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CH 22 Eastern Eurasia Flashcards

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144017366JesuitsAlso known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism. They often preceded traders, explorers, and conquerors in regions newly known to Europe.0
144017367Siberialand in Eastern Eurasia brought to attention by Russian rulers.1
144017368MuscovyNew state in territory surrounding Moscow, by 1500 it was the dominant political force in the lands that had been controlled by the Kievan state.2
144017369Tsarfrom "Cesar". Title taken by Ivan IV the Terrible.3
144017370Mikhail RomanovRussian tsar (r. 1613-1645) A member of the Russian aristocracy, he became tsar after the old line of Muscovite rulers was deposed. (p. 551)4
144017371CossaksPeoples of the Russian Empire (Ukraina) who lived outside the farming villages, on the steepes, often as herders, mercenaries, or outlaws. Cossacks led the conquest of Siberia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Name comes from turkic word for warrior. Combination of Turkic and Russian skill and culture.5
144017372Peter the Greatczar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government from 1689 to 1725. Wanted to secure black sea port, navy blockade on Ottoman ports.6
144017373autocracya form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power7
144017374serfsthe great mass of the Russian people- foced by law and custom to work on the land of their overlords8
144017375Ming EmpireEmpire based in China that Zhu Yuanzhang established after the overthrow of the Yuan Empire. The Ming emperor Yongle sponsored the building of the Forbidden City and the voyages of Zheng He.9
144017376dalai lama'universal teacher' of Tibetan Buddhism10
144017377Manchusan agriculturally based people who controlled the region north of Korea, contributed troops to an international force under ming leadership.11
144017378Qing EmpireRuled by a Manchu imperial family, and manchus were the leaders of the military forces12
144017379KangxiIntellectual prodigy who mastered chinese, manchu, and mongolian at an early age and memorized chinese classics. Succesful military commander who led troops in campaings that brought mongolia under Qing control.13
144017380variolationblowing small pox powder in the nose to prevent severe outbreak and immunize against future outbreaks14
144017381Macartney MissionThe unsuccessful attempt by the British Empire to establish diplomatic relations with the Qing Empire. (p. 560)15
144017382Tokugawa Shogunatewas a semi-feudal government of Japan in which one of the shoguns unified the country under his family's rule. They moved the capital to Edo, which now is called Tokyo. This family ruled from Edo 1868, when it was abolished during the Meiji Restoration.16
144017383samuraiwarriors under Tokugawa Shogunate17
144017384BoyarsRussian Aristocracy18

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