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AP World Midterm 61-80 Flashcards

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299721032Ahimsanon-violence to other living things and their souls0
299721033NirvanaBuddhist spiritual perfection, passions/desires eliminated, eternal bliss1
299721034Major beliefs of Buddhismsuffering is caused by desire, relieve suffering you must give up desire, Eightfold Path: Buddhist Dharma, goal: nirvana, ahimsa2
299721035Siddhartha Guatamathe Buddha, founded Buddhism, came from kashatriyas3
2997210364 Noble truthssuffering is caused by desire, relieve suffering you must give up desire, all life is suffering, suffering is caused by desire, one can be freed of this desire, one is freed from desire by following the Eightfold Path4
299721037Eight Fold PathRight understanding: make sure you understand the 4 Noble truths Right intentions: make the effort to cause no harm to others mentally or physically Right speech: don't lie or spread gossip Right conduct: make sure your goal is to achieve nirvana Right Livelihood: avoid jobs that can cause harm to others Right mindfulness: meditate to achieve a spiritual awareness Right concentration: constantly searching for the high point when meditating5
299721038TripitakaBuddhist text, 3 baskets6
299721039Mahayana Buddhismmain, easier, it was symbolic so people didn't have to give up everything, easier to follow, practiced in China, Japan, Buddha=god7
299721040Theravada Buddhismstricter religion, people lived a sparse life, practiced in southeast Asia, did not believe Buddha was a god8
299721041Chandragupta Mauryafounded the Maurya empire, seized control of the Magadha kingdom, worked his way through northern India, built successful bureaucracy, harsh ruler, unified India into first empire9
299721042Ashoka and his achievementshigh point of the Maurya empire, conquered pieces of central and southern India: battle=bloody and destructive, converts to Buddhism and spreads is (non-violence), excellent administrator, capital - Pataliputra, cares about citizens: built rest areas, intelligent, respects people: tolerant- people are happy/do not rebel, fair/just, put pillar with laws of empire in all towns, built roads/irrigation systems: trade, efficient tax collector10
299721043Achievements of the GuptasGolden Age: literature, astronomy: solar calendar, earth is round, math: pi, zero, decimal system, medicine: plastic surgery, c-sections, medicinal guides - 100 disease classified and 500 healing plants identified11
299721044Confucius and his ideaslate Zhou period, attempted to address China's social and political disorder, ideas: Analects, political positions should be filled with the most able, education=important, led to moral integrity, capacity for fair judgment, ruler should lead by example: order and stability, people were basically good12
299721045The Analectsideas of Confucianism compiled by Confucius' students13
299721046Confucius and his 5 Relationshipsson-father, wife-husband, younger brother - older brother, subject-ruler, friend-friend14
299721047Impact of Confucianism on Chinese societyideas profoundly influenced Chinese society to the present day, Han educational system15
299721048Filial Pietyrespect for your parents16
299721049Legalismsuccessfully brought peace to China, wanted to strengthen and expand, strict laws and harsh punishments, discouraged creativity, believed in collective responsibility, no care about morals and ethics17
299721050Hanfeizifounder/ compiled Legalist ideas18
299721051Daoismreflection and introspection: did not try to change society, understand natural principles that governed the world, goal: live in harmony with nature, less gov't., the better, natural19

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