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Bolton Eng 4 AP Vocab 13-14

Bolton vocab 131-150

Terms : Hide Images
45559001eulogya speech praising another; tribute; great praise
45559002exaltto glorify; praise; honor; to raise in rank, character, or status; elevate
45559003exhortto urge or incite by strong argument, advice, or appeal
45559004expatiateto speak or write at length; elaborate
45559005garruloushabitually talkative, especially excessively so
45559006gistthe central idea of a matter; essence
45559007histrionicexcessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of or pertaining to actors or acting
45559008laconicusing or marked by the use of few words; terse
45559009peremptorynot allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative; having the nature of expressing a command; urgent; putting an end to all debate or action
45559010polemica controversy or argument, especially one that is a refutation of or an attack upon the opinions or doctrines of another (adj) of or pertaining to a controversy, argument, or refutation
45559011consecrateto declare or set apart as holy or sacred; to dedicate to a worthy goal or service; to confirm officially by religious or civil ceremonies
45559012credoa system of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles; creed; a formal statement of religious belief
45559013desecrateto violate or abuse the sacredness of; profane; to treat irreverently or contemptuously, thereby arousing outrage in others
45559014laudabledeserving prasie; commendable
45559015pioushaving or exhibiting reverence and earnest compliance in the observance of religion; devout; professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality; high-minded; marked by false devoutness; solemnly hypocritical
45559016sacrilegiousdisrespectful or irreverent toward something sacred
45559017sanctimonypretended devoutness or righteousness; a hypocritical show of holiness
45559018sanctitythe quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability
45559019supplicateto make a humble entreaty to; beseech; to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying; to make a humble and earnest petition; beg
45559020venerateto regard with respect, reverence, or deference

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