81724684 | absum | to be absent | |
81724685 | accedo | to approach | |
81724686 | accendo | to set on fire | |
81724687 | acies | edge | |
81724688 | acuo | to sharpen | |
81724689 | adeo (adj) | so much | |
81724690 | adeo (verb) | to approach | |
81724691 | aditus | access | |
81724692 | adytum | sanctuary | |
81724693 | aeger | sick | |
81724694 | aeneus | bronze | |
81724695 | aequus | equal | |
81724696 | aer | atmosphere | |
81724697 | aes | copper | |
81724698 | aestas | summer | |
81724699 | aestus | heat | |
81724700 | aeternus | eternal | |
81724701 | aetherius | ethereal | |
81724702 | aevum | time | |
81724703 | agger | heap | |
81724704 | aggredior | to approach | |
81724705 | agito | to aggitate | |
81724706 | albus | white | |
81724707 | alloquor | to address | |
81724708 | almus | nourishing | |
81724709 | ambo | both | |
81724710 | amens | mad | |
81724711 | amnis | stream | |
81724712 | amplus | ample | |
81724713 | animus | soul | |
81724714 | appareo | to appear | |
81724715 | apto | to apply | |
81745647 | amplector | to embrace | |
81933031 | aqua | water | |
81933032 | arceo | to keep off | |
81933033 | arcus | arch | |
81933034 | argentum | silver | |
81933035 | armo | to arm | |
81933036 | arrigo | to raise | |
81933037 | auctor | creator | |
81933038 | aufero | to destroy | |
81933039 | auspicium | authority | |
81933040 | avello | to pluck | |
81933041 | avus | grandfather | |
81933042 | axis | axis | |
82222813 | bos | ox | |
82222814 | brachium | arm | |
82222815 | brevis | brief | |
82222816 | caedes | murder | |
82222817 | caedo | to murder | |
82222818 | caestus | glove | |
82222819 | caeruleus | blue | |
82222820 | cardo | pole | |
82222821 | carmen | song | |
82222822 | carmen | song | |
82222823 | carpo | to plunder | |
82222824 | castrum | settlement | |
82222825 | cautes | cliff | |
82222826 | certo | certainly | |
82222827 | cervix | neck | |
82222828 | ceterus | the other | |
82222829 | ceu | just as | |
82222830 | chorus | chorus | |
82222831 | cieo | to move | |
82222832 | citus | quick | |
82222833 | claudo | to shut | |
82222834 | clipeus | shield | |
82222835 | coepi | to begin | |
82222836 | cognomen | family name | |
82222837 | cogo | to drive together | |
82222838 | colligo | to collect | |
82222839 | collum | neck | |
82222840 | comitor | to accompany | |
82222841 | committo | to commit | |
82222842 | compello | to impell | |
82222843 | complector | to encompass | |
82222844 | compleo | to complete | |
82222845 | compono | to compare | |
82222846 | concutio | to shake violently | |
82506946 | conjugium | marriage | |
82506947 | conscious | conscious | |
82506948 | consilium | counsel | |
82506949 | conspicio | to see | |
82506950 | contendo | to contend | |
82506951 | contingo | to touch | |
82506952 | continuus | continuous | |
82506953 | conubium | marriage | |
82506954 | convello | to pluck up | |
82506955 | convenio | to come together | |
82506956 | converto | to convert | |
82506957 | cornu | horn | |
82506958 | corona | garland | |
82506959 | creber | thick | |
82506960 | cruentus | gory | |
82506961 | cruor | gore | |
82506962 | culmen | top | |
82506963 | cupido | to desire | |
82506964 | curro | to run | |
82506965 | curvus | curve | |
82506966 | daps | banquet | |
82506967 | decorus | decorous | |
82506968 | decus | grace | |
82506969 | defero | to carry off | |
82506970 | dejicio | to throw down | |
82506971 | deligo | to select | |
82506972 | demens | senseless | |
82506973 | demum | at length | |
82506974 | densus | dense | |
82506975 | descendo | to descend | |
82506976 | dignus | worthy | |
82506977 | digredior | to depart | |
82506978 | dignus | worthy | |
82506979 | digredior | to depart | |
82506980 | disco | to learn | |
82506981 | discrimen | divison | |
82506982 | diversus | opposite | |
82506983 | divinus | divine | |
82506984 | dominus | master | |
82506985 | donec | as long as | |
82506986 | doctor | teacher | |
82506987 | dudum | formerly | |
82506988 | duo | two | |
83080165 | educo | to lead out | |
83080166 | effor | to utter | |
83080167 | effugio | to escape | |
83080168 | egregious | excellent | |
83080169 | elabor | to escape | |
83080170 | en | behold! | |
83080171 | epulae | feast | |
83080172 | erro | to wander | |
83080173 | eruo | to uproot | |
83080174 | evado | to evade | |
83080175 | exanimus | dead | |
83080176 | excedo | to withdrawl | |
83080177 | excipio | to take out | |
83080178 | excutio | to shake | |
83080179 | exigo | to thrust | |
83080180 | exorior | to arise | |
83080181 | expedio | to free | |
83080182 | exspecto | to expect | |
83080183 | extinguo | to extinguish | |
83080184 | extemplo | immediately | |
83080185 | exterreo | to scare | |
83080186 | exuo | to put off | |
83080187 | exuviae | spoils | |
83547859 | faciles | easy | |
83547860 | fames | famine | |
83547861 | famulus | slave | |
83547862 | fastigium | slope | |
83547863 | fatalis | fatal | |
83547864 | fateor | to confess | |
83547865 | fatigo | to fatigue | |
83547866 | fauces | throat | |
83547867 | felix | lucky | |
83547868 | femina | female | |
83547869 | ferio | to strike | |
83547870 | fingo | to shape | |
83547871 | fio | to be made | |
83547872 | flecto | to flex | |
83547873 | fleo | to weep | |
83547874 | fletus | weeping | |
83547875 | fluo | to flow | |
83547876 | fluvius | river | |
83547877 | foedus | league | |
83547878 | folium | foliage | |
83547879 | foris | door | |
83547880 | formido | to dread | |
83547881 | foveo | to favour | |
83547882 | frango | to break | |
83547883 | frater | brother | |
83547884 | fremo | to roar | |
83547885 | fretum | straight | |
83547886 | frons (1) | foliage | |
83547887 | frons (2) | brow | |
83547888 | frustra | in vain | |
83547889 | fulgeo | to gleam | |
83547890 | fulvus | tawny | |
83547891 | funis | rope | |
83547892 | furiae | frenzy | |
84312136 | galea | helmet | |
84312137 | gaudeo | to rejoice | |
84312138 | gemo | to moan | |
84312139 | genu | knee | |
84312140 | germanus | full | |
84312141 | gigno | to bear | |
84312142 | glomero | to assemble | |
84312143 | gloria | glory | |
84312144 | gradior | to walk | |
84312145 | gradus | step | |
84312146 | gremium | lap | |
84312147 | gressus | going | |
84312148 | habito | to inhabit | |
84312149 | hasta | spear | |
84312150 | haurio | to draw up | |
84312151 | herba | herb | |
84312152 | hibernus | winter | |
84312153 | hiems | stormy weather | |
84312154 | horridus | horrible | |
84312155 | hospitium | hospitality | |
84312156 | humus | earth | |
84312157 | ictus | to blow | |
84312158 | ignotus | unknown | |
84312159 | imber | shower of rain | |
84312160 | immensus | endless | |
84312161 | immitto | to send | |
84490014 | immotus | immovable | |
84490015 | impius | impious | |
84490016 | incedo | to step | |
84490017 | incertus | uncertain | |
84490018 | includo | to shut in | |
84490019 | incumbo | to lean upon | |
84490020 | induo | to put on | |
84490021 | infandus | abominable | |
84490022 | infero | to inflict | |
84490023 | infundo | to pour out | |
84490024 | ingemino | to redouble | |
84490025 | ingredior | to enter | |
84490026 | inimicus | hostile | |
84490027 | iniquus | unequal | |
84490028 | insequor | to pursue | |
84490029 | insidiae | snare | |
84490030 | insons | guiltless | |
84490031 | instauro | to renew | |
84490032 | instruo | to instruct | |
84490033 | insula | island | |
84490034 | intendo | to strech | |
84490035 | interior | inner | |
84490036 | intro | within | |
84490037 | intus | inside | |
84490038 | invado | to invade | |
84490039 | invenio | to invent | |
84490040 | invideo | to envy | |
84490041 | iste | that of yours | |
84490042 | ita | so | |
84490043 | jacio | to lie | |
84490044 | jus | law | |
84490045 | juventcus | young man | |
84490046 | juventa | youth | |
84490047 | juventus | youth | |
86310099 | lacrimo | to weep | |
86310100 | lacus | lake | |
86310101 | latex | water | |
86310102 | laurus | laurel | |
86310103 | levis | smooth | |
86310104 | levo | to smooth | |
86310105 | lex | law | |
86310106 | libo | to nibble | |
86310107 | loco | to locate | |
86310108 | longaevus | ancient | |
86310109 | luctus | sorrow | |
86310110 | ludus | play | |
86310112 | luna | moon | |
86310114 | macto | to honor | |
86310116 | magister | master | |
86310117 | magnanimous | brave | |
86310118 | mando | to chew | |
86310119 | memini | to remember | |
86310120 | memor | mindful | |
86310121 | mero | to submerge | |
86310122 | meta | limit | |
86310123 | metuo | to fear | |
86310124 | mille | thousand | |
86310125 | mirabilis | wonderful | |
86310126 | miror | to admire | |
86310127 | misereo | to pity | |
86310128 | molior | to strive | |
86310129 | mollis | soft | |
86310130 | moneo | to warn | |
86310131 | monumentum | monument | |
86310132 | mortailis | mortal | |
86310133 | murmur | murmur | |
86310134 | nauta | sailor | |
86310135 | nefandus | wicked | |
86346062 | nefas | sin | |
86346063 | nego | to deny | |
86346064 | nequiquam | in vain | |
86346065 | niger | black | |
86346066 | nihil | nothing | |
86346067 | nimius | excessive | |
86346068 | nodus | knot | |
86346069 | nubilus | nubile | |
86346070 | nuntius | reporting | |
86346071 | nymphia | nymph | |
86346072 | ob | on behalf of | |
86346073 | obicio | to object | |
86346074 | obliviscor | to forget | |
86346075 | obsideo | to besiege | |
86346076 | obstupesco | to be struck dumb | |
86346077 | occurro | to run towards | |
86346078 | offero | to offer | |
86346079 | olim | once | |
86346080 | omnipotens | almighty | |
86346081 | onero | to load | |
86346082 | opacus | shady | |
86346083 | orior | to begin | |
86346084 | ostendo | to show off | |
86346085 | ostium | entrance | |
86346086 | ovo | to rejoice | |
86346087 | parco | to refrain | |
86346088 | pareo | to be visible | |
86346089 | pasco | to pasture | |
86346090 | passim | here and there | |
86346091 | pateo | to be open | |
86346092 | patera | broad | |
86346093 | pauci | few | |
86346094 | pax | peace | |
86346095 | pecus | cattle | |
86346096 | pello | to push | |
86346097 | pendo | to suspend | |
86346098 | penetralis | penetrating | |
86346099 | penitus | deep | |
86346100 | pereo | to perish | |
86346101 | perfero | to bear | |
86346102 | perficio | to finish | |
86346103 | perago | to execute | |
86346104 | periculum | trial | |
86346105 | pestis | pestilence | |
86346106 | pharetra | quiver | |
86346107 | pingo | to paint | |
86346108 | pinguis | fat | |
86346109 | pinna | feather | |
86346110 | plausus | applause | |
86346111 | plenus | full | |
86346112 | polus | pole | |
86346113 | pondus | weight | |
86346114 | porto | to carry | |
86346115 | postis | post | |
86346116 | postquam | after | |
86346117 | potior | to attian | |
86346118 | praecipito | to precipitate | |
86346119 | praeda | spoils | |
86346120 | praesto | to stand out | |
86346121 | praesum | to be incharge | |
86346122 | praeterea | besides | |
86346123 | prex | prayer | |
86346124 | principium | principle | |
86346125 | procedo | to proceed | |
86346126 | procumbo | to lean | |
86346127 | proelium | battle | |
86346128 | prohibeo | to prohibit | |
86346129 | proicio | to expell | |
86346130 | promitto | to send forth | |
86346131 | propinquo | to bring near | |
86346132 | proprius | personal | |
86346133 | prora | prow | |
86346134 | prospicio | to forsee | |
86346136 | protinus | forward | |
86346139 | pubes | adult | |
86346142 | pulso | to push | |
86346144 | purpureus | purple | |
86598873 | quamquam | allthough | |
87329128 | quando | when? | |
87329129 | quantus | how great | |
87329130 | quatio | to strike | |
87329131 | quattor | four | |
87329132 | quies | quiet | |
87329133 | quisquam | any | |
87329134 | quisque | each | |
87329135 | quisquis | whatever | |
87329136 | quod | becasue | |
87329137 | rapidus | rapid | |
87329138 | recedo | to recede | |
87329139 | recens | recent | |
87329140 | recipio | to get back | |
87329141 | recuso | to refuse | |
87329142 | redeo | to go | |
87329143 | reduco | to reduce | |
87329144 | regio | region | |
87329145 | regius | kingly | |
87329146 | regno | to rule | |
87329147 | rego | guide | |
87329148 | relinquiae | remains | |
87329149 | reor | to think | |
87329150 | repente | suddenly | |
87329151 | reperio | to find | |
87329152 | repeto | to repeat | |
87329153 | requiro | to seek | |
87329154 | resido | to settle | |
87329155 | resolvo | to loosen | |
87329156 | respondo | to respond | |
87329157 | retro | backwards | |
87329158 | revello | to tear out | |
87329159 | reviso | to revisit | |
87329160 | revoco | to call back | |
87329161 | ripa | bNK | |
87329162 | RITE | CORRECTLY | |
87329163 | RUINA | RUIN | |
87329164 | RUPES | CLIFF | |
87329165 | SAEVIO | TO RAGE | |
87329166 | sagitta | arrow | |
87329167 | sal | salt | |
87329168 | salsus | salty | |
87329169 | salus | salutation | |
87329170 | satis | sufficiently | |
87329171 | screptum | sceptre | |
87329172 | scio | to know | |
87329173 | secerno | to seperate off | |
87329174 | semper | always | |
87329175 | sententia | sentiment | |
87329176 | sentio | to sense | |
87329177 | sepelio | to bury | |
87329178 | septem | seven | |
87329179 | sepulcrum | sepulchre | |
87329180 | serenus | serene | |
87329181 | sermo | talk | |
87329182 | sero | to join | |
87329183 | signo | to mark | |
87329184 | sileo | to be silent | |
87329185 | simulacrum | similarity | |
87329186 | simulo | to simulate | |
87329187 | sinister | ssinister | |
87329188 | sino | to let | |
87329189 | sisto | to set up | |
87329190 | spatium | space | |
87329191 | spelunca | cave | |
87329192 | spolium | skin | |
87329193 | statuo | to place | |
87329194 | stirps | stem | |
87329195 | strideo | to creak | |
87329196 | stringo | to tie tight | |
87329197 | struo | to construct | |
87329198 | studium | zeal | |
87329199 | subicio | to throw up | |
87329200 | sublimes | sublime | |
87329201 | succedo | to suceed | |
87329202 | sumo | to take | |
87329203 | supersum | to have the strength for | |
87329204 | suscipio | to support | |
87329205 | suspendo | to suspend | |
87330716 | spiro | to breath | |
87755049 | tango | to touch | |
87755050 | tardus | tardy | |
87755051 | taurus | bull | |
87755052 | templestas | season | |
87755053 | tenebrae | darkness | |
87755054 | tenuis | thin | |
87755055 | terreo | to terrorize | |
87755056 | tertius | third | |
87755057 | testor | to testify | |
87755058 | timeo | to fear | |
87755059 | torus | muscle | |
87755060 | trabs | timber | |
87755061 | trepidus | alarmed | |
87755062 | tres | three | |
87755063 | tumidus | swollen | |
87755064 | turba | disorder | |
87755065 | turbo | to disturb | |
87755066 | uber | plentiful | |
87755067 | ulterior | distant | |
87755068 | ultor | avenger | |
87755069 | ultro | conversely | |
87755070 | umidus | moist | |
87755071 | umquam | at any time | |
87755072 | urgeo | to press | |
87755073 | uterque | each of the two | |
87755074 | uterus | womb | |
87755075 | vacuus | empty | |
87755076 | vado | to advance | |
87755077 | valeo | to be healthy | |
87755078 | validus | strong | |
87755079 | vanus | empty | |
87755080 | veho | to carry | |
87755081 | velo | to cover | |
87755082 | veneror | to worship | |
87755083 | verbum | word | |
87755084 | verro | to sweep | |
87755085 | verso | to spin | |
87755086 | vinum | wine | |
87755087 | viscus | vision | |
87755088 | vivo | to live | |
87755089 | vivus | alive | |
87755090 | voluto | to role | |
87755091 | vulgus | crowd |
Latin Vergil 6-12
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