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Ap2 Urinary

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Paired Kidneys, Ureters, urinary bladder, uretha
Bean shaped Organs, lots of blood flow, production of urineyou have two but could accomplish the job with 1. Removes Waste, regulate BP, blood ph and RBR production
For urine to travel to bladder. Consists of three layers = Mucosa (in contact with urine), muscularis, advantitia (stretchy allows change of shape.
Collapsible muscular sac that stores urine, same three layers = mucosa, muscularis, advantitia.
Thing walled muscular tube, takes urine from bladder out of body.
You dont have control of this. SMOOTHE musc;e, prevents urine from leaking between voidings.
you CAN control this. Skeletal muscle, under voluntary control.
Functional structural unit of kidney. On the surface of kidney. millions of them!
1 part of nephron == glomerulus surrounded by bowmans capsule.. knot of fenestrated (they holes that leak) capillaries.
Outer wall lined by simple Squamous Epithelium
Foot cells -- All around inner surface, they hug the capillary.
Narrow gaps between the podocytes.
wallas consist of simple cubodial epithelium with microvilli on top, lots of mitochondria
descending and ascending loops that consists of thing and thick segments.
Distal portion of loops. freely permeable to water.Simple Squamous
Portion of ascending loops that has simple cuboidal. impermeable to water and solutes (water CANNOT move)
empties into collecting ducts ( collect urine from many nephrons)
COllect urine from nephrons. They run through medullary pyramids and end in ureters.
Absorb Solutes and water from tubules.
Renal Arteris --> Branch into Sm. Arteries -->Afferent Arterioles -->Glomerulus --->Efferent Arterioles -->Peritubuilar Capallaries (exchange O2) -->Rein Veins (deoxygenated)
1. Glomerular FIltration, 2. Tubular Reabsorption, 3. Tubular Secretion
Increases Na+ in plasma ----> Sensed by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus --->stimulates release of DH by post pituitary ---> in kidney, ADH causes more water to be retained by collecting ducts ---->increases blood Vulume, decreases Na+ ---->Negative feedback
95% Water, 5% solutes
COntrolling blood PH, removal of excess K+, elimination of undesired substances, Disposing of substances in filtrate.
permeable to water but not solutes
impermeable to water
Involves specific ATP carrier, transports material to interstitial space
Diffusion, faciltated diffusion and osmosis.

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