49091942 | decollete | low-necked, as a gown or dress | 0 | |
49091943 | Supine | lying flat on one's back, face upward; lisless or lethargic; apathetic | 1 | |
49091944 | fait accompli | an irreversible accomplishment | 2 | |
49091945 | hierarchy | any system od things or people arranged or graded one aboce another in order of rank, wealth or classes | 3 | |
49091946 | quasi- | resembling, but not actually beingl seemingly but not actually or completelyl partly | 4 | |
49091947 | morass | patch of low, soft, wet ground, swamp | 5 | |
49091948 | adjunct | something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential | 6 | |
49091949 | raillery | good humored ridecule; teasing | 7 | |
49091950 | poltroon | an unqualified coward | 8 | |
49091951 | chimerical | absurd; wildly fanatic; impossible | 9 | |
49091952 | mirage | something withour substance; an illusion | 10 | |
49091953 | ribald | irreverently mocking, offensive; vulgar | 11 | |
49091954 | bellwether | a male sheep which leads the flock to the slaugtherhouse; a leader | 12 | |
49091955 | proselyte | a convert; a discipline | 13 | |
49091956 | noisome | offensive or disgusting, soul-smelling | 14 | |
49091957 | liturgy | a form of public worship or ritual | 15 | |
49091958 | oblivious | forgetful, unaware | 16 | |
49091959 | effete | lacking in wholesome vigor or energy; worn our or exhausted; sterile | 17 | |
49091960 | hidebound | narrou-minded and rigid, especially in opinions or prejudices | 18 | |
49091961 | vignette | a decorative desrign on the title page of a book or at the biggining or end chapter; a shoprt verbal description or sketch | 19 | |
49091962 | sanguine | having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful outlook | 20 | |
49091963 | riparian | of or apearingto the banks of a river or the shores of a lake | 21 | |
49091964 | purview | the range, extent or scope of something | 22 | |
49091965 | fulsome | disgusting or offensive because excessive or insincere | 23 | |
49091966 | solecism | substandaard or ungrammatical usage | 24 | |
49091967 | verisimilitude | the quality of appearing to be true, real, likely ot probable | 25 | |
49091968 | microcosm | a miniature world or universe | 26 | |
49091969 | aegis | protection, pratonage, sponsorship | 27 | |
49091970 | eleemosynuary | charitable, dependent upon or supported by charity | 28 | |
49091971 | claque | a group of people hierd to applaud a performer or performance | 29 | |
49091972 | symptopmatic | indicaticel typical or characteristic | 30 | |
49091973 | indemnify | to insure against loss or damagel to comensate for whateve has een lost or damaged | 31 | |
49091974 | bibulous | fond of, perhaps addicted to drinking | 32 | |
49091975 | indigenous | originating in the ocuntry or region where found; native | 33 | |
49091976 | apprise | to infrom of, to make awate of by giving oral or written notice | 34 | |
49091977 | obtrude | to push our or thrust forward | 35 | |
49091978 | obfuscate | to darken or obscurel to confuse or bewilder | 36 | |
49091979 | deracinate | to pull up by theroostl to uproot or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of | 37 | |
49091980 | polarize | to cause to conetrate upon two conflicting or contrasting points | 38 | |
49091981 | logomachy | an argument about words | 39 | |
49091982 | evanescent | passing away with time | 40 | |
49091983 | ribald | connect with laughtedl able or inclined to laugh | 41 | |
49091984 | derring-do | valor or heroism, daring deeds or exploits | 42 | |
49091985 | affinity | a natural attraction to a person, thing or activity | 43 | |
49091986 | corollary | a proposition that follows from one already proven | 44 | |
49091987 | bibulous | peevish or irritable, sickeningly unpleasant | 45 | |
49091988 | hoi polloi | the common poeplel the masses | 46 | |
49091989 | folderol | foolish talk; non-sense | 47 | |
49091990 | cognate | colsely related in region, esential nature or function | 48 | |
49091991 | elixir | a substance once thought capeable of changing base metals into gold; a cure-all | 49 | |
49091992 | cul-de-sac | a blind alley or dead end | 50 | |
49091993 | divination | the act or art of predicting the future | 51 | |
49091994 | obloquy | oublic abuse indicating strong disaproval or censure | 52 | |
49091995 | paternalism | the policy or practice of treating or govering indviduals, businesses or nations in a maner of a father or mother dealing with kids | 53 | |
49091996 | volte-face | an about face; a complte reversal | 54 | |
49091997 | ineffable | not expressible in words;too great or too scared to be uttered | 55 | |
49091998 | mnemonic | a device intended to air the memory such as an acronym | 56 | |
49091999 | lucubration | laborious study or thought, espectially at night | 57 | |
49092000 | parameter | a mathematical factor that shapes or limits the total outcome | 58 | |
49092001 | tautology | needless repetition of an idea by using different but equivalent words; redundancy | 59 | |
49092002 | tendentious | characteized by a definite purpose, usually the advancement of a particular point | 60 | |
49092003 | jenjune | lacking in nutritive value; lacking in knowledge or experience | 61 | |
49092004 | emolument | profit derived from an office or postion or from employment; fee or salary | 62 | |
49092005 | foray | a quick raid | 63 | |
49092006 | aficionado | an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan | 64 | |
49092007 | sacrosanct | very sacred or holy | 65 | |
49092008 | obsequies | funeral rights or ceremonies | 66 | |
49092009 | homily | a sermon stressing moral discipline | 67 | |
49092010 | genre | a type, class or variety. | 68 | |
49092011 | phillipic | a bitter verbal attack | 69 | |
49092012 | matrix | a mold the sorrounding situationin which something develops, eveolves, or exists | 70 | |
49092013 | ombudsman | an official who investigaes complaints made by private citizens against goveremnt agenciesl a mediator | 71 | |
49092014 | malapropism | humorous or ridiculous confusion of similar sounding words | 72 | |
49092015 | vicissitude | a change variation or alterationl successive or changing phrases; human afairs of forture | 73 | |
49092016 | immure | to ecnlose or confine within walls; to imprison | 74 | |
49092017 | prurient | hacing lustful desire ir interestl teding to arouse sexual desire | 75 | |
49092018 | insouciant | blithely indifferent or uncondered; carefree | 76 | |
49092019 | commensurate | equal in size extent, duration, or importance | 77 | |
49092020 | disaphanous | very sheer and light; almost completely transparent | 78 | |
49092021 | blazon | to adorn or embelish | 79 | |
49092022 | cozen | to trick, to cheat | 80 | |
49092023 | macrocosm | the universe consdered as a wholel the entire of something | 81 | |
49092024 | ancillary | subordiante or supplementary | 82 | |
49092025 | interstice | a small narryow space between things or parts of things | 83 | |
49092026 | bowdlerize | to remove material considered offensive | 84 | |
49092027 | module | a standard unit of measurementl a self contained unit or part | 85 | |
49092028 | enclave | an eclosed district, region or area inhhabited by a paticular group | 86 | |
49092029 | forte | a person's strong point; what a person does best | 87 | |
49092030 | condescend | to come down or stoop voluntarily to a lower level | 88 | |
49092031 | heretical | departing from established or accepted doctrines, opinions or standards | 89 | |
49092032 | rapacity | inordinate greed; the dospostion to obtain one's desires by force | 90 | |
49092033 | virtuose | a brilliant performerl a person with masterly skill or technique | 91 | |
49092034 | mountebank | trickster, jokester charlatan | 92 | |
49092035 | paean | a song of praise jow or triumph | 93 | |
49092036 | therapeutic | having the power to heal or cure, generally beneficial | 94 | |
49092037 | pragmatic | concereed with practical consideration or values | 95 | |
49092038 | plethora | overfullness, superabundance of | 96 | |
49092039 | persiflage | lighthearted, joking talk or writting | 97 | |
49092040 | schism | a formal split within a church or religious groupl division or separation | 98 | |
49092041 | quizzical | puzzled, mocking; odd | 99 | |
49103778 | internecine | mutually destructive; characterized by ggreat slughter or bloodshed | 100 | |
49103779 | traumatic | so shocking to the emoticons as to couse lasting and substancia; psychologic damage | 101 | |
49103780 | touchstone | a means of testing worth or genuinee | 102 | |
49103781 | perscience | knowledge of events or actions before they happen | 103 | |
49103782 | gaggle | a flock of geese; a group | 104 | |
49103783 | abortive | failing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose | 105 | |
49103784 | dictum | a short saying | 106 | |
49103785 | quid pro quo | something given in ezchage or return for something else; colateral | 107 | |
49103786 | maladroit | lacking still or dexterity | 108 | |
49103787 | maudlin | excessively or effusively sentimental | 109 | |
49103788 | enconce | to settle comfortable and firmly in positionl to put or hide in a safe place | 110 | |
49103789 | vitiate | to weaken, debase, or corruptl to impair the quality or value of | 111 | |
49103790 | saturnalian | characterized by ritous or unrestrained revelry or licentiouesness | 112 | |
49103791 | portentious | warning of evil to come, as by a sign or omen; causing wonder or awe | 113 | |
49103792 | salubrious | conducive or favorable to health or well-beign; wholesome | 114 | |
49103793 | waggish | fond of making jokes, characteristics of a joker | 115 | |
49103794 | iconoclastic | attacking or seeking to overthrow popula or traditional beliefs | 116 | |
49103795 | contumelious | insolent or rude in behavior | 117 | |
49103796 | modulate | to regulate, adjust or "tone down" the intensity of sound; grauadly soften | 118 | |
49103797 | bruit | to spread reports, news or unsubstained rumors | 119 | |
49103798 | ambivalent | having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something | 120 | |
49103799 | fastidious | overly demanding or hard to please | 121 | |
49103800 | carte blanche | full freedom or authority to act at one's own discretion | 122 | |
49103801 | philistine | lacking in, hostile to, or smigly indifferent to cultural and artistic values | 123 | |
49103802 | savoir faire | the ability to say and do the right thing in any situation | 124 | |
49103803 | bumtious | offensively forward or self assertive | 125 | |
49103804 | gambol | to jump or skip about playfully | 126 | |
49103805 | eclat | dazzling or conspicous success or acclaim; grat brilliance(usually a performacne or act) | 127 | |
49103806 | debauch | to lead away from virtue or excellence; to corrupt or debase | 128 | |
49103807 | cataclysm | a suydden, violent, or devastating upheval | 129 | |
49103808 | opt | to make a choice or decision | 130 | |
49103809 | abeyance | state of being temprarily inactice,suspended, not acted upon | 131 | |
49103810 | imbue | to soak or stain throughlyl to fill in the mind | 132 | |
49103811 | picaresque | involvingor characteistic of clever rouges or adventures | 133 | |
49103812 | malleable | capable of being formed into different shapes without breaking | 134 | |
49103813 | queasy | nauseated or uneasy; causiong nusea | 135 | |
49103814 | refractory | stubornl hard or difficult to manage | 136 | |
49103815 | lampoon | a malicious statire; to attack by means of such a satire | 137 | |
49103816 | inchoate | just biggining; not fully shaped or formedl not organized | 138 | |
49103817 | nemesis | the agen or force inflicting vegenace or punishmentl unbeatable nemy or opponent | 139 | |
49137267 | de facto | actually existing or in effect | 140 | |
49137268 | ad hoc | for this spicific purpose | 141 | |
49137269 | aberration | a departure from what is proper, right, expected or normal | 142 | |
49137270 | harbinger | forreunner. a herald | 143 | |
49137271 | peccadillo | a minor sin or offense; a tifling fault or shortcoming | 144 | |
49137272 | lackluster | lacking brilliance or vitality; dull | 145 | |
49137273 | pander | to cater to or proide satisdaction for the low taste | 146 | |
49137274 | bathos | the intrustion of commonplace or trite material into a context whose tone is lofty or elevated | 147 | |
49137275 | equate | to treat or regard as equal or equivalent; to reduce to a standard or average | 148 | |
49137276 | syndrome | a group of symptoms or signs that collecticely characterize or indicate a disease | 149 | |
49137277 | remand | to send or order back | 150 | |
49137278 | hedonism | belief that the attainemnt of please is life's chief aim | 151 | |
49137279 | constrain | co compel by force; restrain freedom or mobility | 152 | |
49137280 | mellifluous | flowing sweetly or smoothly | 153 | |
49137281 | bane | the soruce or cause of fatal injury, death, destruction or ruin | 154 | |
49137282 | casuistry | determinationof right and wrong in questions of conduct or matters of conscience by the applications of ethical principles | 155 | |
49137283 | depredation | the act of preying upon or plunderinrg | 156 | |
49137284 | piece de resistance | principle dish or meal; principle of even; center piece | 157 | |
49137285 | nepotism | undue favortism to one's relative or close personal friends | 158 | |
49137286 | malcontent | disconteted with or in open defiance of | 159 | |
49137287 | fevid | burning with enthusiasm or zeal; extremely heated | 160 | |
49137288 | fetid | having an unpleasant odor | 161 | |
49137289 | abraizive | any material used for grinding or polishing | 162 | |
49137290 | caterwaul | howl or wail, like a cat | 163 | |
49137291 | digress | to wander away from the main subject or train of thought | 164 | |
49137292 | dank | unpleasantly damn or wet | 165 | |
49137293 | beatitude | a state of perfect happiness or blessedness | 166 | |
49137294 | ecumenical | world-wide or unversal in influecne | 167 | |
49137295 | bete noire | someone or something that especially dislikes, dreads or avoids | 168 | |
49137296 | gargantuan | immense size, vlume or capacity | 169 | |
49137297 | truckle | yo yield or submit tamely or submissively | 170 | |
49137298 | heyday | the period of gratest power, vigor, success or influence; prime years | 171 | |
49137299 | propitiate | to make someone or something favorably inclinde towards oneself | 172 | |
49137300 | incubus | a demon or evil spirit supposed to haunt human beigns in their bedrroms at night | 173 | |
49137301 | lagnaippe | an extra or uneexpected gift or gratuity | 174 | |
49137302 | sycophant | soemone who attemts to win favors or advance himself by flatter or servile behavior | 175 | |
49137303 | protege | someone whose welfare, training and carrer is under the patronage of an influenctial person | 176 | |
49137304 | kudos | the acclaim perstiege or renown which comes as the result of some action or achevement | 177 | |
49137305 | prototype | the original parten or model; a primitive or ancestral form | 178 | |
49137306 | inveigle | to entice, lure or snare by flattery or artful inducements | 179 | |
49142101 | engender | to bring into existence; to produce | 180 | |
49142102 | gullible | easily decieved or duped | 181 | |
49142103 | acumen | keeness of insightl quickness or accuracy of judgement | 182 | |
49142104 | dissimilate | to hide of disguise one's true thoughts , feelings or intentions | 183 | |
49142105 | chronic | continued for a long time, persisting, often with increasing severity | 184 | |
49142106 | emperical | derived from, dependent upon, or guided by practical experience, rather than by theory | 185 | |
49142107 | apocryphal | of doubtful or questionable authenticty; fake | 186 | |
49142108 | disparity | difference or inequality in age, rank ,amount; dissimilarity | 187 | |
49142109 | flamboyant | hightly elaborate or ornate; vividly colored | 188 | |
49142110 | compendium | a brief summary | 189 | |
49142111 | sublimate | to redirect energy into a higher, more acceptable channel | 190 | |
49142112 | mot juste | the most suitable or exact word or expression | 191 | |
49142113 | traduce | to slander someone by means of flase and malicious accussations | 192 | |
49142114 | immolate | to kill as a sacrafice | 193 | |
49142115 | prolix | long winded and wordy | 194 | |
49142116 | nihilism | total rejection of existing laws; extreme radicalism | 195 | |
49142117 | liaison | contact or means of communication maintained between units; close relationship | 196 | |
49142118 | monolithic | characterized by massiveness, solidness and total uniformity | 197 | |
49142119 | sic | thus, so | 198 | |
49142120 | patrician | a member of the ruling class; noble | 199 | |
49142121 | adjucdicate | to act as judge in a matterl to sttle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal | 200 | |
49142122 | anachronism | a chronological misplacing of events, object or customs | 201 | |
49142123 | fulsome | offensively insencire or excessive; disgusting | 202 | |
49142124 | imperceptible | extremely slight, incapeable of being percieved by the senses or mind | 203 | |
49142125 | lackey | a uniformed make servant; servile follower | 204 | |
49142126 | propitiate | to make someone or something favorably incline towards oneself; to conciliate, stisfy or apease | 205 |
AP Lang Midterm vocab Flashcards
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