (1) Brtish-supported Indian attacks, (2) British possession of Canada (War Hawks wanted Northern expansion); influenced Madison to declare war on Britain | |
37295152 | War of 1812 | War between the U.S. and Great Britain which lasted until 1814, ending with a renewed sense of American nationalism & unity; important events: (1) post war battle in New Orleans was amazing US victory, (2) Indians are gone & Tecumseh dead, (3) capital burned | |
37295153 | Hartford Convention | the Federalist's suggested amendments to the Constitution: (1) end 3/5 Clause, (2) limits presidential term to only ONE, no repeat states (hopes to get republicans out of presidency), (3) need 2/3 vote to declare war, admit states, regulate commerce | |
37295154 | Treaty of Ghent | Ends the War of 1812, everything returns ante bellum |