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AP Calculus BC Exam

Statesville Christian School AP Calculus Class

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161381118Intermediate Value TheoremIf f(1)=-4 and f(6)=9, then there must be a x-value between 1 and 6 where f crosses the x-axis.
161381119Average Rate of ChangeSlope of secant line between two points, use to estimate instantanous rate of change at a point.
161381120Instantenous Rate of ChangeSlope of tangent line at a point, value of derivative at a point
161393670Formal definition of derivativelimit as h approaches 0 of [f(a+h)-f(a)]/h
161393671Alternate definition of derivativelimit as x approaches a of [f(x)-f(a)]/(x-a)
161399813When f '(x) is positive, f(x) isincreasing
161399814When f '(x) is negative, f(x) isdecreasing
161399815When f '(x) changes from negative to positive, f(x) has arelative minimum
161399816When f '(x) changes fro positive to negative, f(x) has arelative maximum
161399817When f '(x) is increasing, f(x) isconcave up
161399818When f '(x) is decreasing, f(x) isconcave down
161399819When f '(x) changes from increasing to decreasing or decreasing to increasing, f(x) has apoint of inflection
161399820When is a function not differentiablecorner, cusp, vertical tangent, discontinuity
161399821Product Ruleuv' + vu'
161399822Quotient Rule(uv'-vu')/v²
161399823Chain Rulef '(g(x)) g'(x)
161399824y = x cos(x), state rule used to find derivativeproduct rule
161399825y = ln(x)/x², state rule used to find derivativequotient rule
161399826y = cos²(3x)chain rule
161399827Particle is moving to the right/upvelocity is positive
161399828Particle is moving to the left/downvelocity is negative
161399829absolute value of velocityspeed
161399830y = sin(x), y' =y' = cos(x)
161399831y = cos(x), y' =y' = -sin(x)
161399832y = tan(x), y' =y' = sec²(x)
161420341y = csc(x), y' =y' = -csc(x)cot(x)
161420342y = sec(x), y' =y' = sec(x)tan(x)
161420343y = cot(x), y' =y' = -csc²(x)
161420344y = sin⁻¹(x), y' =y' = 1/√(1 - x²)
161420345y = cos⁻¹(x), y' =y' = -1/√(1 - x²)
161420346y = tan⁻¹(x), y' =y' = 1/(1 + x²)
161420347y = cot⁻¹(x), y' =y' = -1/(1 + x²)
161420348y = e^x, y' =y' = e^x
161420349y = a^x, y' =y' = a^x ln(a)
161420350y = ln(x), y' =y' = 1/x
161420351y = log (base a) x, y' =y' = 1/(x lna)
161420352To find absolute maximum on closed interval [a, b], you must consider...critical points and endpoints
161420353mean value theoremif f(x) is continuous and differentiable, slope of tangent line equals slope of secant line at least once in the interval (a, b) f '(c) = [f(b) - f(a)]/(b - a)
161420354If f '(x) = 0 and f"(x) > 0,f(x) has a relative minimum
161420355If f '(x) = 0 and f"(x) < 0,f(x) has a relative maximum
161420356Linearizationuse tangent line to approximate values of the function
161420358left riemann sumuse rectangles with left-endpoints to evaluate integral (estimate area)
161420359right riemann sumuse rectangles with right-endpoints to evaluate integrals (estimate area)
161420360trapezoidal ruleuse trapezoids to evaluate integrals (estimate area)
161420361[(h1 - h2)/2]*basearea of trapezoid
161420362definite integralhas limits a & b, find antiderivative, F(b) - F(a)
161420363indefinite integralno limits, find antiderivative + C, use inital value to find C
161420364area under a curve∫ f(x) dx integrate over interval a to b
161427773area above x-axis ispositive
161427774area below x-axis isnegative
161427775average value of f(x)= 1/(b-a) ∫ f(x) dx on interval a to b
161427776If g(x) = ∫ f(t) dt on interval 2 to x, then g'(x) =g'(x) = f(x)
161427777Fundamental Theorem of Calculus∫ f(x) dx on interval a to b = F(b) - F(a)
161427778To find particular solution to differential equation, dy/dx = x/yseparate variables, integrate + C, use initial condition to find C, solve for y
161427779To draw a slope field,plug (x,y) coordinates into differential equation, draw short segments representing slope at each point
161427780slope of horizontal linezero
161427781slope of vertical lineundefined
161427782methods of integrationsubstitution, parts, partial fractions
161427783use substitution to integrate whena function and it's derivative are in the integrand
161427784use integration by parts whentwo different types of functions are multiplied
161427785∫ u dv =uv - ∫ v du
161427786use partial fractions to integrate whenintegrand is a rational function with a factorable denominator
161427787dP/dt = kP(M - P)logistic differential equation, M = carrying capacity
161427788P = M / (1 + Ae^(-Mkt))logistic growth equation
161427789given rate equation, R(t) and inital condition when t = a, R(t) = y₁ find final value when t = by₁ + Δy = y Δy = ∫ R(t) over interval a to b
161440797given v(t) and initial position t = a, find final position when t = bs₁+ Δs = s Δs = ∫ v(t) over interval a to b
161440798given v(t) find displacement∫ v(t) over interval a to b
161440799given v(t) find total distance travelled∫ abs[v(t)] over interval a to b
161440800area between two curves∫ f(x) - g(x) over interval a to b, where f(x) is top function and g(x) is bottom function
161440801volume of solid with base in the plane and given cross-section∫ A(x) dx over interval a to b, where A(x) is the area of the given cross-section in terms of x
161440802volume of solid of revolution - no washerπ ∫ r² dx over interval a to b, where r = distance from curve to axis of revolution
161440803volume of solid of revolution - washerπ ∫ R² - r² dx over interval a to b, where R = distance from outside curve to axis of revolution, r = distance from inside curve to axis of revolution
161440804length of curve∫ √(1 + (dy/dx)²) dx over interval a to b
161440805L'Hopitals ruleuse to find indeterminate limits, find derivative of numerator and denominator separately then evaluate limit
161440806indeterminate forms0/0, ∞/∞, ∞*0, ∞ - ∞, 1^∞, 0⁰, ∞⁰
1614408076th degree Taylor Polynomialpolynomial with finite number of terms, largest exponent is 6, find all derivatives up to the 6th derivative
161440808Taylor seriespolynomial with infinite number of terms, includes general term
161440809nth term testif terms grow without bound, series diverges
161440810alternating series testlim as n approaches zero of general term = 0 and terms decrease, series converges
161440811converges absolutelyalternating series converges and general term converges with another test
161440812converges conditionallyalternating series converges and general term diverges with another test
161440813ratio testlim as n approaches ∞ of ratio of (n+1) term/nth term > 1, series converges
161440814find interval of convergenceuse ratio test, set > 1 and solve absolute value equations, check endpoints
161440815find radius of convergenceuse ratio test, set > 1 and solve absolute value equations, radius = center - endpoint
161440816integral testif integral converges, series converges
161440817limit comparison testif lim as n approaches ∞ of ratio of comparison series/general term is positive and finite, then series behaves like comparison series
161440818geometric series testgeneral term = a₁r^n, converges if -1 < r < 1
161440819p-series testgeneral term = 1/n^p, converges if p > 1
161440820derivative of parametrically defined curve x(t) and y(t)dy/dx = dy/dt / dx/dt
161440821second derivative of parametrically defined curvefind first derivative, dy/dx = dy/dt / dx/dt, then find derivative of first derivative, then divide by dx/dt
161440822length of parametric curve∫ √ (dx/dt)² + (dy/dt)² over interval from a to b
161440823given velocity vectors dx/dt and dy/dt, find speed√(dx/dt)² + (dy/dt)² not an integral!
161440824given velocity vectors dx/dt and dy/dt, find total distance travelled∫ √ (dx/dt)² + (dy/dt)² over interval from a to b
161440825area inside polar curve1/2 ∫ r² over interval from a to b, find a & b by setting r = 0, solve for theta
161440826area inside one polar curve and outside another polar curve1/2 ∫ R² - r² over interval from a to b, find a & b by setting equations equal, solve for theta.

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