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AP English 100 Word Test

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300773823apotheosisexaltation to divine rank or stature; deification
300773824manumissionfreedom from slavery; emancipation
300773825adamantinehaving the hardness of a diamond
300773826dyspepticdisplaying a morose gloomy disposition
300773827tumescentbecoming swollen
300773828vertiginoustending to produce vertigo or dizziness
300773829ectomorphichaving a lean slightly muscular body type
300773831inchoateimperfectly formed or developed
300773832salutaryfavorable to health; wholesome
300773833assignationan appointment for a meeting between lovers; a tryst
300773834excoriateto denounce; to censure strongly
300773835turbidin a state of turmoil
300773836venalitysusceptibility to bribery or corruption
300773838raconteura skillful storyteller
300773839palaveridle chatter
300773840cadgeto beg or get by begging
300773841perfidyviolation of trust; treachery
300773842ignominiousmarked by shame or disgrace
300773843fulminateto issue a thunderous verbal attack
300773844dolorousexhibiting sorrow or grief
300773845panderto cater to the lowest tastes and desires of others
300773846fetidhaving and offensive odor
300773847calumnythe utterance of malicious falsehoods; slander
300773848cronean ugly withered old woman; a hag
300773849balefulharmful or malignant in intent or effect
300773851ameliorateto make or become better; improve
300773852pulchritudephysical beauty
300773853ineffableincapable of being expressed
300773854avuncularsimilar to an uncle (in benevolence or kindness)
300773856bandyto toss or throw back and forth
300773857bilioushaving a peevish disposition
300773858despoilto sack or plunder
300773859colossalof a size that elicits awe or disbelief; immense
300773860porcineof or resembling a pig
300773861insipidlacking excitement or interest; dull
300773862temporizeto act evasively to gain time or delay a decision
300773863dolefullyin a mournful manner
300773864imminentabout to occur; impending
300773865sanguinecheerfully confident; optimistic
300773866patrimonyan inheritance from a father or another ancestor
300773867apocalypticinvolving or portending doom or vast devastation
300773868fervorgreat intensity of emotion; passion
300773869legerdemainsleight of hand
300773870lucideasily understood; intelligible
300773871malaisea general sense of depression or unease
300773872abscondto leave quickly and secretly
300773873insuperableimpossible to overcome; insurmountable
300773874diasporaa dispersion of and originally homogenous people
300773875fecundproductive of offspring or vegetation; fruitful
300773876languidlyin a weak or unenergetic manner
300773877acerbicsour or bitter in tone
300773878addledmuddled; confused
300773879fortitudestrength of mind; courage
300773880egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive
300773881plintha slab on which a pedestal or statues is placed
300773882glibreadily fluent often superficially so
300773883portendto indicate in advance; to foreshadow
300773884machinationscrafty schemes, plots, or intrigues
300773885credulouswilling to believe or trust to readily
300773886wontcustom; habit
300773887foppishaffecting extreme elegance in taste or manner
300773888retinuea group following and attending on an important person
300773889epicurea person with fine taste especially in food or wine
300773890dotagea decline of mental faculties in old age; senility
300773891auspiciouspromising success; favorable
300773892veritythe state or quality of being true
300773893pilferto steal
300773894bedlama scene or state of wild uproar or confusion
300773895abjureto recant solemnly; renounce or repudiate
300773896enmitya feeling of hostility or hatred; animosity
300773897amityfriendship; peaceful harmony
300773898engenderto produce, cause, or give rise to
300773899caitiffa base, despicable person
300773900quagmirea difficult or precarious situation; predicament
300773901judicioususing good judgement; discreet or prudent
300773902injunctiona command, directive, or order
300773903importuneto demand with urgency or persistence
300773904yeomanan attendant or servant
300773905sapienthaving great wisdom or judgement
300773906bourna small stream or brook
300773907benedictiona blessing; good words
300773908reposethe state of being at rest or the act of resting
300773909gossamercharacterized by unusual lightness or delicacy
300773910curan inferior dog; a mongrel
300773911impertinentintrusive or presumptuous; insolently rude
300773912benisona blessing
300773913arrayand orderly arrangement
300773914mustystale or moldy in odor or taste
300773915illustrioushighly distinguished; renowned
300773916bootlesswithout gain or advantage; useless
300773917edificea building, especially one of large size or imposing appearance
300773918augurto predict or foretell
300773919scourgea source of widespread devastation; a whip
300773920meagerdeficient in quantity; scanty
300773921eruditecharacterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly

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