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Chap. 27 Vocab Flashcards

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328647623Industrializationthe development of industry on an extensive scale0
328647624Dual AlliancePact between Germany and Austria, each promising to come to the other's aid if attacked by Russia and to minimally remain neutral if the other was attacked by another country1
328647625Theodore Roosevelt26th President of the United States2
328647626Russo- Japanese WarRussia and Japan were fighting over Korea, Manchuria, etc. Began in 1904, but neither side could gain a clear advantage and win. Both sent reps to Portsmouth, NH where TR mediated Treaty of New Hampshire in 1905. TR won the nobel peace prize for his efforts, the 1st pres. to do so.3
328647627Three Emperors LeagueThe 1873 alliance between Germany, Austria, and Russia.4
328647628Serfsa person who lived on and farmed a lords land in feudal times5
328647629Tsar Alexander Ihe mediated the peace between Britain and the US in the War of 18126
328647630British Empireformerly the United Kingdom and all the territories under its control7
328647631DumaRussian national legislature8
328647632October ManifestoIssued in Russia because of fear of a general strike. Granted full civil rights and a popular parliament- Duma.9
328647633PotemkinNaval ship in Black Sea participated in the uprising of 190510
328647634Cossacksfree groups and outlaw armies of peasants who fled the tzar and service nobility11
328647635Treaty of Portsmouth1905 treaty between Russia and Japan ending the Russo-Japanese War12
328647636Economyan act of economizing13
328647637Hierarchythe organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body14
328647638Nicholas IIthe last czar of Russia who was forced to abdicate in 1917 by the Russian Revolution15
328647639Hemophiliacongenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding16
328647640Tsara male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)17
328647641First Moroccan CrisisGermany tries to stop France from getting Morroco (Brinksmanship), turns all the other countries against it18
328647642Franco Russian Allianceearly 1894- was to remain in effect as long as the Triple Alliance existed- result=continental Europe was divided into two rival alliances19

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