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AP Lang Midterm vocab Flashcards

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49091942decolletelow-necked, as a gown or dress0
49091943Supinelying flat on one's back, face upward; lisless or lethargic; apathetic1
49091944fait accomplian irreversible accomplishment2
49091945hierarchyany system od things or people arranged or graded one aboce another in order of rank, wealth or classes3
49091946quasi-resembling, but not actually beingl seemingly but not actually or completelyl partly4
49091947morasspatch of low, soft, wet ground, swamp5
49091948adjunctsomething added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential6
49091949raillerygood humored ridecule; teasing7
49091950poltroonan unqualified coward8
49091951chimericalabsurd; wildly fanatic; impossible9
49091952miragesomething withour substance; an illusion10
49091953ribaldirreverently mocking, offensive; vulgar11
49091954bellwethera male sheep which leads the flock to the slaugtherhouse; a leader12
49091955proselytea convert; a discipline13
49091956noisomeoffensive or disgusting, soul-smelling14
49091957liturgya form of public worship or ritual15
49091958obliviousforgetful, unaware16
49091959effetelacking in wholesome vigor or energy; worn our or exhausted; sterile17
49091960hideboundnarrou-minded and rigid, especially in opinions or prejudices18
49091961vignettea decorative desrign on the title page of a book or at the biggining or end chapter; a shoprt verbal description or sketch19
49091962sanguinehaving a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful outlook20
49091963riparianof or apearingto the banks of a river or the shores of a lake21
49091964purviewthe range, extent or scope of something22
49091965fulsomedisgusting or offensive because excessive or insincere23
49091966solecismsubstandaard or ungrammatical usage24
49091967verisimilitudethe quality of appearing to be true, real, likely ot probable25
49091968microcosma miniature world or universe26
49091969aegisprotection, pratonage, sponsorship27
49091970eleemosynuarycharitable, dependent upon or supported by charity28
49091971claquea group of people hierd to applaud a performer or performance29
49091972symptopmaticindicaticel typical or characteristic30
49091973indemnifyto insure against loss or damagel to comensate for whateve has een lost or damaged31
49091974bibulousfond of, perhaps addicted to drinking32
49091975indigenousoriginating in the ocuntry or region where found; native33
49091976appriseto infrom of, to make awate of by giving oral or written notice34
49091977obtrudeto push our or thrust forward35
49091978obfuscateto darken or obscurel to confuse or bewilder36
49091979deracinateto pull up by theroostl to uproot or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of37
49091980polarizeto cause to conetrate upon two conflicting or contrasting points38
49091981logomachyan argument about words39
49091982evanescentpassing away with time40
49091983ribaldconnect with laughtedl able or inclined to laugh41
49091984derring-dovalor or heroism, daring deeds or exploits42
49091985affinitya natural attraction to a person, thing or activity43
49091986corollarya proposition that follows from one already proven44
49091987bibulouspeevish or irritable, sickeningly unpleasant45
49091988hoi polloithe common poeplel the masses46
49091989folderolfoolish talk; non-sense47
49091990cognatecolsely related in region, esential nature or function48
49091991elixira substance once thought capeable of changing base metals into gold; a cure-all49
49091992cul-de-saca blind alley or dead end50
49091993divinationthe act or art of predicting the future51
49091994obloquyoublic abuse indicating strong disaproval or censure52
49091995paternalismthe policy or practice of treating or govering indviduals, businesses or nations in a maner of a father or mother dealing with kids53
49091996volte-facean about face; a complte reversal54
49091997ineffablenot expressible in words;too great or too scared to be uttered55
49091998mnemonica device intended to air the memory such as an acronym56
49091999lucubrationlaborious study or thought, espectially at night57
49092000parametera mathematical factor that shapes or limits the total outcome58
49092001tautologyneedless repetition of an idea by using different but equivalent words; redundancy59
49092002tendentiouscharacteized by a definite purpose, usually the advancement of a particular point60
49092003jenjunelacking in nutritive value; lacking in knowledge or experience61
49092004emolumentprofit derived from an office or postion or from employment; fee or salary62
49092005foraya quick raid63
49092006aficionadoan enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan64
49092007sacrosanctvery sacred or holy65
49092008obsequiesfuneral rights or ceremonies66
49092009homilya sermon stressing moral discipline67
49092010genrea type, class or variety.68
49092011phillipica bitter verbal attack69
49092012matrixa mold the sorrounding situationin which something develops, eveolves, or exists70
49092013ombudsmanan official who investigaes complaints made by private citizens against goveremnt agenciesl a mediator71
49092014malapropismhumorous or ridiculous confusion of similar sounding words72
49092015vicissitudea change variation or alterationl successive or changing phrases; human afairs of forture73
49092016immureto ecnlose or confine within walls; to imprison74
49092017prurienthacing lustful desire ir interestl teding to arouse sexual desire75
49092018insouciantblithely indifferent or uncondered; carefree76
49092019commensurateequal in size extent, duration, or importance77
49092020disaphanousvery sheer and light; almost completely transparent78
49092021blazonto adorn or embelish79
49092022cozento trick, to cheat80
49092023macrocosmthe universe consdered as a wholel the entire of something81
49092024ancillarysubordiante or supplementary82
49092025intersticea small narryow space between things or parts of things83
49092026bowdlerizeto remove material considered offensive84
49092027modulea standard unit of measurementl a self contained unit or part85
49092028enclavean eclosed district, region or area inhhabited by a paticular group86
49092029fortea person's strong point; what a person does best87
49092030condescendto come down or stoop voluntarily to a lower level88
49092031hereticaldeparting from established or accepted doctrines, opinions or standards89
49092032rapacityinordinate greed; the dospostion to obtain one's desires by force90
49092033virtuosea brilliant performerl a person with masterly skill or technique91
49092034mountebanktrickster, jokester charlatan92
49092035paeana song of praise jow or triumph93
49092036therapeutichaving the power to heal or cure, generally beneficial94
49092037pragmaticconcereed with practical consideration or values95
49092038plethoraoverfullness, superabundance of96
49092039persiflagelighthearted, joking talk or writting97
49092040schisma formal split within a church or religious groupl division or separation98
49092041quizzicalpuzzled, mocking; odd99
49103778internecinemutually destructive; characterized by ggreat slughter or bloodshed100
49103779traumaticso shocking to the emoticons as to couse lasting and substancia; psychologic damage101
49103780touchstonea means of testing worth or genuinee102
49103781perscienceknowledge of events or actions before they happen103
49103782gagglea flock of geese; a group104
49103783abortivefailing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose105
49103784dictuma short saying106
49103785quid pro quosomething given in ezchage or return for something else; colateral107
49103786maladroitlacking still or dexterity108
49103787maudlinexcessively or effusively sentimental109
49103788enconceto settle comfortable and firmly in positionl to put or hide in a safe place110
49103789vitiateto weaken, debase, or corruptl to impair the quality or value of111
49103790saturnaliancharacterized by ritous or unrestrained revelry or licentiouesness112
49103791portentiouswarning of evil to come, as by a sign or omen; causing wonder or awe113
49103792salubriousconducive or favorable to health or well-beign; wholesome114
49103793waggishfond of making jokes, characteristics of a joker115
49103794iconoclasticattacking or seeking to overthrow popula or traditional beliefs116
49103795contumeliousinsolent or rude in behavior117
49103796modulateto regulate, adjust or "tone down" the intensity of sound; grauadly soften118
49103797bruitto spread reports, news or unsubstained rumors119
49103798ambivalenthaving opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something120
49103799fastidiousoverly demanding or hard to please121
49103800carte blanchefull freedom or authority to act at one's own discretion122
49103801philistinelacking in, hostile to, or smigly indifferent to cultural and artistic values123
49103802savoir fairethe ability to say and do the right thing in any situation124
49103803bumtiousoffensively forward or self assertive125
49103804gambolto jump or skip about playfully126
49103805eclatdazzling or conspicous success or acclaim; grat brilliance(usually a performacne or act)127
49103806debauchto lead away from virtue or excellence; to corrupt or debase128
49103807cataclysma suydden, violent, or devastating upheval129
49103808optto make a choice or decision130
49103809abeyancestate of being temprarily inactice,suspended, not acted upon131
49103810imbueto soak or stain throughlyl to fill in the mind132
49103811picaresqueinvolvingor characteistic of clever rouges or adventures133
49103812malleablecapable of being formed into different shapes without breaking134
49103813queasynauseated or uneasy; causiong nusea135
49103814refractorystubornl hard or difficult to manage136
49103815lampoona malicious statire; to attack by means of such a satire137
49103816inchoatejust biggining; not fully shaped or formedl not organized138
49103817nemesisthe agen or force inflicting vegenace or punishmentl unbeatable nemy or opponent139
49137267de factoactually existing or in effect140
49137268ad hocfor this spicific purpose141
49137269aberrationa departure from what is proper, right, expected or normal142
49137270harbingerforreunner. a herald143
49137271peccadilloa minor sin or offense; a tifling fault or shortcoming144
49137272lacklusterlacking brilliance or vitality; dull145
49137273panderto cater to or proide satisdaction for the low taste146
49137274bathosthe intrustion of commonplace or trite material into a context whose tone is lofty or elevated147
49137275equateto treat or regard as equal or equivalent; to reduce to a standard or average148
49137276syndromea group of symptoms or signs that collecticely characterize or indicate a disease149
49137277remandto send or order back150
49137278hedonismbelief that the attainemnt of please is life's chief aim151
49137279constrainco compel by force; restrain freedom or mobility152
49137280mellifluousflowing sweetly or smoothly153
49137281banethe soruce or cause of fatal injury, death, destruction or ruin154
49137282casuistrydeterminationof right and wrong in questions of conduct or matters of conscience by the applications of ethical principles155
49137283depredationthe act of preying upon or plunderinrg156
49137284piece de resistanceprinciple dish or meal; principle of even; center piece157
49137285nepotismundue favortism to one's relative or close personal friends158
49137286malcontentdisconteted with or in open defiance of159
49137287fevidburning with enthusiasm or zeal; extremely heated160
49137288fetidhaving an unpleasant odor161
49137289abraiziveany material used for grinding or polishing162
49137290caterwaulhowl or wail, like a cat163
49137291digressto wander away from the main subject or train of thought164
49137292dankunpleasantly damn or wet165
49137293beatitudea state of perfect happiness or blessedness166
49137294ecumenicalworld-wide or unversal in influecne167
49137295bete noiresomeone or something that especially dislikes, dreads or avoids168
49137296gargantuanimmense size, vlume or capacity169
49137297truckleyo yield or submit tamely or submissively170
49137298heydaythe period of gratest power, vigor, success or influence; prime years171
49137299propitiateto make someone or something favorably inclinde towards oneself172
49137300incubusa demon or evil spirit supposed to haunt human beigns in their bedrroms at night173
49137301lagnaippean extra or uneexpected gift or gratuity174
49137302sycophantsoemone who attemts to win favors or advance himself by flatter or servile behavior175
49137303protegesomeone whose welfare, training and carrer is under the patronage of an influenctial person176
49137304kudosthe acclaim perstiege or renown which comes as the result of some action or achevement177
49137305prototypethe original parten or model; a primitive or ancestral form178
49137306inveigleto entice, lure or snare by flattery or artful inducements179
49142101engenderto bring into existence; to produce180
49142102gullibleeasily decieved or duped181
49142103acumenkeeness of insightl quickness or accuracy of judgement182
49142104dissimilateto hide of disguise one's true thoughts , feelings or intentions183
49142105chroniccontinued for a long time, persisting, often with increasing severity184
49142106empericalderived from, dependent upon, or guided by practical experience, rather than by theory185
49142107apocryphalof doubtful or questionable authenticty; fake186
49142108disparitydifference or inequality in age, rank ,amount; dissimilarity187
49142109flamboyanthightly elaborate or ornate; vividly colored188
49142110compendiuma brief summary189
49142111sublimateto redirect energy into a higher, more acceptable channel190
49142112mot justethe most suitable or exact word or expression191
49142113traduceto slander someone by means of flase and malicious accussations192
49142114immolateto kill as a sacrafice193
49142115prolixlong winded and wordy194
49142116nihilismtotal rejection of existing laws; extreme radicalism195
49142117liaisoncontact or means of communication maintained between units; close relationship196
49142118monolithiccharacterized by massiveness, solidness and total uniformity197
49142119sicthus, so198
49142120patriciana member of the ruling class; noble199
49142121adjucdicateto act as judge in a matterl to sttle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal200
49142122anachronisma chronological misplacing of events, object or customs201
49142123fulsomeoffensively insencire or excessive; disgusting202
49142124imperceptibleextremely slight, incapeable of being percieved by the senses or mind203
49142125lackeya uniformed make servant; servile follower204
49142126propitiateto make someone or something favorably incline towards oneself; to conciliate, stisfy or apease205

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