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AP World History Chapter 1 Terms Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
207509461Hunting and GatheringThe process of living that involves hunting for meat, gathering edible produce, and traveling frequently.0
207509462Civilizationa society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations)1
207509463Paleolithicsecond part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC2
207509464NeolithicThe period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution. It follows the Paleolithic period.3
207509465Nomadspeople with no permanent home; move from place to place in search of food,4
207509466SavagesPrimitive or uncivilized people5
207509467Cultureall the knowledge and values shared by a society6
207509468Homo SapiensThe species name for modern humans, A species of the creatures Hominid who have larger brains and to which humans belong, dependent of language and usage of tools.7
207509469Neanderthalsa type of Homo Sapiens that made clothes from animal skins and seem to have been the first to bury their dead8
207509470Banda level of social organization normally consisting of between 20 and 30 people; nomadic hunters and gatherers; labor divided on a gender basis.9
207509471Agrarian RevolutionOccured between 8,000 and 5,000 BCE; transition from hunting and gathering to sedentary agriculture.10
207509472Natufian ComplexPreagriculture culture; located in present-day Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon; practiced the collection of naturally present barley and wheat to supplement game; typified by large settlement sites.11
207509473MatrilocalA culture in which young men upon marriage go to live with the brides of families.12
207509474Matrilinealrelating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother13
207509475Shifting Civilizationprocess by which people take an area of land to use for agriculture. only to abandon it a short time later14
207509476PastoralismA type of agricultural activity based on nomadic animal husbandry or the raising of livestock to provide food, clothing, and shelter.15
207509477Huang He River Civilizationearliest civilization in China, centralized state from the start (political, ideology, ruler thought to connect heaven and earth, culture similar to ancient times)16
207509478Meso AmericaA region extending south and east from Central Mexico but ending before South America (includes present day Mexico and Central America)17
207509479Jerichoearly walled urban culture based on sedentary agriculture; located in modern Israel-occupied West Bank near Jordan River.18
207509480Catal HuyukOne of first true cities in history, created in the Neolithic Era in 6500 to 5500 BC, from which were created agriculture, trading, temples, housing, and religions19
207509481Bronze Agea period of human culture between the Stone Age and the Iron Age, characterized by the use of weapons and implements made of bronze20
207509482StupaBuddhist shrine that is shaped like a dome or mound21

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