Kenny's Class
199564784 | circumspect | to look around; or be cautious | |
199564785 | conjecture | a conclusion deduced from defective or presumptive evidence. | |
199564786 | mien | air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality. | |
199564787 | stricture | A restraint, limit, or restriction | |
199564788 | effusive | Unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression | |
199564789 | prognosticate | to predict according to present indications or signs | |
199564790 | eclat | showy or elaborate display; brilliance of success | |
199564791 | amiable | having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities | |
199564792 | panegyric | elaborate praise | |
199564793 | fastidious | possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail | |
199564794 | supercilious | feeling or showing haughty disdain or contempt | |
199564795 | pique | a state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity | |
199564796 | pedantic | characterized by a strict adherence to formal rules or literal meaning at the expense of a wider view | |
199564797 | complaisance | the inclination to comple willingly with the wishes of others | |
199564798 | insipid | lacking qualities that excited, stimulate, or interest | |
199564799 | petticoat | a woman's slip or underskirt that is often full and trimmed with ruffles or lace | |
199564800 | decorum | appropriateness of behavior or conduct | |
199564801 | paltry | lacking in importance or worth | |
199564802 | stile | steps for crossing a fence or wall | |
199564803 | solicitude | care or concern, as for the well being of another | |
199564804 | indolent | disinclined to exert oneself; hanitually lazy | |
199564805 | pliant | capable of plying or bending; readily yielding to force or pressure without breaking | |
199564806 | manor | the land belonging to a lord or nobleman | |
199564807 | ductility | the propery of a metal which allows it to be drawn into wires or filaments | |
199564808 | chaise | any of various light, open carriages often with a collapsible hood | |
199564809 | scrupulous | principled; conscientious and exact | |
199564810 | caprice | an impulsive change of mind; a sudden, unpredictable action | |
199564811 | phaeton | a light, flour-wheeled open carriage, usually drawn by a pair of horses | |
199564812 | diffidence | shyness or timidity | |
199564813 | approbation | an expression of warm approval; praise; official approval |