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AP Supreme Court Cases

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24807059Marbury V. MadisonEstablished Judicial Review
24807060McCulloch V. MarylandEstablished the elastic/supremecy clause
24807061Barron V. BaltimoreBill of Rights applies to States. Emminet domain
24807062Schenk v. USEstablished clear and present danger test
24807063Gitlow V. New YorkEstablished the incorportion doctrine. Basically, states cannot limit rights stated in the Bill of RIghts.
24807064Bradenburg v. OhioGovernment cannot punish inflamatory speech, unless it is inciting or likely to incite imminent lawless actions.
24807065Tinker V. Des MoinesStudents have to right of Expression
24807066Fujishima v. Board of EducationEstablished school newspaper rights
24807067Buckley V. ValeoMoney spent by an individual in an election cannot be limited.
24807068Bethel v. FraserLimited free speech in schools
24807069Texas v. JohnsonFlag Burning is legal
24807070Reno v. ACLUfreedom of expression on internet
24807071Near V. Minnesotano prior restraints on publications
24807072NY Times v. USmade it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post to publish the Pentagon Papers. Also prior restraint.
24810226Hazelwood School District v. KuhlmeierSchools able to limit what goes into school publications
24810227West Virgina Board of Education v. BarnetteCannot force students to say the plege of allegiance
24810228Everson v. Board of EducationGovernment able to provied aid to parachiol schools.
24810229Engle v. VitaleNo organized prayer in public schools
24810230Lemon v. KurzmanNo excessive entanglement with religion by the government
24810231Wallace v. JaffreeNo forced silent prayers
24810232Roth v. USObsecenity is banned if found to be wayward of community standards
24810233Miller v. CaliforniaArt not obscene if it has an artistic value.
24810234Printz v. USGave government the right to regulate hand gun sales.
24810235Weeks v. USNo illegal seizures, and those items cannot be used for evidence in a federal court.
24810236Mapp v. Ohiodecided that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against "unreasonable searches and seizures", may not be used in criminal prosecutions in state courts, as well as federal courts.
24810237New Jersey v. TLOsearch and seizure by school officials without a warrant was constitutional as long as the search was deemed reasonable given the circumstances
24810238Massachusetts v. ShepardReversed the decision of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts and held that evidence is admissible, even if gathered under a defective search warrant, as long as the police acted in good faith in executing what they believed was a valid warrant.
24810239Vernonia v. ActonDrug testing of Athletes
24810240Gideon v. WainwrightRight to a lawyer
24810241Escobedo v. IlinoisRight to Counsel
24810242Miranda v. ArizonaRights read to an accused person. Miranda Rights
24810243Gregg v. GeorgiaDeath penalty is not cruel and unusual
24810244Thompson v. OklahomaNo Death penalty for those under 16 years of age.
24810245Griswold v. ConnecticutBirth Control, but really the right to privacy
24810246Roe v. WadeAbortion is legal before the "fetus becomes viable" also a right to privacy
24810247Webster v. Reproductive Health ServiceState will not pay abortion unless the mother/fetus is in danger.
24810248Dred Scott v. SanfordSlaves were not people, and could not bring suits against the courts.
24810249Plessy v. FergusonSeperate but equal
24810250Brown v. Board of EducationOverturned the "seperate but equal clause" and desegragated schools.
24810251Regents of Univ. Of CA v. BakkeAffirmitve action
24810252Baker v. carrSame number of voters in each district
24810253Westberry v. SandersDistricts have to be aproximately equal in population.
24810254Clinton v. City of New YorkLine item veto is unconstitutional
24810255Roper v. SimmonsCannot execute minors
24810256Grutter v. BollingerUpheld affirmitve action/ race can be considered.

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