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AP World History Chapter 30 Flashcards

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151136319ApartheidA policy of strict racial segregation imposed in South Africa to premit the continued dominace of whites politically and economically.0
151136320Afrikaner National PartyBlack political organization within South Africa; pressed for end to policy of Aparthier; sought open democracy leading to black majority rule; unitl 1990's declared illegal in South Africa1
151136321Secret Army OrganizationOrganization of French settlers in Algeria; led guerrilla war following independence during the 1960s; assaults directed against Arabs, Berbers, and French who advocated independence.2
151136322National Liberation Front (FLN)Radical nationalist movement in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla war against France in the 1950s; success led to independence of Algeria in 19583
151136323Land Freedom ArmyRadical organization for independence in Kenya; frustrated by failure of nonviolent means, initiated campaign of terror in 1952; referred to by British as the Mau Mau.4
151136324Kenya African MovementLeading Nationalist party in Kenya; adopted non-violent approach to ending British control in the 1950's5
151136325Jomo KenyattaLeader of the nonviolent nationalist party in Kenya; organized the Kenya Africa Union (KAU); failed to win concessions because of resistance of white settlers; came to power only after suppression of the Land Freedom Army, or Mau Mau. (p 823)6
151136326Convention Peoples PartyPolitical party established by Kwame Nkrumah in opposition to British control of colonial legislature in Gold Coast.7
151136327Total WarWarfare of the 20th century; vast resources and emotional commitments of belligerent nations were marshaled to support military effort; resulted from impact of industrialization on the military effort reflecting technological innovation and organizational capacity.8
151136328Potsdam ConfrenceMeeting among leaders of the United States, Britian, and the Soviet Union just before the end of World War 2 in 1945; Allies agreed upon Soviet domination in Eastern Europe; Germany and Austria to be divided among victorious Allies9
151136329Yalta ConfrenceFeeting among leaders of the United States, Britian, and the Soviet Union in 1945; agreed to Soviet entry into the Pacific War in return for possessions in Manchuria organization of the United Nations; disputed the division of political organization in the Eastern European States to be reesatblished after the war10
151136330Tehran ConferenceMeeting among leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union in 1943; agreed to the opening of a new front in France.11
151136331United NationsInternational Organization formed in the aftermath of World War 2; included all of the victorious allies; it's primary mission was to provide a froum for negotiating disputes12
151136332Midway IslandWWII pacific battle, decisive U.S. victory over powerful Japanese carrier force13
151136333Battle of the Coral SeaWorld War II Pacific battle; United States and Japanese forces fought to a standoff14
151136334Pearl HarborAmerican naval base in Hawaii; attack by Japanese on this facility in December 1941 crippled American fleet in the Pacific and caused entry of United States into World War II.15
151136335Battle of the BulgeHitler's last-ditch effort to repel tge ivading Allied armies in the winter of 1944-194516
151300545HolocaustTerm for Hitler's genocide of European Jews during World War 2; resulted in deaths of 6 million Jews17
151300546Battle of BritianThe 1940 Nazi aire offensive including saturation bombing if London and other British cities, countered by Britian's innovative air tactics and radar tracking of German assualt aircraft18
151300547VichyFrench collaborationist government established in 1940 in southern France following defeat of French armies by the Germans.19
151300548Winston Churchill(1874-1965) British prime minister during World War 2; responsible for British resistance to German air assualt20
151300549National Socialist (Nazi)Also know as the Nazi party; led by Adolf Hitler in Germany; picked up political support during the economic chaos of the Great Depression; advocated authortition state under a sindle leader, agressive foreign policy to reserve humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles; took power in Germany in195321

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