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AP World History Chapter 21-22 Flashcards

Chapter 21-22 Vocab Review Sheet

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319308714Asian sea trading networkPrior to intervention of Europeans, consisted of three zones; Arab zone based on glass, carpets, and tapestries; India based on cotton textiles; China based on paper, porcelain, and silks0
319308715Francis XavierSpanish Jesuit missionary; worked in India in 1540s among the outcaste and lower caste groups; made little headway among elites1
319308716Matteo Ricci and Adam SchallJesuit scholar in court of Ming emperors; skilled scientist; won few converts to Christianity2
319308717Toyotomi HideyoshiGeneral under Nobunaga; succeeded as leading military power in central Japan ; continued efforts to break power of daimyos; constructed a series of alliances that made him military master of Japan in 1590; died in 15983
319308718Tokugawa IeyasuVassal of Hideyoshi; succeeded him as most powerful military figure in Japan; granted title of shogun in 1603 and established Tokugawa Shogunate; established political unity in Japan4
319308719School of National LearningNew ideology that laid emphasis on Japan's unique historical experience and the revival; of indigenous culture at the expense of Chinese imports such as Confucianism; typical of Japan in 18th century5
319308720DeshimaIsland in Nagaski Bay; only port open to non-Japanese after closure of the islands in the 1640s; only Chinese and Dutch ships were permitted to enter6
319308721Robert di Nobili(1577-1656) Italian Jesuit missionary; worked in India during the early 1600s; introduced strategy to convert elites first; strategy later widely adopted by Jesuits in various parts of Asia; mission eventually failed7
319308722HongwuFirst Ming emperor in 1368; originally of peasant lineage; original name Zbu Yuangzhang; drove out Mongol influence; restored position of scholar gentry8
319308723The Water Margin, Monkey, and The Golden LotusMing novels recognized as classics in their own time and continue to set the standard for Chinese prose literature today9
319308724LuzonNorthern island of Philippines; conquered by Spain during the 1560s; site of major Catholic missionary effort10
319308725MindanaoSouthern island of Philippines; a Muslim kingdom that was able to successfully resist Spanish conquest11
319308726OttomansTurkic people who advanced from strongholds in Asia Minor during 1350s; conquered large part of Balkans; unified under Mehmed I; captured Constantinople in 1453; established empire from Balkkans that included most of the Arab world12
319308727Mehmed II(1432-1481) Ottoman sultan called the "Conqueror"; responsible for conquest of Constantinople in 1453; destroyed what remained of Byzantine Empire13
319308728JanissariesOttoman infantry divisions that dominated Ottoman armies; forcibly conscripted as boys in conquered areas of Balkans, legally slaves; translated military service into political influence; particularly after 15th century14
319308729VizierOttoman equivalent of the Abbasid wazir; head of the Ottoman bureaucracy; after 5th century often more powerful than sultan15
319308730Safavid dynastyOriginally a Turkic nomadic group family originated in Sufi mystic groups; espoused Shi'ism; conquered territory and established kingdom in region equivalent to modern Iran; lasted until 172216
319308731Abbas I, the GreatSafavid ruler from 1587-1629; extended Safavid domain to greatest extent; created slave regiments based on captured Russians, who monopolized firearms within Safavid armies; incorporated Western military technology17
319308732Mughal dynastyEstablished by Babur in India in 1526; the name is taken from the supposed Mongol descent of Babur, but there is little indication of any Mongol influence in the dynasty; became weak after rule of Aurangzeb in first decades of 18th century18
319308733Ismâ'ilSufi commander who conquered city of Tabriz in 1501; first Safavid to be proclaimed shah or emperor19
319308734BaburFounder of Mughal dynasty in India; descended from Turkic warriors; first led invasion of India in 1526; died in 153020
319308735Akbar(1542-1605) Son and successor of Humayn; oversaw building of military and administrative systems that became typical of Mughal rule in India; pursued policy of cooperation with Hindu princes; attempted to create new religion to bind Muslim and Hindu populations of India.21
319308736Din-i-IlahiReligion initiated by Akbar in Mughal India; blended elements of the many faiths of the subcontinent; key to efforts to reconcile Hindus and Muslims in India, but failed22
319308737SatiRitual in India of immolating surviving widows with the bodies of their deceased husbands23
319308738SikhsSect in northwest India; early leader tried to budge difference between Hindu and Muslim, but Mughal persecution led to anti-Muslim feeling24

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