8000 BC to 600 CE
271884446 | Trade | Currency developed, interaction happened | 0 | |
271884447 | Change and Continuity | Change: Development of agriculture, Continuity: nonrepresentative type governments throughout the world | 1 | |
271884448 | Demography | Neolithic Revolution: Discovery of agriculture, also pastoral nomadism developed | 2 | |
271884449 | Technology | Use of metals: Copper to bronze and then to iron | 3 | |
271884450 | Social | Food surplus leads to job specialization, and social structure starts on economic roles. Families: Women excluded from positions of power (except for Africa) | 4 | |
271884451 | Culture | Cave paintings to architecture, writing for keeping records and communication, world religions | 5 | |
271884452 | Cooperation | settle in larger groups to cooperate | 6 | |
271884453 | Cities | surplus and job specialization,: | 7 | |
271884454 | Civilizations | Organized governments, religion, social structure, job specialization, public works, writing, arts and architecture | 8 | |
271884455 | Governments | Most were nonrepresentative monarchies or oligarchies: Democracy or republics were uncommon | 9 | |
271884456 | Empires | Expanded original area of one state and conquered surrounding neighbors to build and empire | 10 | |
271884457 | Neolithic Revolution | Demographics: Slash-and-burn agriculture Society: Job specialization and surplus of food, gender roles had women become more domestic and men rose in importance Religion: Usually related to nature and life Technology: Copper, bronze, and the wheel | 11 | |
271884458 | Pastoral Nomadism | Alternative to agriculture during Neolithic Revolution alternative: depend on herd for survival and travel to find grass or steppe for grazing Learn fighting skills | 12 | |
271884459 | River Civilizations | Rivers provide transport and communication and water | 13 | |
271884460 | Mesopotamia | Fertile Crescent: Sumer Society has social order | 14 | |
271884461 | Egypt | Nile River: Floods at right times, developed hieroglyphics. Women can take on jobs, but not pharaoh status | 15 | |
271884462 | Indus | Indus River: Language not understood, but polytheistic. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro: City planning and social hierarchy | 16 | |
271884463 | Aryans | Nomadic Indo-European people, entered India. Had the Vedas, and started the caste system | 17 | |
271884464 | Shang | Developed around Yellow River. Started development of Chinese language, also developed bronze metallurgy | 18 | |
271884465 | Zhou | Further cements Chinese tradition: Mandate of Heaven, veneration of ancestors. Iron metallurgy makes it to China | 19 | |
271884466 | Mesoamerica | Olmecs settle near Gulf of Mexico: San Lorenzo and La Venta, and Colossal Heads | 20 | |
271884467 | South America | Andean heartland: beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes. Chavin religious cult | 21 | |
271884468 | Hinduism | Dharma, karma, samsara, reincarnation, moksha, Brahma and its avatars. Role of Women: not included in religious things | 22 | |
271884469 | Caste system | Impacts Hinduism: Brahmins, ksatriyas, vaisyas, shudras and untouchables: purity and pollution | 23 | |
271884470 | Buddhism | Siddhartha Gautama, enlightenment under a bodhi tree for the 4 noble truths and eightfold path to give up desire and get to nirvana. Missionaries. Role of Women: Can participate in religion | 24 | |
271884471 | Asoka | Mauryan emperor, supported Buddhism | 25 | |
271884472 | Confucianism | Filial piety, benevolence, correct actions and morals: 5 key relationships. Role of Women: Men superior to women | 26 | |
271884473 | Daoism | Laozi: Way of nature, wu wei, and government is useless. Encouraged relaxation: end of Warring States | 27 | |
271884474 | Legalism | Man is inherently evil and must have strict laws and punishment | 28 | |
271884475 | Judaism | Exodus and YHWH, 10 commandments and the covenant. Foundation of Israel as Promised Land, then Diaspora by Romans. Monotheism. | 29 | |
271884476 | Christianity | Jesus born in Judea, preaches Kingdom of God, eternal life, and his disciples write the New Testament. Role of Women: equal in eyes of God | 30 | |
271884477 | Edict of Milan | Makes Christianity legal in Roman Empire | 31 | |
271884478 | Nestorian Christianity | Form of Christianity, continues to spread across Silk Roads into Cental Asia, India and China | 32 | |
271884479 | Greece | Politics: Center around polis, City-state (Sparta and Athens). | 33 | |
271884480 | Persian War | Greek cities in Anatolia resented Persian Empire rule and started the war: Moral victory for Athenians | 34 | |
271884481 | Delian League | Alliance of Greeks against the Persians, but leadership caused resentment | 35 | |
271884482 | Peloponnesian War | Sparta vs. Athens, weakens Greece, so stronger power from Macedonia takes over | 36 | |
271884483 | Alexander the Great | Conquered Persia after his father (King Phillip II), and northwest regions of Indian subcontinent. | 37 | |
271884484 | Hellenistic Empire and Era | Empire left by Alexander the Great: Divided among Antigonid (Greece and Macedonia), Ptolemaic (Egypt) and Seleucid (Persia) | 38 | |
271884485 | Greece | Economy: Relied heavily on trade by Mediterranean, and caravan through Persia to the west | 39 | |
271884486 | Greece | Society: Patriarchal, women under male authority unless became a priestess. Literacy existed among upper-class Greek women. Slaves exist. | 40 | |
271884487 | Greece | Culture: Polytheistic religion. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle do philosophy, astronomy, ethics, biology, physics etc. | 41 | |
271884488 | India | Politics: Small decentralized regional kingdoms (Continuity: decentralization remains) | 42 | |
271884489 | Mauryans | Chandragupta Maurya: Fill power-vacuum after Alexander the Great, sets up bureaucracy. Ashoka continues conquest, then rule with morals. After Ashoka's death, India returns to decentralization but stays with trade | 43 | |
271884490 | Gupta Empire | Chandra Gupta conquers many of regional kingdoms (other than south), but leaves local administration in power. Invasion of White Huns causes weakening | 44 | |
271884491 | India | Economy: Agriculture surplus encouraged towns and marketplaces. Long-distance trade w/ China, Southeast Asia, and Mediterranean basin: Silk Roads. Sailors ride monsoons. | 45 | |
271884492 | India | Society: Patriarchal but with Caste system | 46 | |
271884493 | India | Culture: Buddhism and Hinduism, stresses symbolism instead of representation. Geometry, algebra, pi, zero, decimals, and numbers | 47 | |
271884494 | China | Politics: Shang, Zhou, Era of Warring States, Qin, Han | 48 | |
271884495 | Qin Dynasty | Qin Shihuangdi: Ends era of warring states and starts central bureaucracy. Sponsors Great wall, standardizes law, currency, weights, measures and script. | 49 | |
271884496 | Han Dynasty | Wu Di: build toads and canals, university, Confucianism, civil service exams. Has Confucian ideals about ruling. Foreign policy of expansion to Vietnam, Korea and Central Asia | 50 | |
271884497 | China | Economy: agriculture, flourished with long-distance trade. Silk Roads flourish. | 51 | |
271884498 | Tributary system of trade | Followed by Han: Policy was that Han didn't need to trade with neighbors, so they demanded tribute and give trade goods in return. Also gifts were sent to nomads to prevent invasions | 52 | |
271884499 | China | Society: Patriarchal; women were useful to marry. Scholar-gentry was highest class, able to take civil service exams. Merchants considered low. | 53 | |
271884500 | China | Culture: Family is the unit, made of living and dead. Filial piety etc. by Confucianism. Daoism promotes reverence for nature. Invention of wheelbarrow, watermills, sternpost rudder and compass, and paper. | 54 | |
271884501 | Rome | Politics: Etruscan king overthrown, and republic established. Then empire took over. | 55 | |
271884502 | Roman Republic | People elect representatives: 2 consuls elected by assembly dominated by patricians. Senate advisors also patricians. Plebians (commoners) later gained right to elect tribunes to veto. | 56 | |
271884503 | Roman mpire | Wealth and power of conquest causes problems, and growth of cities causes more lower class and poverty. | 57 | |
271884504 | Julius Caesar | Led Roman Army to conquer Gaul, and made himself dictator for life. Centralized military and politics, and started building projects. Assasinated. | 58 | |
271884505 | Augustus Caesar | Octavian: monarchy disguised as a republic: continues expansion and stimulates growing economy | 59 | |
271884506 | Pax Romana | Roman Peace (2 and a half centuries starting with Augustus) | 60 | |
271884507 | Twelve Tables | Rome's system of law | 61 | |
271884508 | Rome | Economy: extensive roads, good for trade and creating markets. Tax revenue strengthened empire. Uniform currency used, but Latin for politics and Romans, while Greek for trade | 62 | |
271884509 | Rome | Society: Patriarchal, pater familias rules as father of the family. | 63 | |
271884510 | Rome | Culture: Inspired by Greeks (polytheistic religion, columns, arches). Jews mostly tolerated until rebellions, then Diaspora. Christians were seen as a threat and were persecuted. Engineering advanced | 64 | |
271884511 | Edict of Milan | Legalized Christianity to stop the persecution, and Emperor Theodosius proclaims Christianity as official religion in 380 CE | 65 | |
271884512 | Silk Roads | Originated on diplomatic mission to Central Asia by nomads during Han: kicks off silk trade. Buddhism gets spread along. | 66 | |
271884513 | Indian Ocean | Sea version of Silk Roads: Went through to Persian Gulf. Mostly by Malay and Indian sailors. Buddhism and Hinduism spread. | 67 | |
271884514 | Mediterranean Sea | Roman Lake: Syra to Spain to North Africa: Free from pirates and trade thrived | 68 | |
271884515 | Disease | Measles, smallpox, bubonic plague: Roman Empire population dropped by 25%, and trade declines | 69 | |
271884516 | Bantu Migration | Bantu occupied most of Sub-Saharan Africa: Migrate to new settlements as resources are lacking. Bantu language and culture spreads, along with clearing land and expanding agriculture. Bananas from India are grown. Many languages today can be traced back to Bantu migrations. | 70 | |
271884517 | Polynesian Migration | Settlement of the islands could be accidental or planned. Yams, taros, breadfruit, bananas and dogs, pigs, chickens spread. Hierarchical chiefdoms. | 71 | |
271884518 | Fall of Han | Xiongnu after empire weakens from drop in tax revenue, corruption, population increase | 72 | |
271884519 | Fall of Rome | Tax paying neglected, law enforcement problems, plagues and lack of strength in Roman armies against nomads | 73 | |
271884520 | Fall of Gupta | Tax lack, regional powers, nomadic invasion of White Huns | 74 | |
271884521 | Animism | Religious belief that focuses on roles of various gods and spirits in the natural world and in human events: Polytheistic | 75 | |
271884522 | Caste System | Social system of Aryans divided people into 4 castes: Varnas. Each of 4 main castes had specific roles. | 76 | |
271884523 | Classical | Period of great cultural significance in society before modern age: Usually refers to age of Athens in ancient Greece and Roman Republic/Empire. Also applied to others, eg. Qin Dynasty of China | 77 | |
271884524 | Filial Piety | Form of respect shown by children to parents: Crucial to Confucian thought | 78 | |
271884525 | Monotheism | Religious belief in one God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam | 79 | |
271884526 | Neolithic Revolution | New Stone Age: Humans discover agriculture and settle into fixed communities | 80 | |
271884527 | Nomadic | Way of life in which people do not have a settled home but rather move from place to place in order to find places for animals to forage | 81 | |
271884528 | Pastoral | Group that herds domesticated animals for their livelihood, often nomadic | 82 | |
271884529 | Polygamy | Cultural trait in which one person is married to more than 1 spouse at a time | 83 | |
271884530 | Polytheism | Religious belief in more than 1 god | 84 | |
271884531 | Silk Roads | Trade routes that linked Mediterranean area of Roman Empire with the Chinese Qin Dynasty: Silk textiles and other precious trade goods traveled. Flourished under Mongol period of 13 century. | 85 |