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AP Bio Test #3

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31716171glucoseA sugar molecule made by producers during photosynthesis and "burned" by all organisms during respiration to make energy.
31716172ATPadenosine triphosphate, an organic molecule that acts as the main energy source for cell processes; composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups
31716173chloroplastAn organelle found only in plants and photosynthetic protists that absorbs sunlight and uses it to drive the synthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide to water. It consists of an inner and outer membrane, a thylakoid and thylakoid membrane, and stroma.
31716174chlorophyllplant pigment that absorbs visible light in the 650-700 nanometer range and gives plants their green color
31716175mitochondriaDouble membrane bound organelles where ATP is generated in the Kreb's cycle and the electron transport system.
31720569glycolysisAnaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain of two ATP and the end product pyruvate
31720570electron transporta type of system whereby electrons are passed along a series of carrier molecules, releasing energy for the synthesis of ATP
31720571ATP synthaseComplex formed of enzymes and their carrier proteins; functions in the production of ATP in chloroplasts and mitochondria
31720572pyruvateEnd product of glycosis; its further fate, involving fermentation or entry into a mitochondrion, depends on oxygen availability
31720573acetyl CoAMolecule made up of a 2-carbon acetyl group attached to a coenzyme A. During cellular respiration, the acetyl group enters the citric acid cycle for further breakdown
31720574chemiosmosisAbility of certain membranes to use a hydrogen ion gradient to drive ATP formation
31720575cellular respiration equationC6H12O6+6O2---> 6CO2+6H2O+ATP (glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + energy)
31720576fermentationAnaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain of two ATP and end products such as alcohol and lactate
31720577FADH2produced in the Krebs cycle, it is a reduced form of FAD, it is an electron carrier capable of creating 2 ATP from releasing its electrons to the electron transport chain
31720578NADHThe reduced form of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This is the most common electron carrier in cellular respiration.
31720579Calvin cyclePortion of photosynthesis that takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts and can occur in the dark; it uses the products of the light reactions to reduce CO2 to a carbohydrate
31720580light reactionPortion of photosynthesis that captures solar energy and takes place in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts; it produces ATP and NADPH.
31720581C3 photosynthesisThe standard form of photosynthesis that fixes carbon dioxide via the Calvin cycle; the first stable product of this photosynthesis is a 3-carbon compound
31720582C4 photosynthesisAn alternate form of photosynthesis using PEP carboxylase to fix CO2 into a 4 carbon compound
31725133photosynthesis equation6CO2 + 6H2O ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2

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