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Pre-Flight Checklist Check 2

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110523611Rhetoricthe manipulation of words for a specific purpose
110523612Toneattitude the narrator wants the reader to take toward a setting, character, or idea
110523613Dictionword choice
110523614Denotationdictionary definition of a word
110523615Connotationemotional definition of a word
110523616Alliterationsame beginning sound
110523617Onomatopoeiasound words, imitative harmony
110523618Imagerywords that create mental pictures
110523619Personificationinanimate objects or abstract ideas given human characteristics
110523620Similea comparison using like or as
110523621Metaphora direct comparison
110523622Extended Metaphora metaphor which changes and grows throughout the story
110523623Metonymydescribing something indirectly by referring to things around it
110523624Synecdochea part is used to represent the whole (crown=king)
110523625Pathoswords which evoke sorrow
110523626Allusionliterary, historical, artistic reference
110523627Aphorisma short witty statement
110523628Apostropheform of personification, speaking to an absent or dead person or object as if it is there
110523629Motifpattern; repeated image, symbol, idea
110523630Symbola word that represents a larger idea or concept
110523631Colloquialthe use of slang and informal language in writing
110523632Dialectthe recreation of regional spoken language
110523633Clichean overused expression
110523634Didacticwriting whose purpose is to instruct or teach
110523635Pedanticscholarly, academic writing that is difficult to understand
110523636Figurative Languageliterary devices that enable an author to operate on levels other than the literal (simile, metaphor, etc)
110523637Jargontechnical, specialized language
110523638Ironyan unexpected outcome
110523639Verbal Ironysaying one thing but meaning the opposite
110523640Situational Ironyunexpected outcome in the plot
110523641Dramatic Ironywhere the audience knows more than the character
110523642Oxymoroncontrasting words placed together for effect
110523643Paradoxstatement (that appears to be false at the start) contradicts itself (appearing then to be true)- "the more you learn the less you know"
110523644Pun/ double-entendrea play on words that are identical or similar in sounds but differ in meaning
110523646Understatementmaking a situation seem less important or serious than it is
110523647Euphemismmaking something sound nicer than it is; candy-coated words
110523648Antithesisdirect contrast or opposite
110523649Satirea political comment through the use of humor
110523650Parodya comic imitation that ridicules the original. It can be mocking or gently humorous
110523651Sarcasmtype of irony in which a person seems to be praising something but actually insulting
110523652Zeugmaa type of pun where the use of a word modifies two or more words, but used for different meanings (On the fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.)
110523653Foreshadowingclues that tip the reader off as to what is to come later in the work
110523654Syntaxword order or organization
110523655Parallelismsentences, or parts of a sentence with similar structure
110523656Repetitionusing the same word or phrase for emphasis
110523657Anaphorarepetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences
110523659Analogya comparison between two dissimilar ideas or things
110523660Rhetorical Questiona question that does not expect an explicit answer
110523661Antithesisdirect contrast or opposite
110523662Juxtapositionwords, phrases, ideas placed side by side for effect
110523663abstract detaildealing with a subject in the abstract
110523664asyndetona construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions
110523665concrete detailA highly specific, particular, often real, actual, or tangible detail; the opposite of abstract.
110523666epitheta defamatory or abusive word or phrase
110523667inversionthe act of turning inside out (verb/subject)
110523669polysyndetonusing several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some might be omitted (as in 'he ran and jumped and laughed for joy')
110523670logosan appeal based on logic or reason
110523671ethosThe appeal of a text to the credibility and character of the speaker, writer, or narrator
110523672sardonicGrimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic
110523673refutationthe speech act of answering an attack on your assertions

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