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AP Language Semester 2 Vocabulary

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54815780charismamagnetic personality; charm
54815781denounceto condemn; to blame
54815782diplomacythe conduct of international relations
54815783eradicateto eliminate; to get rid of
54815784hierarchya ranked order of persons in authority
54815785impeachto charge or incriminate
54815786imperialrelating to an emperor or empire
54815787inaugurateto officially induct inot office
54815788insurrectionrevolt; rebellion
54815789interveneto interrupt in order to modify or mediate
54815790jurisdictionlawful right; extent of authority
54815791negotiationdiscussion aimed at reaching a settlement
54815792potentatea powerful leader; ruler
54815793preamblean opening remark or statement
54815794precincta division of a city, town, or country for police control or election purposes
54815795provisionalserving temporarily
54815796ratifyto confirm or validate
54815797rescindto revoke; to reverse
54815798sovereigna supreme ruler; a monarch
54815799stanceattitude; position on an issue
54815800alumnigraduates or former students of a particular school, college, or university
54815801auxiliarya person or group offering or providing help to a larger group
54815802cabala secret group conspiring an overthrow
54815803choralrelating to a singing group
54815804clergya group that performs pastoral or sacred functions for a religious organization
54815805cliquea narrow and exclusive group
54815806communea group of people with common interests who live together
54815807confederationa group united by a common purpose; a league or association
54815808conformityan action in accordance with a specified custom or authority; agreement
54815809exodusa mass departure or migration
54815810furora public outburst, commotion, or uproar
54815811heterogeneousmixed or diverse
54815812hubbuban uproar, noise, or fuss
54815813integrateto bring together people of different races or religions; to end segregation
54815814jeerto mock or taunt
54815815populousfull of people; crowded
54815816segregateto isolate or set apart a particular group of people
54815817troupea company, especially of theatrical performers
54815818tumultdisorderly agitation of a crowd; uproar or commotion
54815819unrulydisobedient or unmanageable
54815820boycottto refuse to buy or have dealings with
54815821coincidenthappening in the same place or time
54815822dynastya ruling house or family that reigns for several generations
54815823instrumentalhelpful or serving as a means
54815824manorthe house of a landed estate
54815825metropolisthe main town or city of a region; any large city
54815826migrantone who moves periodically from one region to another
54815827papyruswriting paper used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans
54815828patriciana member of aristocratic class of ancient Rome
54815829pilgrimagea long journey made to a sacred place
54815830plebeiana member of the common people of ancient Rome
54815831precedentan action used as a standard for settling similar future situations
54815832prohibitiona law that forbids
54815833realma kingdom; a domain
54815834rostruma platform used in ancient Rome for public speaking
54815835secedeto withdraw from a political union or religious association
54815836secessionthe act of breaking off from a political union or religious association
54815837treatisea detailed article or dissertation
54815838turbulentextremely disturbed or agitated
54815839vanguardthe forefront of a movement or field
57490485coerceto bring about by force or threat
57490486compliantobedient or yielding
57490487credulousready to believe on little evidence; easily convinced
57490488demureaffectedly shy or modest
57490489derideto subject to scorn or ridicule
57490490errto make a mistake
57490491ficklechangeable; unpredictable; inconstant
57490492gregarioussociable; outgoing
57490493impudenthaving disregard for others; rude or brash
57490494indolencelaziness or idleness
57490495instigateto provoke or bring about
57490496introvertone who is mainly interested in his or her own mental life; a withdrawn person
57490497lenientof tolerant disposition; indulgent
57490498molestto annoy or bother with hostile intent
57490499mollifyto calm or pacify; to soothe or appease
57490500neurotichaving a nervous disorder that shows up as anxiety, unreasonable fear, or obsessions; emotionally unstable
57490501nonchalantunconcerned or unexcited
57490503pugnaciousquarrelsome; having an aggressive nature
57490504reconcileto come to terms with a disagreeable situation
58695625analyticlogical or rational
58695626cognitionthe process of knowing either through perception or through reasoning
58695627contemplateto regard or examine thoughtfully
58695628discernto detect or make out
58695629dubiousdoubtful or uncertain
58695630fallacya misconception or false idea
58695631glinta momentary flash
58695632gropeto feel or to search uncertainly; to fumble about
58695633impairto hinder or cripple
58695634inklingan idea or suspicion
58695635insightthe ability to see the true nature of a situation
58695636intellecta capacity for knowledge and understanding
58695637intuitiona capacity to know something without using rational thinking processes
58695638ponderto consider carefully
58695639premonitiona forewarning; a foreboding
58695640presentimenta prophetic sense of something about to happen
58695641revelationdramatic or suprising disclosure
58695642sagaciouswisdom founded on wide experience
58695643sapientwise, usually used ironically
58695644visionarya person who has foresight; a dreamer
58695645anecdotea brief story relating an interesting or amusing incedent
58695646bibliographya list of works on a specific subject
58695647bilingualable to speak two languages equally well
58695648epica long narrative poem describing the feats of a legendary hero
58695649homonymtwo words with the same sound, and sometimes the same spelling, but with different meanings
58695650insinuationan indirect suggestion, usually negative
58695651intonationthe act or manner of producing tones; chanting
58695652ironythe use of words to impy the opposite of their literal meaning
58695653lexicona dictionary, especially of words used in a specific subject area
58695654literalexact or word-for-word
58695655memoirautobiography or diary
58695656narrativean oral or written account; a story or chronicle
58695657parablea simple story that illustrates a moral lesson
58695658paradoxa statement that seems contradictory but is true
58695659quibbleto argue or bicker
58695660recurringreappearing or persistent
58695661revisiona changed version
58695662thesisa proposition that is supported by argument
58695663tomeany book, especially a large or scholarly one
58695664transposeto change the order of
74147959allegationa statement or charge against someone to be proved in a court of law
74147960arraignto charge or accuse; to call before a court to answer charges
74147961collaborateto work together
74147962constituteto set up or establish
74147963decreean order having the force of law
74147964divulgeto disclose a secret; to reveal
74147965exonerateto free from a charge; to declare blameless
74147966feloniousrelating to a serious crime
74147967forensicused in legal proceedings
74147968indictto accuse of a crime; to charge
74147969inquisitionan investigation
74147970judicioussensible or cautious
74147971lynchto hang without due process of law
74147972mandatoryobligatory; binding
74147973notarya public official who certifies documents, take affidavits, and administers oaths
74147974nullifyto make void; to abolish
74147975parlancea specific style of speaking
74147976patenta legal grant to inventors giving them exclusive rights to their inventions
74147977suspectone who is thought to have committed a crime
74147978technicalitya detail meaningful only to a specialist
74293430afflictionthe state or cause of pain or distress
74293431amnesiaa loss of memory
74293432anethestica substance that brings relief from pain
74293433apothecarya druggist or pharmacist
74293434asphyxiationsuffocation caused by lack of oxygen
74293435cataracta condition of the eye where clouding of the lens can cause partial or total blindness
74293436concussionan injury to the brain or spine caused by a sudden shock
74293437congenitalpresent at birth
74293438curvaturea curve or bent condition
74293439debilitya weakness or feebleness
74293440exhumeto take out of a grave or the ground
74293441hallucinationseeing or hearing something when there is no real cause
74293442interna doctor who is in training in a hospital
74293443rehabilitateto restor to a healty condition
74293444retinathe back part of the eyeball that receives the images of things looked at
74293445sanitariuman establishment that treats the sick, especially those suffering from a lingering disease
74293446sedativea medicine that lessens pain and has a calming effect
74293447spasma sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
74293448tractiona pulling of a muscle or organ by weights- used for healing a fracture or dislocation
74293449vertigodizziness; a light-headed sensation
74293450barnacleshard-shelled, salt-water animals that attach themselves to boats, rocks, or wharves
74293451buoya floating object used to guide or warn
74293452celestialhaving to do with the sky or heavens
74293453covea small sheltered bay
74293454galleona large ship with two or more decks and and square sails used during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
74293455hawsera rope or cable used for mooring or towing a ship
74293457lagoona small body of water near or connected to a larger body of water
74293458leveea raised bank built to keep a river from overflowing
74293459lunarpertaining to the moon
74293461overcastcloudy, misty, or dark
74293462pinnacea small boat usually used to transport supplies between ship and shore
74293463promontorya high point of land jutting into the water
74293464regattaa boat race or series of boat races
74293465seepagea slow leakage
74293466stellarhaving to do with the stars
74293467tarpaulina waterproof canvas
74293468veerto change a ship's direction by turning away from the wind
74293469zephyra gentle west wind
74293470corruptto change from good to bad in morals or actions
74293472derogatorydetracting from the character of someone or something; uncomplimentary
74293473diabolicaldevilish or fiendish
74293474discreditto damage the reputation of; to degrade
74293475disheveledin disarray; unkempt
74293476disreputablenot in good standing; dishonorable
74293477drearygloomy or depressing
74293478fanaticalexcessively enthusiastic or obsessive
74293479haphazardseemingly organized by chance rather than systematically
74293480inanelacking significance; empty
74293481incorrigibleincapable of being corrected; unmanageable
74293482insinuateto imply or suggest
74293483intimidateto compel by threats; frighten
74293484lustto have a strong desire or need
74293486obstinatestubborn or willful
74293487slovenlymessy or sloppy, especially in personal appearance
74293488stagnantnot flowing; inactive
74293489torridburning; impassioned
74293490defameto slander, libel, or discredit
74293491defileto make dirty; to dishonor or corrupt
74293492depravitywickedness or corruption
74293493desecrateto defile, violate, or contaminate something sacred
74293494despicablecontemptible or worthy of scorn
74293495flagrantoutrageous or scandalous
74293496guiledeceit or treachery
74293498imperilto endanger or jeopardize
74293500insolencerudeness; insulting behavior
74293501lewdindecent or obscene
74293502malevolentshowing ill-will; spiteful
74293503maraudera person or animal that makes raids for booty
74293504morbidunhealthy or unwholesome; gloomy
74293505odioushateful or offensive
74293506prodigalwasteful; spending too much
74293507profanehaving no regard for sacred things; vulgar
74293508revileto verbally abuse

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