week 2
300585715 | coalition | the power to direct, shape, or otherwise influence things | |
300585716 | commerce | the large-scale buying and selling of goods and services | |
300585717 | commodity | an item that is bought and sold, especially an unprocessed material; something that people value or find useful | |
300585718 | condemn | to state that somebody or something is in some way wrong or unacceptable | |
300585719 | conglomerate | a mass formed by gathering a number of dissimilar materials or parts | |
300585720 | conscription | obligatory enrollment of citizens in the armed forces | |
300585721 | consolidate | to combine separate items or scattered material into a single whole or mass | |
300585722 | continuity | fact of staying the same, of being consistent throughout, or of not stopping or being interrupted | |
300585723 | coup | sudden violent overthrow of a government and seizure of political power, especially by the military | |
300585724 | cultivate | to work land or prepare soil for growing crops | |
300585725 | cynic | somebody who believes that human actions are insincere and motivated by self-interest | |
300585726 | decadent | undergoing a process of decline or decay, especially in morals | |
300585727 | decentralize | to reorganize something such as a political unit so that power is shifted from a central or upper location to another less central place, or be reorganized in this way | |
300585728 | democratize | to take steps toward establishing the features of liberal democracy in a state | |
300585729 | demographics | the characteristics of a human population or part of it, especially its size, growth, density, distribution, and statistics regarding birth, marriage, disease, and death | |
300585730 | deter | to discourage somebody from taking action or prevent something from happening, especially by making somebody feel afraid or anxious | |
300585731 | diffusion | spread of tools, practices, or other features from one culture to another | |
300585732 | disparity | a lack of equality between people or things | |
300585733 | diversify | to become more varied, or make something more varied | |
300585734 | domesticate | to accustom an animal to living with or near people, usually as a farm animal or pet |