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Kigar Vocab Midterm 2

Terms : Hide Images
44042275anonymoushaving unknown or withheld authorship or agency, having an unknown or unacknowledged name
44042276cognomena name, especially a descriptive nickname acquired through usage
44042277denominationthe name of a class or group
44042278homonymone of two or more words that have the same sound and often same spelling but difffer in meaning
44042279ignominygreat personal dishonor or humiliation
44042280metonymya figure of speech in which an attribute or commonly associated feature is used to name or designate something
44042281misnomera name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person, place, or thing
44042282nomenclaturea system of names used in the arts and sciences
44042283nominalexisting in name only and not in actuality, insignificantly small
44042284renownthe quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame
44042285convivialsociable, fond of feasting and good company; festive
44042286ebulliencethe quality of expressing feelings or ideas in an enthusiastic and lively manner
44042287felicitouswell chosen; apt, yielding great pleasure
44042288irascibleprone to outburts of temper; easily angered
44042289placidhaving an undisturbed surface or aspect; outwardly calm or composed
44042290querulousgiven to complaining; peevish
44042291sardonicscornfully mocking and derisive
44042292surlysullenly ill-humored
44042293truculentsavage and cruel; fierce
44042294unctuouscharacterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness
44042295audaciousfearlessly daring and bold
44042296contumacyobstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebellion
44042297dourmarked by stubborn sternness or harshness; forbidding
44042298eclatgreat brilliance, as of performance or achievement
44042299indefatigableincapable of being fattigued; tireless
44042300irrresoluteundecided or uncertain as to action or procedure; vacillating
44042301obduratenot giving in to persuasion; inflexible; hardened against feeling
44042302obsequiousexcessively eager to serve, obey, or ingratiate oneself; fawning
44042303pertinacitythe quality or state of holding firmly to a purpose, belief, or opinion
44042304stoicseeemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
44042305benedictionan invocation of divine blessing; usually at the end of a religous service
44042306colloquiuman academic seminar on a broad field of study; usually led by a different lecturer at each meeting; conference
44042307edicta formal proclamation, command, or decree
44042308elocutionthe art of public speaking, emphasizing gesture, vocal production, and delivery
44042309grandiloquencepompous or bombastic speech or expression
44042310indictto accuse of a crime or other offense; charge
44042311interdictto prohibit or forbid; place under a legal or ecclesiastical sanction
44042312interlocutorsomeone who takes part in a conversation
44042313loquaciousvery talkative; garrulous
44042314soliloquya literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character reveals his or her thoughts in the form of a monologue without adressing a listener
44042315avaricean extreme desire for wealth; greed
44042316insatiableincapable of being fully satisfied
44042317inundateto overwhelm as if with a flood; to cover with water and overflow
44042318myriadconstituting a very large, indefinate number; comprised of numerous diverse elements
44042319parsimonyunusual or excessive frugality; stinginess
44042320prodigalrecklessly wasteful; extravagant; lavish; profuse in giving
44042321repleteplentifully supplied; abounding; filled to satisfaction
44042322surfeitan excessive amount; overindulgence in food or drink
44042323tumulta disorderly, noisy movement of people
44042324voluminoushaving great volume, fullness, size, or number
44042325deleterioushaving a harmful effect; injurious
44042326despoilto deprive of possessions or property by force; plunder; rob
44042327effectualproducing or sufficient to produce a desired result; fully adequate
44042328jettisonto discard as unwanted or burdensome
44042329obviateto prevent by anticipating; make unnecessary
44042330pinnaclethe highest point, summit, peak
44042331razeto tear down or demolish; level to the ground
44042332stultifyto render useless or inadequate; cripple
44042333surmountto overcome an obstacle; conquer; to ascend to the top of
44042334wrestto obtain by or as by pulling with violent twisting movements; to usurp forcefully
44042335extenuationthe act of attempting to lessen the seriousness of by providing a partial justification or excuse
44042336portentan indication of something monumentous or calamitous about to occur; omen
44042337pretentiousmaking an extravagant outward show; ostentatious; claiming a position of distinction or merit
44042338retentivehaving the ability to remember or store
44042339retinuethe attendants accompanying a high-ranking person
44042340sustenancesomething, especially food, that supports life, health and good spirits; supplying the necessities of life
44042341tenablecapable of being defended or sustained logical, reasonable
44042342tenaciousholding firmly; persistant; cohesive and adhesive
44042343tenuoushaving little substance; flimsy
44042344tenurethe period of holding something; such as property or an offfice; occupation
44042345adduceto cite as an example or means of proof in an argument; bring forward for consideration
44042346confoundto cause (a person) to become confused; bewilder
44042347construeto place a certain meaning on, interpret
44042348conundruma problem with no satisfactory solution; difficult and complicated problem
44042349crypticof a secret nature; mystifying
44042350equivocateto use ambiguous and misleading language intentionally
44042351paradoxa seemlingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true; an assertion that is self-contradictory
44042352patentobvious; plain
44042353perspicacityacuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding
44042354rudimentaryof or relating to basic facts or principles that must be learned first; elementary; fundamental
44042355commodiousspacious; roomy
44042356finitelimited; having boundaries
44042357gamutthe complete range or extent of something; entire series of recognized musical notes
44042358incalculablenot capable of being conceived of orr determined; beyond calculation
44042359iotaan extremely small amount; bit
44042360loftyof great height, towering; elevated in character; noble
44042361magnitudegreatness of size or extent; rank or position
44042362minusculevery small, tiny
44042363picayuneof little value or importance; petty
44042364vestigea visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that has once existed but exists or appears no more
44042365bedlama place or situation of noisy uproar and confusion
44042366chauvinisma prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's group; fanatical patriotism
44042367draconianexceedingly harsh; rigorous; cruel; law or code of extreme severity
44042368herculeanof or requiring unusual size, power, or difficulty
44042369martineta rigid military disciplinarian
44042370maudlinweakly and excessively tearful; sentimental
44042371mesmerizeto capture and charm; enthrall; hypnotize
44042372silhouettean outline of something that appears against a light background; shadow
44042373stentorianextremely loud
44042374titanichaving great stature or enormous strength; huge; colossal
44042375concomitantexisting or occuring at the same timee; accompanying; attendant
44042376eonan indefinately long period of time; an age; an eternity; longest divsion of geologic time
44042377extantstill in existence; not destroyed, lost or extinct
44042378hiatusa gap or interrupttion in space, time, or continuity; break
44042379inureto make used to something undesirable; especially by prolonged subjection; accustom; harden
44042380irrevocableincapable of being changed, undone, or retracted
44042381millenniuma span of one thousand years; a hoped for period of great joy, prosperity, and justice
44042382perpetuitythe quality, state, or condition of being everlasting; time without end; eternity
44042383pristineof, pertaining to, or typical of the earliest time or condition; primitive; original; remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted
44042384transiencethe state or quality of passing into and out of existence; impermanence
44042385deploreto feel or express strong disapproval of; to feel or express sorrow or regret
44042386disconsolatebeyond comfort, hopelessly sad
44042387distraughtagitated with anxiety; worried, crazed or mad
44042388halcyoncalm and peaceful, tranquil; prosperous or golden
44042389lachrymoseweeping or inclined to weep, tearful
44042390mercurialbeing quick and changeable in character; fickle
44042391revelto take great pleasure or delight in
44042392tiradea long angry or violent speech, usually denouncing or crticizing someone or something
44042393traumaan emotional shock that has a profound and lasting effect on the mind and functioning of an individual; a wound from a sudden physical injury
44042394vexto irritate or annoy; bother; to baffle; puzzle
44042395abstractconcerned with designs or shapes that do not represent and recognizable person or thing
44042396aestheticoff or pertaining to the sense of the beautiful; having a love of beauty
44042397avant-gardea group, as of writers and artists, who are the leaders in inventing unconventional styles and new techniques
44042398eclecticchoosing what appears to be thee best from diverse sources, systems, or styles
44042399grotesquechracterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion; extravagant
44042400hackneyedlacking in freshness because of overuse; trite
44042401perspectivethe technique of representing objects on a flat surface so that they have a three dimensional quality; a view or vista; point of view
44042402representationalof or pertaining to realistic graphic portrayal in art; lifelike
44042403surrealisticof or pertaining to the 20th century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings off the subconscious by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter
44042404verisimilitudethe quality of appearing to be true or real; likelihood
44042405buffoona clown; jester; a person given to making undignified or rude jokes
44042406farcea comic play in which exaggerations and improbabilities of plot and characterization are used for humorous effect
44042407ironythe use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; an expression of utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between the apparent and the intended meanings
44042408joculargiven to or characterized by joking; fun-loving
44042409lampoona broad, comic piece that uses ridicule to attack a person, group, or institution
44042410levitya light manner or attitude; especially when inappropriate, firvolity, flippancy
44042411parodya comic imitation of a person, literary work, or style, that exaggerates the characteristics of the original to make it seem ridiculous
44042412raillerygood-natured teasing; banter
44042413regaleto delight or entertain; give pleasure to; to entertain lavishly
44042414satiricalof, relating to, or characterized by a sarcastic, mocking, or witty attack on human vice or folly, sometimes with the intent to bring about improvement
44042415coup d' etata sudden overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group
44042416elanenthusiastic vigor and liveliness; zest; style/flair
44042417entreethe liberty to enter; admittance, the main course of a meal
44042418esprit de corpsa common feeling of devotion to a cause among the members of a group, team spiritm comradeship
44042419laissez fairean economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws
44042420nouveau richea person who has recently become rich, especially one who flaunts his/her wealth
44042421par excellencesuperior; outstanding; of the highest degree
44042422potpourria combination of diverse elements; medley, a mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air
44042423savoir-fairethe ability to say and do the appropriate thing in any situation; tact
44042424tete-a-tetea private conversation between two people; intimate privacy

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