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U.S. History Guilded Age-WWI

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focus on action in business, not political; focus on local government
democrat. Helped immigrants to bribe them for votes
radical, upper-class republicans who switched to democratic party for cleveland
Compromise of 1877-Ends Reconstruction
corrupt. "dark horse" candidate. Gets assassinated.
corrupt vice pres. of Garfield; becomes pres. when assassinated. Passed Pendleton and Civil Service Reform Act
Chester Arthur. made government jobs merit based; cleared up spoils system
vetoed Texas Seed Bill, against federal government involvement, he was for local governments.
pres. b/w Clevelands terms. spent all the surplus of treasury's money
McKinley and Bryan
by McKinley, raised tariffs a lot; protected wool, silk, linens, and sugar
... improved scythe
first attempt to organize farmers.
Sustenance to commercial because of technological advances like McCormick's Reaper
overturned Grange laws...
powerful after the Grange. Farmers approached brokers, trying to create a co-op
depression because of Europe. right after Cleveland was re-elected. Results: Cleveland repealed Silver Purchase Act and lowered tariffs
Protestors who never did anything because Coxey was arrested
Republican, pro-business, gold std, high tariffs,
imperialist. anglo-saxon race
naval power
Alaska; opposed ideas of sea powers; wanted to unite the u.s.
resistance, but ended up annexing. we didn't want to look like imperialists; Wilson annexed.
spanish belligerent who came into Cuba; made concentration camps against the resistant
owner of major newspaper; yellow journalism
used newspaper to manipulate new in his favors; goes for sensational headlines
McKinley sent it to Havannah, Cuba to warn crazy rioters not to mess with the U.S., mysteriously exploded
Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war
captured Philippines in one battle
started by Roosevelt; fought San Juan Hill (Spanish American War); 9th and 10th black Calvary's
ended war Spanish-American war. U.S. paid $20 mill for Cuba, giving them conditional independence; also gained Guam and Puerto Rico and Philippines
-Guantanamo Bay -balanced budget -no other countries can come in
led Philippine revolt
McKinley wins hands down; later assassinated, and Roosevelt came
China, Hay- equal and fair trade among all countries here
Secretary of State; open door policy
china. against foreigners on Empresses ' prompting
State of Columbia; single most important thing for trade
French officer who came up with the idea to Panama canal revolt and then they could take the canal for cheaper
blocking French forces from coming to Panama
Treaty rejected by the Colombian Senate that would have granted the United States possession of the land on which the Panama Canal would be constructed in return for $10 million. The treaty's rejection led President Roosevelt to encourage Panama to declare its independence from Colombia.
keeps foreigners out of Latin America to take their debt. 1904 international policemen
Taft encouraged economic relations with Latin Am. for economic power over them instead of military
expository journalism. Pilgrim's Progress
wrote about corruption in Standard Oil
wrote The Jungle-meatpacking industry
initiative and referendum (VOTING); direct senator election, new social justice laws
hired commissioners, hired experts
all jgiuhgojkhuy
Progressive; came up with Wisconsin Plan
Roosevelt- based off of a book; inc. gov and social welfare
Wilson; fed. gov. is too large; didn't believe in social welfare, monopolies, or terrorist; fed. reserve act of 1913- banking - $ supply - interest- bonds
conservative republican; bad; fat; separated republicans into Progressives and Conservatives 1908
He's famous (be nice to him) and sometimes classy... perfect. knows something about everything
Wilhelm's righthand man. determined to keep Germany safe and unified. created the System- secret alliances with people to get out of war
fired Bismarck. wanted Germany to be a world power. basically crazy
Allied powers; England, France, Russia, Italy
Germany, Austrio-Hungarian empire, Ottoman empire
Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare
american citizens killed on English commerce ship ship; supposedly had weapons on it.
other two ships that G's blew up with civilians on it
Germany telegram to Mexico.

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