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Chapter 27 Flashcards

World Civillizations Chapter 27 Vocabulary by Daniel Adeyinka

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328381724terakoyaCommoner schools founded during the Tokugawa shogunate that taught0
328381725Holy AllianceAlliance among Russia Prussia, and Austria in defense of religion and the established order; formed at Congress of Vienna by most conservative monarchies of Europe.1
328381726zaibatsupowerful banking and industrial families in Japan2
328381727yellow perilperceived threat from Japanese imperialism.3
328381728BolsheviksLed by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party that took over the Russian goverment during WWI4
328381729Triple EnteteIn 1902 Britain, Russia, and France formed an Alliance called the Triple Entete to counter the Triple Alliance5
328381730October ManifestoIssued in Russia because of fear of a general strike. Granted full civil rights and a popular parliament- Duma.6
328381731kulaksThe wealthy peasants who were starved or shipped to the gulags7
328381732anarchistspeople who believe there should be no government8
328381733intelligentsiaan educated and intellectual elite in Russia9
328381734DietJapanese parliament established as part of the new constitution of 1889; part of Meiji reforms; could pass laws and approve budgets; able to advise government, but not to control it.10
328381735DumaRussian Parliament11
328381736tsar (czar)autocratic emperor of Russia12
328381737Trans SIberian RailroadConstructed in 1870s to connect European Russia with the Pacific; completed by the end of the 1880s; brought Russia into a more active Asian role.13
328381738russian rublecurrency of Russia14
328381739Anglo Russian Convention1907-- French had to reconsile Britian and Russia. Eventually resulted in Triple Entente15
328381740hemophiliacongenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding that the czar had16
328381741Sino Japanese WarA war between China and Japan for influence, power, and territory17
328381742Triple AllianceAlliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry18
328381743Entete Cordial...19

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