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AP Language SAT words unit 4

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276801542pedanticshowy about knowledge
276801543grandiosepretentious;ridiculously exaggerated g
276801544bombasticpompous; using inflated language
276801545braggartone who boasts; a showoff
276801546ostentatiousshowy; pretentious o
276801547pompouspossessing excessive self-esteem;pretentious
276801548swaggerto walk or strut in an arrogant manner
276801549loftyhaughty; overly proud
276801550garishflashy; loud
276801551ornateoverly decorated
276801552opulenceluxuriousness o
276801554baroqueextravagantly ornate and convoluted in style
276801555ped, paedereinstruct
276801556ostentareto display
276801557grandisgreat, big
276801559doggeddetermined; unwilling to give up
276801564pertinacitystubbornness p
276801565steadfastunchanging; unswerving
276801566recalcitrantstubbornly rebellious r
276801567tenaciousholding firmly;persistent
276801568disputatiousinclined to arguing
276801569obdurateintractable; not easily persuaded
276801570intractablehard to manage;stubborn i
276801571adamantrefusing to yield
276801572litigiousprone to bringing lawsuits
276801575tenaxholding fast
276801577adroitdexterous; (skillful)
276801578unerringcommitting no mistakes; perfect u
276801579adepthighly skilled
276801580aptitudea natural ability; intelligence a
276801581paragona model of excellence; perfection p
276801582deftadroit, skillful d
276801584expertiseknowledge or skill in a particular area e
276801585discerningshowing good judgment or keen insight
276801587consummateperfect in every respect c
276801588dexterousskillful with the hands
276801590precociousunusually advanced or mature in development
276801595nefariouswicked; sinful
276801596repugnantoffensive; repulsive
276801597infamousfamous for bad deeds; notorious
276801598odiousworth of dislike; arousing feelings of dislike
276801599malevolentwishing harm to others; evil
276801600malefactoran evildoer
276801601abominableloathsome; unpleasant
276801602avariceextreme greed
276801603bigotryintolerance towards those who are different
276801604hypocriteone who says one thing but does another
276801605miserlylacking generosity
276801607curmudgeona cranky person
276801608misanthropeone who hates humankind
276801609perfidydeliberate breach of trust; treachery
276801610malbad, evil
276801611mis(bad) wretched, hatred
276801614charlatana fraud; a quack
276801615rusea crafty scheme r
276801616subterfugea scheme; an attempt to deceive s
276801617dupeone who is easily deceived D
276801618pilferto steal p
276801619swindleto cheat s
276801620gullibleeasily deceived G
276801621embezzleto steal money from one's employer
276801622machinationa crafty scheme m
276801623bilkto cheat, to swindle b
276801624larcenytheft ends in y
276801625filchto steal f
276801626fleeceto defraud of money, to swindle
276801627sub, subterunder, secretly
276801628larecintheft ends in n
276801629fugereto flee
276801631hedonista pleasure seeker
276801632asceticone who lives a holy life of self-denial
276801633anarchistone who opposes all political authority
276801634pacifistan individual who is opposed to violence
276801635atheistone who does not believe that God exists
276801636nihilistone who rejects moral distinctions and knowable "truths"
276801637despota tyrant; one who rules oppressively
276801638narcissistone in love with his/her own image
276801639zealotone who engages passionately in a cause z
276801640sybaritean individual who seeks luxury
276801641pessimistan individual who focuses on the negative side of a situation
276801642optimistone who focuses on the positive side of a situation
276801643fanaticone who shows extreme enthusiasm for a cause f
276801644archosleader, government
276801645a, anwithout
276801648vindicateto clear from blame v
276801649assuageto soothe anger or pain; to satisfy a hunger a
276801650mollifyto soothe the anger of m
276801651exonerateto clear from accusation
276801652placateto soothe; to mollify
276801653exculpateto free from blame e
276801654anestheticsomething that reduces sensation
276801655pacifyto soothe the agitation or anger of
276801656invigorateto energize
276801657alleviateto relive
276801658emollienta substance that softens e
276801659absolveto pardon
276801661mitigateto make less severe; to lessen the force of
276801663ex, eout
276801664placareto please

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