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Unit 14 Flashcards

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161046056bassolowest male voice, bass0
161046057baritonemale voice between bass and tenor1
161046058tenoradult male voice between baritone and alto2
161046059alto1. highest male voice; countertenor 2. lowest female voice; contralto3
161046060falsettoartificially ("falsely") high voice4
161046061contraltolowest female voice5
161046062mezzo-sopranofemale voice between contralto and soprano6
161046063sopranohighest voice in women and boys7
161046064coloratura1. vocal music ornamented with runs and trills 2. soprano specializing in such music8
161046065graveslow (slowest tempo in music)9
161046066largoslow and dignified; stately10
161046067adagioslow; in an easy, graceful manner11
161046069andantemoderately slow, but flowing13
161046070moderatoin moderate time14
161046071allegrobrisk; quick; lively15
161046072vivacebrisk; spirited16
161046074prestissimoat a very rapid pace18
161046075crescendogradually increasing in force or loudness19
161046076decrescendogradually decreasing in force or loudness; diminuendo20
161046077dolcesoft; sweet21
161046079fortissimovery loud23
161046080pianissimovery soft24
161046082sforzandoaccented; stressed26
161046083a cappellawithout musical accompaniment, as to sing a cappella, or to sing in and a cappella choir27
161046084arpeggio1. playing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession 2. chord thus played28
161046085legatosmooth and connected29
161046086pizzicatoby means of plucking the strings instead of using the bow30
161046087staccatowith breaks between successive notes; disconnected; abrupt31
161046088tremolorapid repetition of a tone or chord, without apparent breaks, to express emotion32
161046089vibratoslightly throbbing or pulsating effect, adding warmth and beauty to the tone33
161046090ariaair, melody, or tune; especially, an elaborate, accompanied melody for a single voice in an opera34
161046091bravura1. piece of music requiring skill and spirit in the performer 2. display of daring or brilliance35
161046092cantatacomposite vocal and instrumental work, as one for soloists and chorus accompanied by a small orchestra36
161046093concertolong musical composition for one of more principal instruments with orchestral accompaniment37
161046094duet1. piece of music for two voices or instruments 2. two singers or plater performing together; duo38
161046095finaleclose or termination, as the last section of a musical composition39
161046096intermezzo1. short musical or dramatic entertainment between the acts of a play 2. short musical piece either standing as an independent work or coming between the main parts of an extended musical composition40
161046097librettotext of words of an opera or other long musical composition41
161046098operaplay mostly sung, with costumes, scenery, action, and music42
161568256oratoriomusical composition, usually on a religious theme, for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra43
161568257scherzolight or playful part of a sonata or symphony44
161568258solo1. piece of music for one voice or instrument 2. anything done without a partner45
161568259sonatapiece of music, having three or four movements in contrasted rhythms but related tonality46
161568260trio1. piece of music for three voices or instruments 2. three singers or players performing together47
161568261tutti (adv.)all48
161568262tutti (n)section of musical composition played by all the performers49
161568263cameo1. gem or medallion cut in relief, the carved figure projecting from its background 2. brief role played by a prominent actor 3. brief piece of brilliant film or writing50
161568264campanilebell tower51
161568265cantoone of the chief divisions of a long poem52
161568266chiaroscuro1. distribution and treatment of light and shade in painting or sketching 2. painting or drawing that uses on light and shade53
161568267cupola1. rounded roof; dome 2. small dome or tower on a roof54
161568268fresco1. art of painting with watercolors on damp fresh plaster 2. picture or design so painted55
161568269intagliodesign engraved by making cuts in a surface, into which the incised figure is sunk56
161568270majolicaenameled Italian pottery richly decorated in colors57
161568271mezzanineintermediate story in a theater between the main floor and the first balcony58
161568272mezzotintpicture engrave on copper or steel by polishing or scraping away parts of a roughened surface59
161568273patinafilm or incrustation, usually green, on the surface of old bronze or copper; an such coating on something old60
161568274porticoroof supported by columns, forming a porch or a covered walk61
161568275rialto1. marketplace 2. theater district62
161568276rotunda1. round building, especially one with a dome or cupola 2. large round room63
161568277stuccoplater made of cement, sand, and lime for covering exterior walls of buildings64
161617915temperamethod of painting in which the colors are mixed with egg yolk or other substances, instead of oil65
161617916terra-cotta1. hard clay used for vases, roofing, statuettes, etc. 2. reddish-brown or brownish-orange color66
161617917torso1. trunk or body of statue without head, arms, or legs 2. human trunk67
161617918buffomale singer who plays a comic role in an opera; buffoon; clown68
161617919cognoscenteperson having a superior knowledge of a field; expert; connoisseur69
161617920dilettante1. dabbler in an art or other field 2. art lover70
161617921divaprincipal female singer in an opera; prima donna71
161617922impresarioorganizer or director of an opera of ballet company or a concert series; manager; promoter72
161617923inamoratawoman that one loves73
161617924inamoratoman that one loves74
161617925maestro1. eminent conductor; composer, or teacher of music 2. master in an art75
161617926mountebankboastful pretender; charlatan; quack76
161617928prima donna1. principal female singer in an opera 2. extremely high-strung, vain, or sensitive person78
161617929simpaticopossessing attractive qualities; appealing; likable; congenial79
161617930virtuosoone who exhibits great technical skill in an art, especially in playing a musical instrument80
161617931dolce far nientedelightful idleness81
161617932fiascocrash; complete or ridiculous failure82
161617933imbroglio1. difficult situation 2. complicated disagreement83
161617934incognito (adv.)with one's identity concealed84
161617935incognito (n)disguised state85
161617936vendettafeud for blood revenge86
161617937antipastoappetizer consisting of fish, meats, etc.; hors d'oeuvres87
161617938Chiantidry, red Italian wine88
161617939gustoliking or taste; hearty enjoyment89
161617940pasta1. paste or dough- used dried, as in macaroni, or fresh, as in ravioli 2. dish of cooked pasta90
161617941pizzapie of flattened dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, etc., and then baked91
161617942alfrescoin the open air; outdoor92
161924658bravoshout applauding an excellent performance93
161924659gondola1. boat used in the canals of Venice 2. cabin attached to the underpart of a lighter-than-air aircraft94
161924661piazza1. town square or open market 2. veranda; porch96
161924662portfolio1. briefcase 2. position of duties of a cabinet member or minister of state 3. collection, as of one's artwork, schoolwork, stock, or bonds97
161924663salvo1. simultaneous discharge of shots 2. burst of cheers98
161924664sotto voiceunter the breath; in an undertone; privately99

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