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AP European History: Unit Four, The Transformation of Eastern Europe, Austria

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224587774Hereditary Provincesdirect possessions of House of Austria (Hapsburgs) - upper and lower Austria+ Tyrol, Styria, Carinthia, and Carnolia.
224587775Siege of Vienna1683, By Turks - defense by John Sobieski(Pole) - & Prince Eugene of Savoy. -> counter offensive against Turks who were then pushed out of Hungary. (Remind Ms.R to tell you about croissants.)
224587776Prince Eugene of SavoyFrench origin but worked for Austria - international personage. More than anyone else he was the founder of modern Austrian state. Military administrator(a la Louis) and gifted commander in the field(see War of Sp Succession and Battle of Blenheim). Drove Turks out of Hungary - War of Sp. Succession -pushed Turks east again until Peace of Belgrade.
224587777Battle of ZentaBattle in 1696, Prince Eugene of Savoy versus Turks over Hungary.
224587778Peace of Karlowitz1699, Turks yielded Hungary, Transylvania, & Croatia to Hapsburgs.
224587779Treaty of Rastadt1714, One of Treaties ending War of Sp Succ. Since Haps. had fought in war to win Sp crown and and Austrian archduke had fought in Spain for years, they were disappointed in this treaty in 1714 since throne still went to Philip of Anjou. However, Rastadt did give them the old Spanish Netherlands and Milan and Naples.
224587780Peace of Belgrade1739, Prince Eugene of Savoy continued to push Turks eastward through Belgrade. By this treaty, frontier drawn by which Austrian side remained unchanged until 20th century. Turks kept Romania and whole Balkan peninsula except Catholic Croatia which was part of the Hapsburg empire. Hapsburgs opened seaport on Med - Trieste.
224587781IUS REFORMANDIAfter Turks pushed back out of Hungary, local princes practised this "right to reform" religion on own estates. Protestantism was widespread - formed part of famous Hungarian liberties. Led to relig. disorder and relig. and politics got mixed up. Since Turks had favored Protestantism over Catholicism, the Prots were persecuted after Turks driven out. Elective monarchy ended and crown went to Haps. Nobles lost ius reformandi.
224587782Prince Francis RackoczyHungarian leader of rebellion against Haps. domination after liberation from Turks. Received help from Louis XIV but rebellion finally crushed in 1711 and prince spent rest of his life in France and Turkey.
224587783MagyarsHungarian aristocracy. Proud and stubborn. Became nationalistic even before era of nationalism. Haps tried to weaken Magyar grip by importing Germans and Serbs and giving Croats special privileges. But remained the most free-handed aristocracy in Europe - except perhaps for Poles.
224587784Charles VI1711-1740, Archduke of Austria and emergent Austrian empire. To keep it all together - i.e. Austria, Bohemia and Hungary, proposed Pragmatic Sanction, 1713.
224587785Pragmatic Sanction1713, Every Diet in Empire and various archdukes of the of Habsburg family were to agree theat Habs territories were indivisible and to recognize only one line of heirs. Especially since no male heir and Maria Theresa(Charles VI's daughter) would have to rule. PS accepted within empire but also took years to get foreign power to approve. V. costly to do this. Brit wanted abandoning of overseas trading company at Ostend. All had signed by time of this death but was then ignored.
224587786Charles XII1697-1718, King Of Sweden - elective kingship made hereditary -> Westernization and modernization. Defended Sweden from Danes, Poles and Russians. At first Sweden was beneficiary from Westphalia - S. Baltic coastline - Baltic = Swedish Lake. But in long term Sweden back to original borders. Charles was one of 3 prominent leaders of Sweden from time of 30 years' war - Adolphus, Christina and Charles XII.

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