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Pre-AP English II vocab Flashcards

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289108444AgrarianRelating to farmers or their way of life0
289108445AgronomistOne who deals with field crop production and soil management1
289108446ArableSuitable for cultivation2
289108447CataclysmA sudden violent geological change or upheaval3
289108448ConservationThe act of protecting from harm or waste; the preservation of natural resources4
289108449ConvergeTo move together; to meet at the same point5
289108450EcologistOne who studies organisms and their environments6
289108451ErodeTo gradually wear away by natural means7
289108452FloeA flat sheat of ice floating over a body of water8
289108453GradationThe act of bringing land to a uniform level9
289108454HerbivorousEating on plants10
289108455HorticultureThe science of growing plants11
289108456HusbandryThe management of livestock and crops12
289108457IgneousFormed by solidifying of volcanic magma13
289108458MammalA vertebrate war blooded hairy animal with milk producing glands to nourish its young14
289108459MarsupialAnd order of animal most of which carry and suckle their young in exterior pouches15
289108460PaddockA fenced enclosure used mainly for grazing animals16
289108461SedimentMaterial that settles to the bottom of liquids or is deposited by wind or rain17
289108462TundraThe treeless plain of arctic and subarctic areas with permanently frozen sibssoil18
289108463YeomanA small , independent farmer; an industrious , dependable worker19
300827222AffiliateTo associate as a member; to connect or associate oneself20
300827223AgendaA list of items to address during a meeting21
300827224CanvasTo conduct a public opinion poll; to ask for support22
300827225CohortA group united by a common activity23
300827226CollectiveA group or cooperative organization24
300827227ConclaveA meeting conducted in private25
300827228ConsensusAn agreement of an opinion or belief26
300827229ConveneTo assemble as an official group or meeting27
300827230CoterieA small, often exclusive, circle of people unified by common interests28
300827231Daisa platform in a meeting room for speakers or guests29
300827232DelegationOne or more persons appointed to represent others30
300827233FactionA dissenting group of people within a larger group31
300827234LaityThe people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy32
300827235LecternA supporting stand for books or notes for a speaker33
300827236LiaisonA means of communication between groups34
300827237OfficiateTo perform official duties, as in a ceremony; to lead a group35
300827238QuorumThe minimum number of persons needed to officially conduct a group's business36
300827239RosterList of names37
300827240TributeAn acknowledgment of respect38
300827241ValedictoryA farewell speech or address39
309410073AbductTo take someone by force; to kidnap40
309410074AnachronismSomething outdated; something out of its own time41
309410075ArchivesWritten records stored in an organized manner42
309410076ArtifactsHuman-made products of historical or archeological interest43
309410077EffigyA crude figure of a despised person44
309410078EmancipationAct of freeing from slavery or oppression45
309410079FortuitousBy chance or accident46
309410080HereticOne who deviates from an accepted belief or doctrine47
309410081HordeA large group or mass; a tribe of nomads48
309410082IntelligentsiaThe educated elite or intellectuals of society49
309410083LegacyA gift by will of money or other personal property50
309410084PanoplyA full suit of armor51
309410085ProletarianOf the working class52
309410086PurgeA removal of elements or members regarded as undesirable53
309410087RegalRoyal; of kings54
309410088RepercussionAn unforeseen effect or result of an act, action or event55
309410089SagaA long, detailed account56
309410090ScapegoatOne who bears the blame for others57
309410091TheocracyGovernment by divine guidance or by leaders who are regarded as divinely guided58
309410092TitheTo give ten percent of one's income to the church59
322951822AutomatonA robot; an individual who acts in a mechanical fashion.60
322951823CharlatanSomeone who pretends to have skills or abilities61
322951824CurmudgeonA harsh, unpredictable, and ill-tempered person62
322951825CynicA person who distrusts the sincerity of others63
322951826DemagogueA leader who appeals to emotions and prejudices, not reason64
322951827GourmandSomeone who eats and drinks excessively65
322951828IlliterateA person who cannot read or write66
322951829IngrateSomeone who is ungrateful67
322951830KleptomaniacA person obsessed with stealing who may lack the financial need to steal68
322951831NeophyteA beginner69
322951832PatriarchThe oldest male member of a family or group70
322951833ParasiteA person who lives at the expense of another71
322951834PauperA poor person72
322951835PyromaniacA person with an irresistible impulse to start fires73
322951836RagamuffinA poorly-clothed and dirty child74
322951837RenegadeA person who rejects laws or conventional behavior; an outlaw75
322951838UrchinA mischievous child76
322951839ValetA person who takes care of another's clothes or personal needs77
322951840WaifA homeless child78
322951841ZealotA person filled with fanatical devotion79
336270866AssertTo declare or express forcefully80
336270867BeguileTo fool or trick; to divert attention away from81
336270868CondoneTo pardon or overlook without criticism82
336270869ConniveTo scheme in a hidden manner; to conspire83
336270871DidacticDesigned to teach85
336270872FlippantA saucy, impudent lack or seriousness86
336270873InfallibleIncapable of mistakes or errors87
336270874IngenuousStraightforward; honest and sincere88
336270875InhibitionAn acto of holding back an urge; control in doing something89
336270876ObfuscateTo make unclear; to obscure90
336270877ObsequiousOverly willing to please91
336270879PretenseAn act of make-believe or deception93
336270880QuerulousHabitually complaining94
336270881RestraintThe act of maintaing control or holding back95
336270882RuthlessMerciless; without compassion96
336270883TaciturnSilent; a preference for avoiding a speach97
336270884DissuadeTo convince to do something98
336270885VociferousCalling out loudly99
355481475AmenableOpen; flexible; willing to yield or cooperate100
355481476BellicoseWarlike; inclined to start quarrels or fights101
355481477CantankerousI'll tempered; difficult to deal with102
355481478CapriciousSubject to whim; springing from unclear, unpredictable motives103
355481479CompassionateSympathetic; able to share another's feelings104
355481480ConscientiousPaying close attention to detail; thorough105
355481481CrotchetySubject to irritable whim or crankiness106
355481482CynicalScornful or distrustful of goodness in anything or anyone107
355481483DiscreetShowing good judgement and thoughtful reserve to conduct and speech108
355481484DynamicFull of energy; forceful109
355481485FoolhardyFoolishly adventurous with little or no regard to good sense110
355481486FractiousQuarrelsome; having a fighting attitude111
355481487GullibleEasily fooled or deceived112
355481488MeticulousExtremely orderly, careful, and precise concerning details113
355481489NaiveInnocent; lacking worldly wisdom114
355481490PersonableHaving a nature that pleases others115
355481491PretentiousHaving to do with an unjustified appearance of importance116
355481492PrudentCautiously wise; having good judgement117
355481493VersatileFlexible; able to do a variety of things118
355481494WaywardWillful; uncontrollable; unpredictable119

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