AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

Plum Dog Vocab Lessons 1-7.. that's not a lot or anything..

This is a ridiculous amount of vocab.. enjoy.
~~~ THESE AREN'T REAL INSULTS.. merely examples. I'm just kidding.. but not really.

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180676345divulgeto tell; to reveal (as a secret)
180676346abetto assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing
180676347dogmaticarrogant and stubborn about one's (often unproven) beliefs
180676348insipidlacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating
180676349extraneousinessential; not constituting a vital part
180676350coerceto force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats
180676351jaundicedprejudiced; hostile
180676352meticulousextremely, sometimes excessively, careful about small details; precise.
180676353temerityrecklessness; foolish disregard of danger
180676354gregarioussociable; fond of the complany of others
180676355heresythe crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine.
180676356docileeasy to teach or manage.
180676357libationa drink, especially an alcoholic one
180676358anathema1. a hated repellent person or thing. 2. a formal curse.
180676359banterteasing; playful conversation.
180676360castigateto criticize or punish severely
180676361gauchelacking social graces; tactless SYN: awkward
180676362ignominypublic shame, disgrace, or honor.
180676363motleymade up of dissimilar parts; being of many colors
180676364emaciatedextremely thin; wasted away
180676365avaricegreed; desire for wealth
180676366furtivestealthy; secretive
180676367bacchanalianwild and drunken
180676368extraditeto turn over or deliver to teh legal jurisdiction of another government or authority
180676369copiouslarge in quantity; numerous
180676370irascibleeasily angered
180676371mercenarya professional soldier hired by a foreign army
180676372bastiona strong defense or fort (or one likened to it)
180676373jettisonto discard; to cast overboard
180676374ostracizeto banish; to shut out froma group or society by common consent
180676375bigotone who is intolerant of the differences of others
180676376expungeerase or eliminate
180676377candidblunt; outspoken
180676378argotspecial words or phrases used by a specific group of people.
180676379negligencecareless neglect often resulting in injury
180676380appeaseto calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily)
180676381stridentharsh sounding; grating
180676382chaoscomplete disorder
180676383augmentto enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity
180676384jingoismextreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy
180676385rancorextreme hatred or ill will
180676386inexorableunrelenting; unavaoidable
180676387extolpraise highly
180676388clementmerciful; lenient
180676389clichework out idea or overused expression
180676390adamantunyeilding; firm in opinion.
180676391diffidentlacking in self confidence; shy
180676392opusa creative work especially a numbered composition
180676393ostensibleprofessed but not necessarily true.
180676394disparityinequality; difference
180676395condoneto forgive or overlook an offense
180676396nuancea light or subtle degree of difference
180676397connoisseuran expert in matters of food, wine, or culture.
180676398enigmaa mystery; something seemingly inexplicable
180676399apathylack of interest; state of not caring
180676400officiousexcessively eager to deliver unasked for or unwanted help
180676401credencebelief or trust
180676402jauntyhaving a buoyant and self confident air; brisk and crisp
180676403dilettanteone who merely dabbles in an art or science
180676404cultan organized group of people with an obsessive devotion to a person or set of principles
180676405cynicaldoubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motives
180676406ambivalenthaving opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, thing, or idea; unable to decide
180676407demagoguea leader who appeals to citizen's emotions to obtain power
180676408demurequiet and modest; reserved
180676409intrepidwithout fear; brave
180676410destituteextremely poor; lacking neccessities like food and shelter MNEUMONIC DEVICE Prostitutes are destitute so they prostitute themselves to get money so they dont have to be destitute anymore.
180676411eruditescholarly; learned
180676412dilemmaa choice between 2 unpleasant or difficult options EX I am in a dilemma; should I shoot myself or go to Mr. K's class today? answer: shoot myself
180676413culminationthe highest point of attainment; the end or climax.
180676414concurto be of the same opinion; to agree with

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