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College Bound Vocab 10

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130188231abrupt1. broken off; lacking in continuity 2. sudden; quick and unexpected
130188232corrupt (V)changed from good to bad; vicious
130188233corrupt (N)changed from good to bad;debase; pervert; falsify
130188234disruptbreak apart; cause disorder
130188235eruptburst or break out
130188236incorruptibleinflexibly honest; incapable of being corrupted or bribed
130188237interruptbreak into or between; hinder; stop
130188238rupture1. break; breaking 2. hostility
130188239bactericidesubstance that kills bacteria
130188240biocidesubstance that destroys many different organisms
130188241fratricideact of killing one's brother
130188242fungicidesubstance that kills fungi or inhibits their growth
130188243genocidedeliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group
130188244germicidesubstance that kills germs
130188245herbicidesubstance that kills plants
130188246homicidekilling of one human by another
130188247infanticideact of killing an infant
130188248insecticidesubstance that kills insects
130188249matricideact of killing one's mother
130188250patricideact of killing one's father
130188251pesticidesubstance that kills rats, insects, bacteria, etc
130188252regicideact of killing a king
130188253sororicideact of killing one's sister
130188254suicideact of killing one's self
130188255tyrannicideact of killing a tyrant
130188256astringent1. drawing (the tissues) tightly together 2.stern; austere
130188257astringentsubstance that shrinks the tissues and checks flow of blood
130188258boa constritorsnake that "constricts" or crushes its prey in its coils
130188259constrictdraw together; render narrower; shrink
130188260restrictkeep within limits
130188261stricture1. adverse criticism 2. restriction
130188263unrestricted1. not confined within bounds 2.open to all
130221669carnivoreflesh-eating animal
130221671devour1. eat greedily or ravenously 2. seize upon fruit
130221672herbivoreplant-eating animal
130221673herbivorousdependent on plants as food
130221674insectivorousdependent on animals as food
130221675omnivore1. eating everything, both plant and animal substances 2. avidly taking in everything
130221676voracious1. greedy in eating 2. insatiable
130221677convivialfond of eating and drinking with friends
130221678revivebring back to life; restore
130221679surviveoutlive; remain alive after
130221680vivaciouslively in temper or conduct
130221681vivacityliveliness of spirit
130221682vivid1. (used with things) having the vigor and spirit of life 2. sharp and clear; graphic
130221683vivifyenliven; make vivid
130221684vivisectionoperation on a living animal for scientific investigation
130221685contortionistperson who can twist his or her body into odd postures
130221686distort1. twist out of shape; contort 2. twist out of true meaning
130221687extortwrest (money, promises, etc.) from a person by force
130221688retortquick, witty, or cutting replay
130221689torsionact of twisting; stress due to twisting forces exerted on a body
130221690tortuous1.full of twists or curves; winding 2. tricky; crooked; circuitous
130221691torture1. wrench; twist 2. inflict severe pain upon
130221692tortureanguish of body or mind; agony
130221693convict (V)prove guilty; show conclusively to be guilty
130221694covict (N)person serving a prison sentence
130221695conviction1. state of having been judged guilty of an offense 2. strong belief
130221696convincepersuade or show conclusively by argument or proof
130221697evict1. expel by legal process 2. oust
130221698evinceshow clearly; disclose; reveal
130221699invincibleincapable of being conquered
130221700vanquishovercome in battle
130230158fractionones or more of the equal parts of a whole; fragment
130230159fractiousapt to break out into a passion; cross; irritable
130230160fracture1.break or crack 2.breaking of a bone
130230161fragileeasily broken; frail delicate
130230162fragmentpart broken off
130230163infractionact of breaking; breach; violation
130230164refractbend from a straight path
130230165refractoryresisting; intractable; hard to manage
130230166omnibus (V)covering many things at once
130230167omnibus (N)1. bus 2. book containing a variety of works by one author
130230168omnifariousof all varieties , forms, or kinds
130230170omnipotentunlimited in power; almighty
130230171omnipresentpresent everywhere at the same time; ubiquitous
130230172omniscientknowing everything
130230173omnivorous1. eating everything, both plant and animal structures 2. avidly taking in everything
130230174deflectturn aside
130230176flexiblepliable; not rigid
130230177flexormuscle that serves to bend a limb
130230178genuflectbend the knee; touch the right knee to the ground, as in worship
130230179inflectionchange in the pitch or tone of a person's voice
130230180inflexibilityrigidity; firmness
130230181reflect (V)1. throw back light rays, as from a mirror 2. think
130230182reflect (N)involuntary response to a stimulus
130230183detentionact of keeping or detaining
130230184impertinent1. irrelevant; not pertinent; inappropriate 2.rude
130230185pertinaciousadhering firmly to a purpose or opinion; very persistent
130230186pertinenthaving to do with the matter at hand
130230187retentivetenacious; able to retain or remember
130230188retinuegroup of followers or assistants attending a distinguished person
130230189tenacityfirmness in holding fast; persistence
130230190tenancyperiod of a tenant's temporary holding of real estate
130230191tenetprinciple, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true
130230192tenure1. Period for which an office position is held 2. status assuring an employee a permanent position
130230193untenableincapable of being held or defended
131471122admonishwarn of a fault; reprove; rebuke
131471123admonitiongentle reproof; counseling against a fault or error
131471124admonitoryconveying a gentle reproof
131471125monitor (N)person or device that keeps track of, checks, or warns
131471126monitor (V)keep track of, regulate, or control the operation of a machine or process
131471127monumentmeans of reminding us of a person or event (statue)
131471128premonitionforewarning; intuitive anticipation of a coming event
131471129premonitoryconveying a forewarning
131471130countermandissue a contrary order
131471131mandate1. authoritative 2. territory administered by a trustee
131471132mandatoryobligatory; required by command
131471133remandsend back; recommit; as to a prison
131479144writ of mandamuswritten order from a court to enforce the performance of some public duty
131479145accreditedofficially authorized or recognized; provided with credentials
131479146credencebelief as to the truth of something
131479147credentialsdocuments, letters, references, etc., the inspire belief or trust
131479150creduloustoo ready to believe; gullible
131479151creedsummary of principles believed in or adhered to
131479152discredit1. cast doubt on; refuse to believe 2.take trust or credit away from; disgrace
131479153incrediblenot believable
131479154discreditloss of belief or trust; damage to one's reputation; disgrace
131479156affidavitsworn written statement made before an authorized official
131479157bona fidemade or carried out in good faith
131479158confidanthaving faith in oneself; self-reliant
131479159confidentialcommunicated in trust; secret; private
131479160diffidentlacking self-confidence
131479161fidelity1.faithfulness to a trust or vow 2. accuracy; faithfulness of sound reproduction
131479162fiduciary1. held in trust 2. confidential
131479163infidelone who does not accept a particular faith
131479164perfidiousfalse to a trust; faithless
131479165perfidyviolation of a trust; treachery

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